
877 lines
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file : collide.cpp
created : Sun Mar 19 00:06:19 CET 2000
copyright : (C) 2000-2005 by Eric Espie, Bernhard Wymann
email : torcs@free.fr
version : $Id: collide.cpp 4609 2012-03-25 12:43:29Z wdbee $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "sim.h"
#define CAR_DAMMAGE 0.1
void SimCarCollideZ(tCar *car)
int i;
t3Dd normal;
tdble dotProd;
tWheel *wheel;
const float CRASH_THRESHOLD = -5.0f;
tdble dz = 0.0f;
if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wheel = &(car->wheel[i]);
if ( (wheel->state & SIM_SUSP_COMP)&&(!(wheel->state & SIM_WH_INAIR)) )
dz = MAX(dz, wheel->susp.spring.packers - wheel->rideHeight);
wheel->rideHeight = wheel->susp.spring.packers;
RtTrackSurfaceNormalL(&(wheel->trkPos), &normal);
dotProd = (car->DynGCg.vel.x * normal.x + car->DynGCg.vel.y * normal.y + car->DynGCg.vel.z * normal.z) * wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kRebound;
if (dotProd < 0.0f)
if (dotProd < CRASH_THRESHOLD)
static tdble WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE = 0.001f;
static tdble WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE = 0.01f;
static tdble WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT = 0.25f;
static tdble SUSP_DAMAGE_CONST = 1.0f;
static tdble SUSP_DAMAGE = 0.1f;
car->collision |= 16;
wheel->rotational_damage_x -= dotProd*WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE * urandom();
wheel->rotational_damage_z -= dotProd*WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE * urandom();
wheel->bent_damage_x += (float)(WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE * (urandom() - 0.5));
wheel->bent_damage_z += (float)(WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE * (urandom() - 0.5));
if (wheel->rotational_damage_x > WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT)
wheel->rotational_damage_x = WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT;
if (wheel->rotational_damage_z > WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT)
wheel->rotational_damage_z = WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT;
if (car->options->suspension_damage)
SimSuspDamage (&wheel->susp,
GfLogInfo("Suspension damage = %.5f\n", wheel->susp.damper.efficiency);
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_Z_CRASH;
if (wheel->susp.state & SIM_SUSP_OVERCOMP)
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION;
if ((car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0)
int deltaDamage = (int)(wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kDammage * fabs(dotProd) * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);
if (deltaDamage > 1)
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_Z;
car->dammage += deltaDamage;
car->DynGCg.vel.x -= normal.x * dotProd;
car->DynGCg.vel.y -= normal.y * dotProd;
car->DynGCg.vel.z -= normal.z * dotProd;
car->DynGCg.pos.z += dz; //elevate car when it is slightly sinken into ground
const tdble BorderFriction = 0.0f;
// Collision of car/track borders.
// Be aware that it does not work for convex edges (e.g. e-track-2, end of the straight, left),
// because under these conditions it is possible that all car corners are on the track and
// the car body is partially outside the track.
void SimCarCollideXYScene(tCar *car)
tTrackSeg *seg = car->trkPos.seg;
tTrkLocPos trkpos;
int i;
tDynPt *corner;
tdble initDotProd;
tdble dotProd, cx, cy, dotprod2;
tTrackBarrier *curBarrier;
tdble dmg;
if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU)
corner = &(car->corner[0]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, corner++)
seg = car->trkPos.seg;
RtTrackGlobal2Local(seg, corner->pos.ax, corner->pos.ay, &trkpos, TR_LPOS_TRACK);
seg = trkpos.seg;
tdble toSide;
if (trkpos.toRight < 0.0)
// collision with right border.
curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_RGT];
toSide = trkpos.toRight;
else if (trkpos.toLeft < 0.0)
// collision with left border.
curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_LFT];
toSide = trkpos.toLeft;
// check if barrier exists
if (curBarrier->style == TR_NO_BARRIER)
const tdble& nx = curBarrier->normal.x;
const tdble& ny = curBarrier->normal.y;
car->DynGCg.pos.x -= nx * toSide;
car->DynGCg.pos.y -= ny * toSide;
// Corner position relative to center of gravity.
