
145 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

Created by Gil Pedersen on Wed April 21 2004.
Copyright (c) 2004 Gil Pedersen.
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
* additional informations. *
* *
#import "PluginWindow.h"
@implementation NetSfPeopsOpenGLGPUPluginWindow
NSWindow* myParent;
NSPoint initialLocation;
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"emuWindowDidClose" object:self];
return YES;
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSEventType type = [theEvent type];
if (type == NSKeyDown || type == NSKeyUp) {
if (type == NSKeyDown && [theEvent keyCode] == 53 /* escape */) {
// reroute to menu event
[[NSApp mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:theEvent];
// ignore all key Events
[super sendEvent:theEvent];
- (void) windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notice
- (void) windowDidUpdate: (NSNotification*)notice
- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification
- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow
return YES;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*) menuItem
// SEL bleh = [menuItem action];
// NSLog(@"Validate: %@, action: %@", menuItem, NSStringFromSelector(bleh));
if ([menuItem action] == @selector(performClose:))
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) performClose: (id)sender
if ([self delegate]){
// NSLog(@"We have a delegate %@", [self delegate]);
if ([[self delegate] windowShouldClose:sender])
[super close];
else {
// hmm, just explode I guess
[super close];
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
// Get the mouse location in window coordinates.
initialLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
Once the user starts dragging the mouse, move the window with it. The window has no title bar for the user to drag (so we have to implement dragging ourselves)
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
if ([self level] == NSScreenSaverWindowLevel)
// we don't drag when in fullscreen
// note that it is only because a quirk in the ordering of events
// and the time that NSScreenSaverWindowLevel is set
// that we'll never be dragged while in the background
NSRect screenVisibleFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
NSRect windowFrame = [self frame];
NSPoint newOrigin = windowFrame.origin;
// Get the mouse location in window coordinates.
NSPoint currentLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
// Update the origin with the difference between the new mouse location and the old mouse location.
newOrigin.x += (currentLocation.x - initialLocation.x);
newOrigin.y += (currentLocation.y - initialLocation.y);
// Don't let window get dragged up under the menu bar
if ((newOrigin.y + windowFrame.size.height) > (screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + screenVisibleFrame.size.height)) {
newOrigin.y = screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + (screenVisibleFrame.size.height - windowFrame.size.height);
// Move the window to the new location
[self setFrameOrigin:newOrigin];