
932 lines
28 KiB

file : racesituation.cpp
copyright : (C) 2010 by Jean-Philippe Meuret
web : www.speed-dreams.org
version : $Id$
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/** @file
The central raceman data structure (situation + other race infos)
@author Jean-Philippe Meuret
@version $Id$
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_thread.h>
#include <portability.h>
#include <robot.h>
#include <raceman.h>
#include "genparoptv1.h"
#include "racecars.h"
#include "racesituation.h"
#include "raceresults.h"
#include "racemessage.h"
// The singleton.
ReSituation* ReSituation::_pSelf = 0;
ReSituation& ReSituation::self()
if (!_pSelf)
_pSelf = new ReSituation;
return *_pSelf;
: _pMutex(0)
// Allocate race engine info structures.
_pReInfo = (tRmInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(tRmInfo));
_pReInfo->s = (tSituation*)calloc(1, sizeof(tSituation));
// Singleton initialized.
_pSelf = this;
// Free ReInfo memory.
if (_pReInfo->results)
if (_pReInfo->mainResults != _pReInfo->results)
if (_pReInfo->_reParam)
if (_pReInfo->params != _pReInfo->mainParams)
_pReInfo->params = _pReInfo->mainParams;
// if (_pReInfo->movieCapture.outputBase)
// free(_pReInfo->movieCapture.outputBase);
// Prepare the singleton for next use.
_pSelf = 0;
void ReSituation::terminate()
delete _pSelf;
void ReSituation::setThreadSafe(bool bOn)
if (bOn)
if (!_pMutex)
_pMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); // Thread-safe On.
else if (_pMutex)
_pMutex = 0; // Thread-safe Off.
bool ReSituation::lock(const char* pszCallerName)
if (!_pMutex)
return true;
const bool bStatus = (SDL_mutexP(_pMutex) == 0);
if (!bStatus)
GfLogWarning("%s : Failed to lock situation mutex\n", pszCallerName);
return bStatus;
bool ReSituation::unlock(const char* pszCallerName)
if (!_pMutex)
return true;
const bool bStatus = SDL_mutexV(_pMutex) == 0;
if (!bStatus)
GfLogWarning("%s : Failed to unlock situation mutex\n", pszCallerName);
return bStatus;
// TODO: Remove when safe accessors ready.
tRmInfo* ReSituation::data()
return _pReInfo;
// Safe accessors.
void ReSituation::setDisplayMode(unsigned bfDispMode)
_pReInfo->_displayMode = bfDispMode;
void ReSituation::accelerateTime(double fMultFactor)
_pReInfo->_reTimeMult *= fMultFactor;
if (fMultFactor == 0.0)
_pReInfo->_reTimeMult = 1.0;
else if (_pReInfo->_reTimeMult > 64.0)
_pReInfo->_reTimeMult = 64.0;
else if (_pReInfo->_reTimeMult < 0.0625)
_pReInfo->_reTimeMult = 0.0625;
std::ostringstream ossTimeMult;
ossTimeMult << "Time x" << std::setprecision(2) << 1.0 / _pReInfo->_reTimeMult;
ReRaceMsgSet(_pReInfo, ossTimeMult.str().c_str(), 5);
void ReSituation::setRaceMessage(const std::string& strMsg, double fLifeTime, bool bBig)
if (bBig)
ReRaceMsgSetBig(_pReInfo, strMsg.c_str(), fLifeTime);
ReRaceMsgSet(_pReInfo, strMsg.c_str(), fLifeTime);
void ReSituation::setPitCommand(int nCarIndex, const tCarPitCmd *pPitCmd)
// Retrieve the car in situation with 'nCarIndex' index.
//GfLogDebug("ReSituation::updateCarPitCmd(i=%d)\n", nCarIndex);
tCarElt* pCurrCar = 0;
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _pReInfo->s->_ncars; nCarInd++)
if (_pReInfo->s->cars[nCarInd]->index == nCarIndex)
// Found : update its pit command information from pit menu data.
pCurrCar = _pReInfo->s->cars[nCarInd];
pCurrCar->_pitFuel = pPitCmd->fuel;
pCurrCar->_pitRepair = pPitCmd->repair;
pCurrCar->_pitStopType = pPitCmd->stopType;
// Compute and set pit time.
if (pCurrCar)
GfLogError("Failed to retrieve car with index %d when computing pit time\n", nCarIndex);
// The race situation updater class ==================================================
// Index of the CPU to use for thread affinity if any and if there are at least 2 ones.
static const int NUserInterfaceCPUId = 0;
static const int NSituationUpdaterCPUId = 1;
void ReSituationUpdater::runOneStep(double deltaTimeIncrement)
tRmInfo* pCurrReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
tSituation *s = pCurrReInfo->s;
// Race messages life cycle management.
//GfLogDebug("ReSituationUpdater::runOneStep: currTime=%.3f\n", s->currentTime);
if (s->currentTime >= -2.0 && s->currentTime < deltaTimeIncrement - 2.0) {
ReRaceMsgSetBig(pCurrReInfo, "Ready", 1.0);
} else if (s->currentTime >= -1.0 && s->currentTime < deltaTimeIncrement - 1.0) {
ReRaceMsgSetBig(pCurrReInfo, "Set", 1.0);
} else if (s->currentTime >= 0.0 && s->currentTime < deltaTimeIncrement) {
ReRaceMsgSetBig(pCurrReInfo, "Go", 1.0);
// Update times.