cx = corner->pos.ax - car->DynGCg.pos.x;
cy = corner->pos.ay - car->DynGCg.pos.y;
car->blocked = 1;
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION;
// Impact speed perpendicular to barrier (of corner).
initDotProd = nx * corner->vel.x + ny * corner->vel.y;
// Compute dmgDotProd (base value for later damage) with a heuristic.
tdble absvel = (tdble) (MAX(1.0, sqrt(car->DynGCg.vel.x*car->DynGCg.vel.x + car->DynGCg.vel.y*car->DynGCg.vel.y)));
tdble GCgnormvel = car->DynGCg.vel.x*nx + car->DynGCg.vel.y*ny;
tdble cosa = GCgnormvel/absvel;
tdble dmgDotProd = GCgnormvel*cosa;
dotProd = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction;
car->DynGCg.vel.x -= nx * dotProd;
car->DynGCg.vel.y -= ny * dotProd;
dotprod2 = (nx * cx + ny * cy);
// Angular velocity change caused by friction of colliding car part with wall.
static tdble VELSCALE = 10.0f;
static tdble VELMAX = 6.0f;
car->DynGCg.vel.az -= dotprod2 * dotProd / VELSCALE;
if (fabs(car->DynGCg.vel.az) > VELMAX)
car->DynGCg.vel.az = (tdble) (SIGN(car->DynGCg.vel.az) * VELMAX);
// Dammage.
dotProd = initDotProd;
if (dotProd < 0.0f && (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0)
dmg = (tdble) (curBarrier->surface->kDammage * fabs(0.5*dmgDotProd*dmgDotProd) * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);
car->dammage += (int)dmg;
dmg = 0.0f;
dotProd *= curBarrier->surface->kRebound;
// If the car moves toward the barrier, rebound.
if (dotProd < 0.0f)
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_XYSCENE;
car->normal.x = nx * dmg;
car->normal.y = ny * dmg;
car->collpos.x = corner->pos.ax;
car->collpos.y = corner->pos.ay;
car->DynGCg.vel.x -= nx * dotProd;
car->DynGCg.vel.y -= ny * dotProd;
static void SimCarCollideResponse(void * /*dummy*/, DtObjectRef obj1, DtObjectRef obj2, const DtCollData *collData)
sgVec2 n; // Collision normal delivered by solid: Global(point1) - Global(point2)
tCar *car[2]; // The cars.
sgVec2 p[2]; // Collision points delivered by solid, in body local coordinates.
sgVec2 r[2]; // Collision point relative to center of gravity.
sgVec2 vp[2]; // Speed of collision point in world coordinate system.
sgVec3 pt[2]; // Collision points in global coordinates.
int i;
car[0] = (tCar*)obj1;
car[1] = (tCar*)obj2;
// Handle cars collisions during pit stops as well.
if ((car[0]->carElt->_state & NO_SIMU_WITHOUT_PIT) ||
(car[1]->carElt->_state & NO_SIMU_WITHOUT_PIT))
if (car[0]->carElt->index < car[1]->carElt->index)
// vector conversion from double to float.
p[0][0] = (float)collData->point1[0];
p[0][1] = (float)collData->point1[1];
p[1][0] = (float)collData->point2[0];
p[1][1] = (float)collData->point2[1];
n[0] = (float)collData->normal[0];
n[1] = (float)collData->normal[1];
// swap the cars (not the same for the simu).
car[0] = (tCar*)obj2;
car[1] = (tCar*)obj1;
p[0][0] = (float)collData->point2[0];
p[0][1] = (float)collData->point2[1];
p[1][0] = (float)collData->point1[0];
p[1][1] = (float)collData->point1[1];
n[0] = -(float)collData->normal[0];
n[1] = -(float)collData->normal[1];
sgVec2 rg[2]; // radius oriented in global coordinates, still relative to CG (rotated aroung CG).
