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# Kristall
A high-quality visual cross-platform gemini browser.
![Preview Image](
## Features
- Multi-protocol support
- [Gemini](
- [Finger](
- [Gopher](
- Document rendering
- `text/gemini`
- `text/html` (reduced feature set)
- `text/markdown`
- `text/*`
- `image/*`
- `video/*`
- `audio/*`
- TLS Management
- Supports client certificates
- Supports TOFU and CA TLS handling for both Gemini and HTTPS
- [Outline generation]( ([Video](
- Favourite Sites
- Navigation history
- Tabbed interface
- Survives [ConMans torture suite](gemini:// as well as the [Egsam Torture Suite](gemini://
- [Special link highlighting for different targets](
- Color Themes
- Custom document color theme
- [Automatic light/dark theme based on the host name](
- Dark/Light UI theme
- Crossplatform supports
- Linux
- Windows
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- OpenBSD
- macOS
- Haiku
## Screenshots
### Generates Outlines
![Outline Generation](
### Fully Customizable Site Theme
![Site Theme](
## Build/Install Instructions
**Note:** `master` branch is the latest development status (sometimes called "nightly") whereas the tagged versions are the stable releases.
If you want to build a stable experience, check out the latest version and build that!
See [](
## Credits
- Thanks to [James Tomasino]( for helping out with understanding gopher
- Thanks to [Vane Vander]( for providing the Haiku build instructions
- Thanks to James Tomasino, styan and tiwesdaeg for improving the `Makefile`
- Thanks to [Alex Naskos]( for providing windows build instructions
- Thanks to tiwesdaeg for improving the application icon
## Changelog
See [src/about/updates.gemini](src/about/updates.gemini)
## Roadmap
See [](
## License
Kristall is released under the GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version.
[See LICENSE as well](LICENSE)