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<h1>7.4 Side Collision Avoidance</h1>
In this section we add collision avoidance for cars that drive aside of our car. The
following implementation will add an additional filter to the steer value. It doesn't
check if we leave the track.
<h3>Changes in driver.h</h3>
We declare the filter method prototype and the side margin. If the opponent is inside
this margin we will try to avoid a collision.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> float filterSColl(float steer);</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> static const float SIDECOLL_MARGIN;</pre></p>
<h3>Implementation in driver.cpp</h3>
At the beginning of the file we define the new constant.
<p><pre class="lcolor">const float Driver::SIDECOLL_MARGIN = 2.0; /* [m] */</pre></p>
In the Driver::drive() method we call the steer filter. Change the line
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> car-&gt;ctrl.steer = getSteer();</pre></p>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> car-&gt;ctrl.steer = filterSColl(getSteer());</pre></p>
The filterSColl method searches first for the nearest car aside of ours (approximately).
If there is
another car it checks if it is inside the SIDECOLL_MARGIN. If yes, it computes a new
steer value and returns it.
<p><pre class="lcolor">/* Steer filter for collision avoidance */
float Driver::filterSColl(float steer)
int i;
float sidedist = 0.0, fsidedist = 0.0, minsidedist = FLT_MAX;
Opponent *o = NULL;
/* get the index of the nearest car (o) */
for (i = 0; i &lt; opponents-&gt;getNOpponents(); i++) {
if (opponent[i].getState() & OPP_SIDE) {</pre></p>
Again we iterate through all cars and check those which have been marked with the
OPP_SIDE flag. We init minsidedist with a large value because we search for the
<p><pre class="lcolor"> sidedist = opponent[i].getSideDist();
fsidedist = fabs(sidedist);
if (fsidedist &lt; minsidedist) {
minsidedist = fsidedist;
o = &amp;opponent[i];
Here we check if the current opponent is the nearest one found so far. If that is the
case we store a pointer to it and update the minimal distance found (minsidedist).
<p><pre class="lcolor"> /* if there is another car handle the situation */
if (o != NULL) {
float d = fsidedist - o-&gt;getWidth();
/* near enough */
if (d &lt; SIDECOLL_MARGIN) {</pre></p>
If we found an opponent we check if it is inside the margin. To keep the method simple
I make some assumptions, e. g. our car is parallel to the track (that is obiously not
<p><pre class="lcolor"> /* compute angle between cars */
tCarElt *ocar = o-&gt;getCarPtr();
float diffangle = ocar-&gt;_yaw - car-&gt;_yaw;
const float c = SIDECOLL_MARGIN/2.0;
d = d - c;
if (d &lt; 0.0) d = 0.0;
float psteer = diffangle/car-&gt;_steerLock;
return steer*(d/c) + 2.0*psteer*(1.0-d/c);
return steer;
Here we compute the angle between the two cars and the weight d. Psteer holds the steer
value needed to drive parallel to the opponent (if you draw the scene it is obvious).
Finally we weight the original steer and the psteer value and sum them up. This will
push away our car from the opponent when we are near. You could improve this function
with more accurate distance values and checking if the normal steer value points
already more away from the opponent than the new computed value.
In case you got lost, you can <a href="../download/bt74.tar.gz">download</a> my robot for TORCS 1.2.0 or later.
<ul style="list-style-type:disk; color:black;">
<li>You have implemented side collision avoidance.</li>
<li>You know how it works.</li>
<li>You know how to improve it.</li>
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<p style="text-align:right;">Overtaking.</p>