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// vector GP (Center of gravity to collision point). p1 and p2 are delivered from solid as
// points in the car coordinate system.
sgSubVec2(r[i], p[i], (const float*)&(car[i]->statGC));
// Speed of collision points, linear motion of center of gravity (CG) plus rotational
// motion around the CG.
tCarElt *carElt = car[i]->carElt;
float sina = sin(carElt->_yaw);
float cosa = cos(carElt->_yaw);
rg[i][0] = r[i][0]*cosa - r[i][1]*sina;
rg[i][1] = r[i][0]*sina + r[i][1]*cosa;
vp[i][0] = car[i]->DynGCg.vel.x - car[i]->DynGCg.vel.az * rg[i][1];
vp[i][1] = car[i]->DynGCg.vel.y + car[i]->DynGCg.vel.az * rg[i][0];
// Relative speed of collision points.
sgVec2 v1ab;
sgSubVec2(v1ab, vp[0], vp[1]);
// try to separate the cars. The computation is necessary because dtProceed is not called till
// the collision is resolved.
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
sgCopyVec2(pt[i], r[i]);
pt[i][2] = 0.0f;
// Transform points relative to cars local coordinate system into global coordinates.
sgFullXformPnt3(pt[i], car[i]->carElt->_posMat);
// Compute distance of collision points.
sgVec3 pab;
sgSubVec2(pab, pt[1], pt[0]);
float distpab = sgLengthVec2(pab);
sgVec2 tmpv;
sgScaleVec2(tmpv, n, (float) MIN(distpab, 0.05));
// No "for" loop here because of subtle difference AddVec/SubVec.
if (car[0]->blocked == 0 && !(car[0]->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU))
sgAddVec2((float*)&(car[0]->DynGCg.pos), tmpv);
car[0]->blocked = 1;
if (car[1]->blocked == 0 && !(car[1]->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU))
sgSubVec2((float*)&(car[1]->DynGCg.pos), tmpv);
car[1]->blocked = 1;
// Doing no dammage and correction if the cars are moving out of each other.
if (sgScalarProductVec2(v1ab, n) > 0)
// impulse.
float rpn[2];
rpn[0] = sgScalarProductVec2(rg[0], n);
rpn[1] = sgScalarProductVec2(rg[1], n);
// Pseudo cross product to find out if we are left or right.
// TODO: SIGN, scrap value?
float rpsign[2];
rpsign[0] = n[0]*rg[0][1] - n[1]*rg[0][0];
rpsign[1] = -n[0]*rg[1][1] + n[1]*rg[1][0];
const float e = 1.0f; // energy restitution
float j = -(1.0f + e) * sgScalarProductVec2(v1ab, n) /
((car[0]->Minv + car[1]->Minv) +
rpn[0] * rpn[0] * car[0]->Iinv.z + rpn[1] * rpn[1] * car[1]->Iinv.z);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
tCarElt *carElt = car[i]->carElt;
if (carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU)
// Damage.
tdble damFactor, atmp;
atmp = atan2(r[i][1], r[i][0]);
if (fabs(atmp) < (PI / 3.0))
// Front collision gives more damage.
damFactor = 1.5f;
// Rear collision gives less damage.
damFactor = 1.0f;
if ((carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0)
float dammage = (float)((CAR_DAMMAGE * fabs(j) * damFactor * simDammageFactor[carElt->_skillLevel]));
dammage *= (float)(MIN(1.5, dammage / 500.0));
if (dammage < 10)
dammage = 0;
car[i]->dammage += (int)(dammage);
// Compute collision velocity.
const float ROT_K = 1.0f;
float js = (i == 0) ? j : -j;
sgScaleVec2(tmpv, n, js * car[i]->Minv);
sgVec2 v2a;
if (car[i]->collision & SEM_COLLISION_CAR)
sgAddVec2(v2a, (const float*)&(car[i]->VelColl.x), tmpv);
car[i]->VelColl.az = car[i]->VelColl.az + js * rpsign[i] * rpn[i] * car[i]->Iinv.z * ROT_K;
sgAddVec2(v2a, (const float*)&(car[i]->DynGCg.vel), tmpv);
car[i]->VelColl.az = car[i]->DynGCg.vel.az + js * rpsign[i] * rpn[i] * car[i]->Iinv.z * ROT_K;
static float VELMAX = 3.0f;
if (fabs(car[i]->VelColl.az) > VELMAX)
car[i]->VelColl.az = (tdble)(SIGN(car[i]->VelColl.az) * VELMAX);
sgCopyVec2((float*)&(car[i]->VelColl.x), v2a);
// Move the car for the collision lib.
