
437 lines
14 KiB

file : simu.cpp
created : Sun Mar 19 00:07:53 CET 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Eric Espie
email : torcs@free.fr
version : $Id: simu.cpp 3945 2011-10-07 13:38:15Z wdbee $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <portability.h>
#include <tgf.h>
#include <robottools.h>
#include <replay.h>
#include "sim.h"
tCar *SimCarTable = 0;
int SimTelemetry = -1;
static tTrack *PTrack = 0;
static int SimNbCars = 0;
int replayForward;
double lastCurTime;
double replayTimeOffset;
static tReplayElt curReplayData[50];
static tReplayElt nextReplayData[50];
static int old_id;
* Check the input control from robots
static void
ctrlCheck(tCar *car)
/* Initial configuration */
SimConfig(tCarElt *carElt)
GfLogInfo("Replay SimConfig\n");
tCar *car = &(SimCarTable[carElt->index]);
memset(car, 0, sizeof(tCar));
car->carElt = carElt;
car->DynGC = carElt->_DynGC;
car->DynGCg = carElt->pub.DynGCg;
car->trkPos = carElt->_trkPos;
car->ctrl = &carElt->ctrl;
car->params = carElt->_carHandle;
#if 0
SimCarCollideConfig(car, PTrack);
sgMakeCoordMat4(carElt->pub.posMat, carElt->_pos_X, carElt->_pos_Y, carElt->_pos_Z - carElt->_statGC_z,
(float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_yaw), (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_roll), (float) RAD2DEG(carElt->_pitch));
replayTimeOffset = 0;
/* After pit stop */
SimReConfig(tCarElt *carElt)
static void
RemoveCar(tCar *car, tSituation *s)
SimCarTelemetry(int nCarIndex, bool bOn)
SimTelemetry = bOn ? nCarIndex : -1;
SimUpdate(tSituation *s, double deltaTime)
tCar *car;
tCarElt *pTgtCar;
tReplayElt *pSrcCar, *pSrc2Car;
char command[200];
int result, result2;
int reload = 0;
if (replayDB == NULL) {
GfLogInfo("Replay NULL\n");
// Check for reversal of time
if (replayForward && s->currentTime < lastCurTime) {
GfLogInfo("REPLAY: time running backward at timestamp %f\n", s->currentTime);
reload = 1;
replayForward = 0;
} else if (replayForward == 0 && s->currentTime > lastCurTime) {
GfLogInfo("REPLAY: time running forward at timestamp %f\n", s->currentTime);
reload = 1;
replayForward = 1;
lastCurTime = s->currentTime;
// readback next race record as required
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < s->_ncars; nCarInd++) {
if (reload ||
(replayForward && s->currentTime >= nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime) ||
(replayForward == 0 && s->currentTime <= nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime)) {
result = sqlite3_step(replayBlobs[nCarInd]);
// check if the previous SELECT has returned all it's rows
if (replayForward && (result == SQLITE_DONE || reload)) {
// and read another chunk
GfLogInfo("REPLAY: Chunk forward timestamp %f (%f)\n", s->currentTime, deltaTime);
sprintf(command, "SELECT datablob FROM car%d WHERE timestamp >= %f LIMIT %d",
nCarInd, s->currentTime, REPLAY_CHUNK);
result2 = sqlite3_prepare_v2(replayDB, command, -1, &replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0);
if (result2) {
GfLogInfo("Unable to prepare car%d: %s\n", nCarInd, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));
} else {
result = sqlite3_step(replayBlobs[nCarInd]);
if (replayForward == 0 && (result == SQLITE_DONE || reload)) {
// and read another chunk
GfLogInfo("REPLAY: Chunk backward timestamp %f (%f)\n", s->currentTime, deltaTime);
sprintf(command, "SELECT datablob FROM car%d WHERE timestamp <= %f ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %d",
nCarInd, s->currentTime, REPLAY_CHUNK);
result2 = sqlite3_prepare_v2(replayDB, command, -1, &replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0);
if (result2) {
GfLogInfo("Unable to prepare car%d: %s\n", nCarInd, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));
} else {
result = sqlite3_step(replayBlobs[nCarInd]);
if (result == SQLITE_ROW) {
curReplayData[nCarInd] = nextReplayData[nCarInd];
memcpy(&nextReplayData[nCarInd], sqlite3_column_blob(replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0), sizeof(tReplayElt));
nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime += replayTimeOffset;
// allow for replaying data again and again
if (result == SQLITE_DONE) replayTimeOffset = s->currentTime;
//GfLogInfo("Replay read car%d: %f\n", nCarInd, curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime);
car = &(SimCarTable[nCarInd]);
pTgtCar = car->carElt;
pSrcCar = &curReplayData[nCarInd];
#if 1
// Really this should only be read once at start of race
pSrcCar->race.pit = pTgtCar->race.pit;
pSrcCar->race.bestSplitTime = pTgtCar->race.bestSplitTime;
pSrcCar->race.curSplitTime = pTgtCar->race.curSplitTime;
memcpy(&pTgtCar->race, &pSrcCar->race, sizeof(tCarRaceInfo));
#if 1
// hack to fix trkpos
