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<h1>4.3 Steering</h1>
<img id="pic1" src="images/steer.jpg" alt="steering with lookahead to middle" border="0"></img>
In this section we will improve the steering with a heuristic approach. In a nutshell, the
presented method still drives on the middle of the track, but now we will steer toward a point
ahead of the car. The disadvantage of this simple method is that we can't drive with the
biggest possible radius through turns like you can see easily on the sketch. This drawing
doesn't match exactly with the method presented below, because the lookahead distance will
be measured on the middle of the track.
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<h3>The Target Point</h3>
First we discuss how to get the target point. We know the position of our car and the
geometry of the track. So we follow the track middle lookahead meters, there is our target
point. Put the following code into driver.cpp.
<p><pre class="lcolor">v2d Driver::getTargetPoint()
tTrackSeg *seg = car-&gt;_trkPos.seg;
float lookahead = LOOKAHEAD_CONST + car-&gt;_speed_x*LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR;</pre>
We compute the lookahead distance with a heuristic. Like you can see lookahead grows with
the speed.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> float length = getDistToSegEnd();
while (length &lt; lookahead) {
seg = seg-&gt;next;
length += seg-&gt;length;
This loop finds the segment which contains the target point.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> length = lookahead - length + seg-&gt;length;
v2d s;
s.x = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].x + seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SR].x)/2.0;
s.y = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].y + seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SR].y)/2.0;</pre>
Now we compute the distance of the target point to the start of the segment found and the
starting point itself. From that we are able to compute the target point in the global
coordinate system. We have to distinguish between straights and turns.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> if ( seg-&gt;type == TR_STR) {
v2d d;
d.x = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_EL].x - seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].x)/seg-&gt;length;
d.y = (seg-&gt;vertex[TR_EL].y - seg-&gt;vertex[TR_SL].y)/seg-&gt;length;
return s + d*length;</pre>
For the straight we compute the starting point on the middle of the track and the direction
vector. From that we can get the final point and return it.
<p><pre class="lcolor"> } else {
v2d c;
c.x = seg-&gt;center.x;
c.y = seg-&gt;center.y;
float arc = length/seg-&gt;radius;
float arcsign = (seg-&gt;type == TR_RGT) ? -1 : 1;
arc = arc*arcsign;
return s.rotate(c, arc);
For the turns it's a bit different. First we get the rotation center of the segment. Next we
compute from the length and the radius the angle of the target point relative to the
segments starting point. Finally we rotate the starting point around the center with the
computed angle. At the start of driver.cpp we need to define the constants.
<p><pre class="lcolor">const float Driver::LOOKAHEAD_CONST = 17.0; /* [m] */
const float Driver::LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR = 0.33; /* [1/s] */</pre>
<h3>Heading Toward the Target Point</h3>
Now we finally implement the getSteer() method, which computes the steerangle towards the
target point. We need atan2() because atan() doesn't work well from -PI..PI (atan(-y/-x) ==
<p><pre class="lcolor">float Driver::getSteer()
float targetAngle;
v2d target = getTargetPoint();
targetAngle = atan2(target.y - car-&gt;_pos_Y, target.x - car-&gt;_pos_X);
targetAngle -= car-&gt;_yaw;
return targetAngle / car-&gt;_steerLock;
Now you need to change Driver::drive() so that getSteer is called: replace
<p><pre class="lbcolor"> float steerangle = angle - car->_trkPos.toMiddle/car->_trkPos.seg->width;
car->ctrl.steer = steerangle / car->_steerLock;</pre>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> car->ctrl.steer = getSteer();</pre>
<h3>Finishing Implementation</h3>
Finally we need some changes in driver.h. The new methods and constants needs to be defined,
and we also need to include linalg.h.
<p><pre class="lcolor">#include "linalg.h"</pre>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> float getSteer();
v2d getTargetPoint();</pre>
<p><pre class="lcolor"> static const float LOOKAHEAD_CONST;
static const float LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR;</pre>
Do some test runs with the different cars. The car drives now very nice on most of the tracks.
Try also e-track-3 and have a look on the first left turn after the finish line. In the next
chapter we will implement a heuristic to pass turns of that type faster.
In case you got lost, you can <a href="../download/bt43.tar.gz">download</a> my robot for TORCS 1.2.0 or later.
<ul style="list-style-type:disk; color:black;">
<li>You have implemented the above stuff.</li>
<li>You know how to steer with a heuristic approach.</li>
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