sgMakeCoordMat4(carElt->pub.posMat, car[i]->DynGCg.pos.x, car[i]->DynGCg.pos.y,
car[i]->DynGCg.pos.z - carElt->_statGC_z, (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_yaw),
(float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_roll), (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_pitch));
dtTranslate(-carElt->_statGC_x, -carElt->_statGC_y, 0.0f);
dtMultMatrixf((const float *)(carElt->_posMat));
car[i]->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_CAR;
// Static object and shape list.
// TODO: Dynamic implementation.
static DtShapeRef fixedobjects[100];
// Id to the next free slot in fixedobjects.
static size_t fixedid;
static bool isFixedObject(DtObjectRef obj)
for (size_t i = 0; i < fixedid; i++)
if (obj == &(fixedobjects[i]))
return true;
return false;
// Collision response for walls.
// TODO: Separate common code with car-car collision response.
static void SimCarWallCollideResponse(void *clientdata, DtObjectRef obj1, DtObjectRef obj2, const DtCollData *collData)
// ignore wall with wall collision
if (isFixedObject(obj1) && isFixedObject(obj2))
tCar* car; // The car colliding with the wall.
float nsign; // Normal direction correction for collision plane.
sgVec2 p; // Cars collision point delivered by solid.
// TODO: If other movable objects are added which could collide with the wall, it will be
// necessary to validate if the object is actually a car.
if (obj1 == clientdata)
car = (tCar*) obj2;
nsign = -1.0f;
p[0] = (float) collData->point2[0];
p[1] = (float) collData->point2[1];
car = (tCar*) obj1;
nsign = 1.0f;
p[0] = (float) collData->point1[0];
p[1] = (float) collData->point1[1];
sgVec2 n; // Collision normal delivered by solid, corrected such that it points away from the wall.
n[0] = nsign * (float) collData->normal[0];
n[1] = nsign * (float) collData->normal[1];
float pdist = sgLengthVec2(n); // Distance of collision points.
sgVec2 r;
sgSubVec2(r, p, (const float*)&(car->statGC));
tCarElt *carElt = car->carElt;
sgVec2 vp; // Speed of car collision point in global frame of reference.
sgVec2 rg; // raduis oriented in global coordinates, still relative to CG (rotated aroung CG).
float sina = sin(carElt->_yaw);
float cosa = cos(carElt->_yaw);
rg[0] = r[0]*cosa - r[1]*sina;
rg[1] = r[0]*sina + r[1]*cosa;
vp[0] = car->DynGCg.vel.x - car->DynGCg.vel.az * rg[1];
vp[1] = car->DynGCg.vel.y + car->DynGCg.vel.az * rg[0];
sgVec2 tmpv;
static const float CAR_MIN_MOVEMENT = 0.02f;
static const float CAR_MAX_MOVEMENT = 0.05f;
sgScaleVec2(tmpv, n, MIN(MAX(pdist, CAR_MIN_MOVEMENT), CAR_MAX_MOVEMENT));
if (car->blocked == 0)
sgAddVec2((float*)&(car->DynGCg.pos), tmpv);
car->blocked = 1;
// Doing no dammage and correction if the cars are moving out of each other.
if (sgScalarProductVec2(vp, n) > 0)
float rp = sgScalarProductVec2(rg, n);
// Pesudo cross product to find out if we are left or right.