pSrcCar->pub.trkPos = pTgtCar->pub.trkPos;
memcpy(&pTgtCar->pub, &pSrcCar->pub, sizeof(tPublicCar));
pTgtCar->_glance = 0;
pTgtCar->_oldglance = 0;
#if 1
memcpy(&pTgtCar->info, &pSrcCar->info, sizeof(tInitCar));
pTgtCar->_wrongWayTime = s->currentTime + 5.0;
#if 0
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv, &pSrcCar->priv, sizeof(tPrivCar));
// Selectively pick 'priv' data
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
pTgtCar->priv.wheel[i] = pSrcCar->priv.wheel[i];
pTgtCar->priv.wheel[i].seg = RtTrackGetSeg(&pTgtCar->_trkPos);
pTgtCar->_skid[i] = pSrcCar->_skid[i];
pTgtCar->priv.wheel[i].spinVel = pSrcCar->priv.wheel[i].spinVel;
pTgtCar->priv.gear = pSrcCar->priv.gear;
pTgtCar->priv.fuel = pSrcCar->priv.fuel;
pTgtCar->priv.enginerpm = pSrcCar->priv.enginerpm;
pTgtCar->priv.enginerpmRedLine = pSrcCar->priv.enginerpmRedLine;
pTgtCar->priv.dammage = pSrcCar->priv.dammage;
#if 0
memcpy(&pTgtCar->ctrl, &pSrcCar->ctrl, sizeof(tCarCtrl));
pTgtCar->_steerCmd = pSrcCar->_steerCmd;
pTgtCar->_brakeCmd = pSrcCar->_brakeCmd;
pTgtCar->_clutchCmd = pSrcCar->_clutchCmd;
pTgtCar->_gearCmd = pSrcCar->_gearCmd;
#if 0
memcpy(&pTgtCar->pitcmd, &pSrcCar->pitcmd, sizeof(tCarPitCmd));
// figure out track segment (allowing that they may be allocated to different memory location)
pTgtCar->_distFromStartLine = pSrcCar->_distFromStartLine;
#if 0
if (pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->id != old_id) {
printf("New TrkSeg %d @ %fs: DfS %f : %s = %fm", pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->id, s->currentTime,
pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->name, pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->lgfromstart);
if (pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_LAST) printf(" LAST");
if (pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_START) printf(" START");
old_id = pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->id;
if (pTgtCar->_distFromStartLine > pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->next->lgfromstart) {
// Next segment, forward direction
pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg = pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->next;
} else if (pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->raceInfo & TR_LAST == TR_LAST &&
pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->next->raceInfo & TR_START == TR_START &&
pTgtCar->_distFromStartLine < pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->lgfromstart/2) {
// Crossing Start Line, forward direction
// something weird here, sometime reports wrong lap completed
pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg = pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->next;
} else if (pTgtCar->_distFromStartLine < pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->lgfromstart) {
// Previous segment, reverse direction
pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg = pTgtCar->pub.trkPos.seg->prev;
if ((replayForward && s->currentTime < nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime) ||
(replayForward == 0 && s->currentTime > nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime)) {
// Interpolate position in between records
double timeFrac;
double yaw, roll, pitch;
car = &(SimCarTable[nCarInd]);
pTgtCar = car->carElt;
pSrcCar = &curReplayData[nCarInd];
pSrc2Car = &nextReplayData[nCarInd];
if (replayForward)
timeFrac = (s->currentTime - curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime) /
(nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime - curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime);
timeFrac = (curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime - s->currentTime) /
(curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime - nextReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime);
// position on track
pTgtCar->_pos_X = pSrcCar->_pos_X + (pSrc2Car->_pos_X - pSrcCar->_pos_X) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_pos_Y = pSrcCar->_pos_Y + (pSrc2Car->_pos_Y - pSrcCar->_pos_Y) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_statGC_z = pSrcCar->_statGC_z + (pSrc2Car->_statGC_z - pSrcCar->_statGC_z) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_pos_Z = pSrcCar->_pos_Z + (pSrc2Car->_pos_Z - pSrcCar->_pos_Z) * timeFrac - pTgtCar->_statGC_z;
yaw = pSrc2Car->_yaw;
roll = pSrc2Car->_roll;
pitch = pSrc2Car->_pitch;
// assumes that these can't change at high rate
if (yaw < pSrcCar->_yaw - PI)
yaw += 2 * PI;
else if (yaw > pSrcCar->_yaw + PI)
yaw -= 2 * PI;
if (roll < pSrcCar->_roll - PI)
roll += 2 * PI;
else if (roll > pSrcCar->_roll + PI)
roll -= 2 * PI;
if (pitch < pSrcCar->_pitch - PI)
pitch += 2 * PI;
