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copyright : (C) 2003-2004 Bernhard Wymann
email : berniw@bluewin.ch
version : $Id$
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<h1>8.7 Put it All Together</h1>
In this section we put all components we have built together. We have to
instantiate the pit class, integrate the pit callback and to compute
the target point with taking into account the pit offset.
<h3>Changes in driver.h</h3>
We include pit.h and add a prototype of the pit class.
<p><pre class="lcolor">#include "pit.h"</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor">class Pit;</pre></p>
To remember our pit instance we need a variable. We also compute and remember the
current speed square, because we need it in several places.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> Pit *pit;
float currentspeedsqr;</pre></p>
<h3>Integration in driver.cpp</h3>
<h4>Creation and Destruction of the Pit Object</h4>
Add the release of our pit object into the destructor Driver::~Driver().
<p><pre class="lcolor"> delete pit;</pre></p>
Add the creation of the pit object into Driver::newRace(tCarElt* car, tSituation *s).
<p><pre class="lcolor"> /* create the pit object */
pit = new Pit(s, this);</pre></p>
<h4>Changes in Driver::drive(tSituation *s)</h4>
Swap the following two statements, because the initialization to
zero will overwrite the result of the pit update if it sets the pit race command.
Change in Driver::drive(tSituation *s)
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> update(s);
memset(&amp;car-&gt;ctrl, 0, sizeof(tCarCtrl));</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> memset(&amp;car-&gt;ctrl, 0, sizeof(tCarCtrl));
Change the brake value computation such that it takes into account the pit
brake filter. Change
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> car-&gt;ctrl.brakeCmd = filterABS(filterBColl(getBrake()));</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> car-&gt;ctrl.brakeCmd = filterABS(filterBColl(filterBPit(getBrake())));</pre></p>
<h4>The Pit Callback</h4>
Now we integrate the pit getRepair and getFuel methods into the pit callback. We
set pitstop to false. Now it should be finally clear how a pit stop works. Our
car stops in the pit and if it is slow and near enough to the pit middle and
we request a pit stop, TORCS calls this callback function (remember chapter 2
where you registered it). We tell TORCS our wishes and set pitstop to false.
TORCS holds our car captured during the repair and refueling time, so we can't
drive away. After TORCS releases our car the drive function is called as usual
and we leave the pit. Replace
<p><pre class="lbcolor">/* Set pitstop commands. */
int Driver::pitCommand(tSituation *s)
return ROB_PIT_IM; /* return immediately */
<p><pre class="lcolor">/* Set pitstop commands */
int Driver::pitCommand(tSituation *s)
car-&gt;_pitRepair = pit-&gt;getRepair();
car-&gt;_pitFuel = pit-&gt;getFuel();
return ROB_PIT_IM; /* return immediately */
<h4>Change the Target Point Computation</h4>
Now we have to modify the getTargetPoint method. That you know where to insert
the code the unchanged code is in grey.
<p><pre class="lbcolor">/* compute target point for steering */
v2d Driver::getTargetPoint()
tTrackSeg *seg = car-&gt;_trkPos.seg;
float lookahead = LOOKAHEAD_CONST + car-&gt;_speed_x*LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR;
float length = getDistToSegEnd();
float offset = getOvertakeOffset();</pre></p>
If we are on the pit trajectory we switch to another computation of the
lookahead value. If we are in the speed limit range we even take a shorter
lookahead value. You could implement this also with one good formula.
<p><pre class="lcolor">
if (pit-&gt;getInPit()) {
if (currentspeedsqr &gt; pit-&gt;getSpeedlimitSqr()) {
lookahead = PIT_LOOKAHEAD + car-&gt;_speed_x*LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR;
} else {
lookahead = PIT_LOOKAHEAD;
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> while (length &lt; lookahead) {
seg = seg-&gt;next;
length += seg-&gt;length;
length = lookahead - length + seg-&gt;length;</pre></p>
We have to pass the distance to the start line of the target point to
getPitOffset, so we compute that first. After that we call the computation of
the pit offset.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> float fromstart = seg-&gt;lgfromstart;
fromstart += length;
offset = pit-&gt;getPitOffset(offset, fromstart);</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> v2d s;
s.x = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].x + seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SR].x)/2.0;
s.y = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].y + seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SR].y)/2.0;</pre></p>
<h4>Change the Update</h4>
The second last thing left is to update currentspeedsqr and to call the pit
method. Put this code at the end of Driver::update(tSituation *s).
<p><pre class="lcolor"> currentspeedsqr = car-&gt;_speed_x*car-&gt;_speed_x;
<h4>Change the Track Filter</h4>
Finally we need to modify Driver::filterTrk(float accel) that it does allow
accelerator commands in the pits. Change
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> if (car-&gt;_speed_x &lt; MAX_UNSTUCK_SPEED) return accel;</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> if (car-&gt;_speed_x &lt; MAX_UNSTUCK_SPEED ||
pit-&gt;getInPit()) return accel;</pre></p>
<h3>Test Drive</h3>
Now everything should compile and work fine. To test the pit stops you can
insert the following line in the drive function to make the car stop on every lap.
If it works you can get now your cold juice out of the fridge... Cheers;-)
<p><pre class="lcolor"> pit-&gt;setPitstop(true);</pre></p>
<h3>Final Remarks</h3>
That finally was it, you got your TORCS driver license, congratulations.
I ask myself if
anybody will read till here, so in case you did, please let me know and tell
me your impressions. The reason for me to write this tutorial was to make it
easier for other people to build a robot and to understand the problem better.
I tried to separate the different functionality of the robot into filters
and classes, the goal was to keep them as independent as possible. In fact the
structure is much better than on my berniw robot, but I'm still not really
happy with it. Have fun and contribute to TORCS.<br/>
Bye, berniw.
In case you got lost, you can <a href="../download/bt87.tar.gz">download</a> my robot for TORCS 1.2.0 or later.
<a href="mailto:berni4you@gmx.ch">Let me know</a>
if you read this chapter and your thoughts about it. Please
<a href="mailto:berni4you@gmx.ch">send me</a>
also spelling, grammar, math and code corrections. Thank you for the feedback.
<ul style="list-style-type:disk; color:black;">
<li>You have understood a full featured robot and you are ready to improve it
or build your own from scratch.</li>
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