// TODO: SIGN, scrap value?
float rpsign = n[0]*rg[1] - n[1]*rg[0];
const float e = 1.0f; // energy restitution
float j = -(1.0f + e) * sgScalarProductVec2(vp, n) / (car->Minv + rp * rp * car->Iinv.z);
const float ROT_K = 0.5f;
// Damage.
tdble damFactor, atmp;
atmp = atan2(r[1], r[0]);
if (fabs(atmp) < (PI / 3.0))
// Front collision gives more damage.
damFactor = 1.5f;
// Rear collision gives less damage.
damFactor = 1.0f;
static const float DMGFACTOR = 0.00002f;
if ((car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0)
car->dammage += (int)(CAR_DAMMAGE * (DMGFACTOR*j*j) * damFactor * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);
sgScaleVec2(tmpv, n, j * car->Minv);
sgVec2 v2a;
if (car->collision & SEM_COLLISION_CAR)
sgAddVec2(v2a, (const float*)&(car->VelColl.x), tmpv);
car->VelColl.az = car->VelColl.az + j * rp * rpsign * car->Iinv.z * ROT_K;
sgAddVec2(v2a, (const float*)&(car->DynGCg.vel), tmpv);
car->VelColl.az = car->DynGCg.vel.az + j * rp * rpsign * car->Iinv.z * ROT_K;
static float VELMAX = 3.0f;
if (fabs(car->VelColl.az) > VELMAX)
car->VelColl.az = (float) (SIGN(car->VelColl.az) * VELMAX);
sgCopyVec2((float*)&(car->VelColl.x), v2a);
// Move the car for the collision lib.
sgMakeCoordMat4(carElt->pub.posMat, car->DynGCg.pos.x, car->DynGCg.pos.y,
car->DynGCg.pos.z - carElt->_statGC_z, (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_yaw),
(float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_roll), (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_pitch));
dtTranslate(-carElt->_statGC_x, -carElt->_statGC_y, 0.0f);
dtMultMatrixf((const float *)(carElt->_posMat));
car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_CAR;
// Remove wrecked cars to avoid glitches in collision detection and to improve performance.
// Called by RemoveCar.
void SimCollideRemoveCar(tCar *car, int nbcars)
// Find the car to remove.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nbcars; i++)
if (&SimCarTable[i] == car)
// Remove it.
if (SimCarTable[i].shape != NULL)
SimCarTable[i].shape = NULL;
void SimCarCollideShutdown(int nbcars)
for (int i = 0; i < nbcars; i++)
// Check if car has not been removed already (wrecked).
if (SimCarTable[i].shape != NULL)
for (size_t j = 0; j < fixedid; j++)
fixedid = 0;
// Searching backwards for the first non wall segments to start.
// Used for the creation of collision detection model of the wall.
static tTrackSeg *getFirstWallStart(tTrackSeg *start, int side)
tTrackSeg *first = start;
// Moving backward out of wall.
do {
// A wall is a wall on the track if it is not the barrier at the same time.
if (first->side[side] != NULL && first->side[side]->style == TR_WALL &&
first->side[side]->side[side] != NULL)
first = first->prev;
} else {
} while (first != start);
// Searching forward for the first wall segment.
start = first;
do {
if (first->side[side] != NULL && first->side[side]->style == TR_WALL &&
first->side[side]->side[side] != NULL)
return first;
first = first->next;
} while (first != start);
return NULL;
static tdble distance(const t3Dd &p1, const t3Dd &p2)
tdble dx = p1.x - p2.x;
tdble dy = p1.y - p2.y;
tdble dz = p1.z - p2.z;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
// Create the walls, start must point to a segment with a wall.
// Solid has problems when 2 walls touch so we nolonger break up walls that have changes
// in height or width. This should not be a problem as long as cars stay on the ground.
void buildWalls(tTrackSeg *start, int side) {
if (start == NULL) {
tTrackSeg *current = start;
bool close = false;
// Going down the wall.
do {
tTrackSeg* s = current->side[side];
tTrackSeg* p = current->prev->side[side];
tTrackSeg* n = current->next->side[side];
// Current segment is a wall?
if (s != NULL && s->style == TR_WALL && s->side[side] != NULL)
float h = s->height;
t3Dd svl = s->vertex[TR_SL];
t3Dd svr = s->vertex[TR_SR];
t3Dd evl = s->vertex[TR_EL];
t3Dd evr = s->vertex[TR_ER];
static float weps = 0.01f;
// Close the wall start with a ploygon?
if (p == NULL || p->style != TR_WALL || fixedid == 0)
// Enough space in array?
if (fixedid >= sizeof(fixedobjects)/sizeof(fixedobjects[0]))
GfError("fixedobjects full in %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (close == true)
GfError("Shape not closed %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Start new shape.
fixedobjects[fixedid] = dtNewComplexShape();
close = true;
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z + h);
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z + h);
// fill in hole if width changes
if (p != NULL && p->style == TR_WALL && (distance(p->vertex[TR_EL], svl) > weps || distance(p->vertex[TR_ER], svr) > weps))
// TODO: we can get away with not adding this polygon if the change of width
// is small but it will be a problem if the hole is bigger than a car.