else if (pitch > pSrcCar->_pitch + PI)
pitch -= 2 * PI;
pTgtCar->_yaw = pSrcCar->_yaw + (yaw - pSrcCar->_yaw) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_roll = pSrcCar->_roll + (roll - pSrcCar->_roll) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_pitch = pSrcCar->_pitch + (pitch - pSrcCar->_pitch) * timeFrac;
sgMakeCoordMat4(pTgtCar->pub.posMat, pTgtCar->_pos_X, pTgtCar->_pos_Y, pTgtCar->_pos_Z,
(tdble) RAD2DEG(pTgtCar->_yaw), (tdble) RAD2DEG(pTgtCar->_roll),
(tdble) RAD2DEG(pTgtCar->_pitch));
// some cameras use speed to determine rain behaviour
pTgtCar->_speed_x = pSrcCar->_speed_x + (pSrc2Car->_speed_x - pSrcCar->_speed_x) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_speed_y = pSrcCar->_speed_y + (pSrc2Car->_speed_y - pSrcCar->_speed_y) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_speed_z = pSrcCar->_speed_z + (pSrc2Car->_speed_z - pSrcCar->_speed_z) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_speed_xy = pSrcCar->_speed_xy + (pSrc2Car->_speed_xy - pSrcCar->_speed_xy) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->_enginerpm = pSrcCar->_enginerpm + (pSrc2Car->_enginerpm - pSrcCar->_enginerpm) * timeFrac;
// Audio works in world cordinates
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.x = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.x + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.pos.x - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.x) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.y = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.y + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.pos.y - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.y) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.z = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.z + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.pos.z - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.pos.z) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.x = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.x + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.vel.x - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.x) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.y = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.y + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.vel.y - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.y) * timeFrac;
pTgtCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.z = pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.z + (pSrc2Car->pub.DynGCg.vel.z - pSrcCar->pub.DynGCg.vel.z) * timeFrac;
// Sound uses accelCmd to antenuate engine
pTgtCar->_accelCmd = pSrcCar->_accelCmd + (pSrc2Car->_accelCmd - pSrcCar->_accelCmd) * timeFrac;
SimInit(int nbcars, tTrack* track)
tCar *car;
tCarElt *pTgtCar;
char command[200];
int result;
GfLogInfo("Replay SimInit\n");
if (replayDB == NULL) {
GfLogInfo("Replay Database Not Opened!!\n\n\n\n");
SimNbCars = nbcars;
SimCarTable = (tCar*)calloc(nbcars, sizeof(tCar));
PTrack = track;
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < nbcars; nCarInd++) {
sprintf(command, "SELECT datablob FROM car%d LIMIT %d", nCarInd, REPLAY_CHUNK);
result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(replayDB, command, -1, &replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0);
if (result) {
GfLogInfo("Unable to prepare car%d: %s\n", nCarInd, sqlite3_errmsg(replayDB));
} else {
replayForward = 1;
lastCurTime = -10.0;
// read the first 2 records for each car
result = sqlite3_step(replayBlobs[nCarInd]);
if (result == SQLITE_ROW) {
memcpy(&curReplayData[nCarInd], sqlite3_column_blob(replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0), sizeof(tReplayElt));
lastCurTime = curReplayData[nCarInd].currentTime;
result = sqlite3_step(replayBlobs[nCarInd]);
if (result == SQLITE_ROW) {
memcpy(&nextReplayData[nCarInd], sqlite3_column_blob(replayBlobs[nCarInd], 0), sizeof(tReplayElt));
#if 0
// preload info into structure
car = &(SimCarTable[nCarInd]);
pTgtCar = car->carElt;
memcpy(&pTgtCar->info, &curReplayData[nCarInd].info, sizeof(tInitCar));
GfLogInfo("SimuReplay recording starts at %f\n", lastCurTime);
tCar *car;
int ncar;
if (SimCarTable) {
for (ncar = 0; ncar < SimNbCars; ncar++) {
car = &(SimCarTable[ncar]);
SimCarTable = 0;
PTrack = 0;
/* Used for network games to update client physics */
UpdateSimCarTable(tDynPt DynGCG,int index)
tCar *pCar = SimCarTable;
pCar[index].DynGCg = DynGCG;
/* Used for network games get current physics values*/
tDynPt *
GetSimCarTable(int index)
tCar *pCar = SimCarTable;
return &pCar[index].DynGCg;
SimUpdateSingleCar(int index, double deltaTime,tSituation *s)
GfLogInfo("Replay UpdateSingleCar\n");