
184 lines
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file : racesituation.h
copyright : (C) 2010 by Jean-Philippe Meuret
web : www.speed-dreams.org
version : $Id$
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/** @file
@author Jean-Philippe Meuret
@version $Id$
#include <string>
#include "raceinit.h" // ReInfo.
// The race situation class ==========================================================
class ReSituation
//! Accessor to the singleton (not thread-safe at instanciation time).
static ReSituation& self();
//! Delete the singleton.
static void terminate();
//! Destructor.
// TODO: Remove when all necessary safe accessors ready.
struct RmInfo* data();
//! Activate/Deactivate the thread-safe mode.
void setThreadSafe(bool bOn = true);
//! Safe accessors.
void setDisplayMode(unsigned bfDispMode);
void accelerateTime(double fMultFactor);
void setRaceMessage(const std::string& strMsg, double fLifeTime = -1, bool bBig = false);
//! Set pit command for the given car (back from a pit menu or so).
void setPitCommand(int nCarIndex, const tCarPitCmd *pPitCmd);
//! Protected constructor to avoid instanciation outside of self().
//! Lock the data when thread-safe mode activated (otherwise do nothing).
bool lock(const char* pszCallerName = 0);
//! Unlock the data when thread-safe mode activated (otherwise do nothing).
bool unlock(const char* pszCallerName = 0);
//! The singleton.
static ReSituation* _pSelf;
//! The real data behind.
struct RmInfo *_pReInfo;
//! The mutex for thread-safe access.
struct SDL_mutex* _pMutex;
// ReSituationUpdater is a very good friend 8-D.
friend class ReSituationUpdater;
// The race situation updater class ==================================================
class ReSituationUpdater
//! Constructor.
//! Destructor.
//! Set scheduling specs (see below _fSimuTick and _fOutputTick).
bool setSchedulingSpecs(double fSimuRate, double fOutputRate = 0);
//! (Re)start (after a stop) the updater if it is not running.
void start();
//! Stop (pause) the updater if it is running (return its exit status).
void stop();
//! Terminate the updater (return its exit status ; wait for the thread to return).
int terminate();
//! Get the situation for the previous step
struct RmInfo* getPreviousStep();
//! Compute 1 situation update step.
void runOneStep(double deltaTimeIncrement);
//! Start computing the situation for the current step
void computeCurrentStep();
//! The thread function.
int threadLoop();
//! The C wrapper on the thread function.
static int threadLoop(void*);
//! Acknowledge the situation events (simu / graphics synchronization).
void acknowledgeEvents();
//! Allocate and initialize a situation (set constants from source).
struct RmInfo* initSituation(const struct RmInfo* pSource);
//! (Deep) Copy the given situation.
struct RmInfo* copySituation(struct RmInfo*& pTarget, const struct RmInfo* pSource);
// Record the situation to a replay database
void replaySituation(struct RmInfo*& pTarget);
// Record the situation to a replay database
void ghostcarSituation(struct RmInfo*& pTarget);
//! Free the given situation
void freezSituation(struct RmInfo*& pSituation);
//! Initial number of drivers racing
int _nInitDrivers;
//! The previous step of the situation
struct RmInfo* _pPrevReInfo;
//! The situation updater thread
struct SDL_Thread* _pUpdateThread;
//! True if the updater is actually threaded (may be not the case)
bool _bThreaded;
//! True if thread affinity has to be applied (even in case !_bThreaded)
bool _bThreadAffinity;
//! Flag to set in order to terminate the updater.
bool _bTerminate;
//! Simulation tick (s) (defaults to RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU).
double _fSimuTick;
//! Output tick (s) : defines the computeCurrentStep output "rate"
// - if 0, a nearly real-time rate is enforced, at the expense of variable output rate,
// (used in normal real-time gaming mode)
// - if > 0, the output rate is enforced, at the expense of not keeping the real time.
// (used in movie capture gaming mode, to get a stable but slowed-down frame rate).
double _fOutputTick;
//! Time of the last output when using the "stable but slowed-down frame rate" mode.
double _fLastOutputTime;
#endif /* _RACESITUATION_H_ */