// Build sides, left, top, right. Depending on how we want to use it we
// can remove top perhaps.
// TODO: do we want the top poly?
if (close == true)
// Left.
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z);
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z + h);
dtVertex(evl.x, evl.y, evl.z + h);
dtVertex(evl.x, evl.y, evl.z);
// Top.
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z + h);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z + h);
dtVertex(evr.x, evr.y, evr.z + h);
dtVertex(evl.x, evl.y, evl.z + h);
// Right.
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z + h);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z);
dtVertex(evr.x, evr.y, evr.z);
dtVertex(evr.x, evr.y, evr.z + h);
GfError("Shape not open %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Close the end with a ploygon?
if (n == NULL || n->style != TR_WALL)
if (close == true)
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z);
dtVertex(svr.x, svr.y, svr.z + h);
dtVertex(svl.x, svl.y, svl.z + h);
close = false;
GfError("Shape not open %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
current = current->next;
} while (current != start);
SimCarCollideConfig(tCar *car, tTrack *track)
tCarElt *carElt;
// Create car collision objects.
carElt = car->carElt;
// The current car shape is a box...
car->shape = dtBox(carElt->_dimension_x, carElt->_dimension_y, carElt->_dimension_z);
dtCreateObject(car, car->shape);
car->collisionAware = 1;
// Create fixed track collision objects (just pit wall for now).
// TODO: car body/curbs collision.
// TODO: car body/flat wall collision (e.g. for pavement, sidewalk).
// TODO: define static objects in XML file/tTrack, collide with them as well.
SimCarCollideInit(tTrack *track)
dtSetDefaultResponse(SimCarCollideResponse, DT_SMART_RESPONSE, NULL);
// Hmm, why is caching disabled, are our objects too fast, so it does not work?
// TODO: understand this and reconsider caching.
fixedid = 0;
if (track != NULL) {
tTrackSeg *firstleft = getFirstWallStart(track->seg, TR_SIDE_LFT);
tTrackSeg *firstright = getFirstWallStart(track->seg, TR_SIDE_RGT);
buildWalls(firstleft, TR_SIDE_LFT);
buildWalls(firstright, TR_SIDE_RGT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fixedid; i++) {
dtCreateObject(&fixedobjects[i], fixedobjects[i]);
dtSetObjectResponse(&fixedobjects[i], SimCarWallCollideResponse, DT_SMART_RESPONSE, &fixedobjects[i]);
// TODO: Rename, because actually the dtProceed handles all solid managed objects, e.g. walls.
SimCarCollideCars(tSituation *s)
tCar *car;
tCarElt *carElt;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++)
carElt = s->cars[i];
if (carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU)
car = &(SimCarTable[carElt->index]);
// Fit the bounding box around the car, statGC's are the static offsets.
dtTranslate(-carElt->_statGC_x, -carElt->_statGC_y, 0.0f);
// Place the bounding box such that it fits the car in the world.
dtMultMatrixf((const float *)(carElt->_posMat));
memset(&(car->VelColl), 0, sizeof(tPosd));
// Running the collision detection. If no collision is detected, call dtProceed.
// dtProceed just works if all objects are disjoint.
if (dtTest() == 0)
for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++)
carElt = s->cars[i];
if (carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU)
car = &(SimCarTable[carElt->index]);
if (car->collision & SEM_COLLISION_CAR) {
car->DynGCg.vel.x = car->VelColl.x;
car->DynGCg.vel.y = car->VelColl.y;
car->DynGCg.vel.az = car->VelColl.az;