pCurrReInfo->_reCurTime += deltaTimeIncrement * fabs(pCurrReInfo->_reTimeMult); /* "Real" time */
#if 0
s->currentTime += deltaTimeIncrement; /* Simulated time */
if (pCurrReInfo->_reTimeMult > 0)
s->currentTime += deltaTimeIncrement;
s->currentTime -= deltaTimeIncrement;
if (s->currentTime < 0) {
if (pCurrReInfo->_reTimeMult < 0)
/* Revert to forward time x1 */
pCurrReInfo->_reTimeMult = 1;
/* no simu yet */
pCurrReInfo->s->_raceState = RM_RACE_PRESTART;
} else if (pCurrReInfo->s->_raceState == RM_RACE_PRESTART) {
pCurrReInfo->s->_raceState = RM_RACE_RUNNING;
s->currentTime = 0.0; /* resynchronize */
pCurrReInfo->_reLastRobTime = 0.0;
tTrackLocalInfo *trackLocal = &ReInfo->track->local;
if (s->currentTime > 0 && trackLocal->timeofdayindex == 9) { //RM_VAL_TIME_24HR
if (s->_totTime > 0) {
// Scaled on Total Time
s->accelTime = 24 * 3600 * s->currentTime / s->_totTime;
} else {
// Scaled on Number of Laps that the lead driver has completed
if (s->cars[0]->_laps > 0 && s->cars[0]->_laps <= s->_totLaps) {
// prevent issues if lead driver crosses line the wrong way
if (pCurrReInfo->raceEngineInfo.carInfo->lapFlag)
s->accelTime = s->cars[0]->_laps - 1;
s->accelTime = s->cars[0]->_laps - 1 + (s->cars[0]->_distFromStartLine / pCurrReInfo->track->length);
s->accelTime = 24 * 3600 * s->accelTime / s->_totLaps;
} else
s->accelTime = 0;
} else
s->accelTime = s->currentTime;
GfSchedBeginEvent("raceupdate", "robots");
if ((s->currentTime - pCurrReInfo->_reLastRobTime) >= RCM_MAX_DT_ROBOTS) {
s->deltaTime = s->currentTime - pCurrReInfo->_reLastRobTime;
tRobotItf *robot;
for (int i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++) {
if ((s->cars[i]->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) == 0) {
robot = s->cars[i]->robot;
robot->rbDrive(robot->index, s->cars[i], s);
else if (! (s->cars[i]->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_ENDRACE_CALLED ) && ( s->cars[i]->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_OUT ) == RM_CAR_STATE_OUT )
{ // No simu, look if it is out
robot = s->cars[i]->robot;
if (robot->rbEndRace)
robot->rbEndRace(robot->index, s->cars[i], s);
s->cars[i]->_state |= RM_CAR_STATE_ENDRACE_CALLED;
pCurrReInfo->_reLastRobTime = s->currentTime;
GfSchedEndEvent("raceupdate", "robots");
GfSchedBeginEvent("raceupdate", "physics");
RePhysicsEngine().updateSituation(s, deltaTimeIncrement);
bool bestLapChanged = false;
for (int i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++)
ReCarsManageCar(s->cars[i], bestLapChanged);
GfSchedEndEvent("raceupdate", "physics");
// Update results if a best lap changed
if (pCurrReInfo->_displayMode == RM_DISP_MODE_NONE && s->_ncars > 1 && bestLapChanged)
if (pCurrReInfo->s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_PRACTICE)
else if (pCurrReInfo->s->_raceType == RM_TYPE_QUALIF)
int ReSituationUpdater::threadLoop(void* pUpdater)
return static_cast<ReSituationUpdater*>(pUpdater)->threadLoop();
int ReSituationUpdater::threadLoop()
// Wait delay for each loop, from bRunning value (index 0 = false, 1 = true).
static const unsigned KWaitDelayMS[2] = { 1, (unsigned)(RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU * 1000 / 10) };
// Termination flag.
bool bEnd = false;
// Local state (false = paused, true = simulating).
bool bRunning = false;
// Current real time.
double realTime;
// Apply thread affinity to the current = situation updater thread if specified.
// Note: No need to reset the affinity, as the thread is just born.
if (_bThreadAffinity)
tRmInfo* pCurrReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
GfLogInfo("SituationUpdater thread is started.\n");
// Let's make current step the next one (update).
// 1) Lock the race engine data.
// 2) Check if time to terminate has come.
if (_bTerminate)
bEnd = true;
// 3) If not time to terminate, and running, do the update job.
else if (pCurrReInfo->_reRunning)
if (!bRunning)
bRunning = true;
GfLogInfo("SituationUpdater thread is running.\n");
realTime = GfTimeClock();
while (pCurrReInfo->_reRunning
&& ((realTime - pCurrReInfo->_reCurTime) > RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU))
// One simu + robots (if any) step
// 3) If not time to terminate, and not running, do nothing.
if (bRunning)
bRunning = false;
GfLogInfo("SituationUpdater thread is paused.\n");
// 4) Unlock the race engine data.
// 5) Let the CPU take breath if possible (but after unlocking data !).
while (!bEnd);
GfLogInfo("SituationUpdater thread has been terminated.\n");
return 0;
: _fSimuTick(RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU), _fOutputTick(0), _fLastOutputTime(0)
// Save the race engine info (state + situation) pointer for the current step.
tRmInfo* pCurrReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
_nInitDrivers = pCurrReInfo->s->_ncars;
// Determine if we have a dedicated separate thread or not
// (according to the user settings, and the actual number of CPUs).
std::ostringstream ossConfFile;
ossConfFile << GfLocalDir() << RACE_ENG_CFG;
void *paramHandle =
GfParmReadFile(ossConfFile.str().c_str(), GFPARM_RMODE_REREAD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);
const char* pszMultiThreadScheme =
if (!strcmp(pszMultiThreadScheme, RM_VAL_OFF))
_bThreaded = false;
else if (!strcmp(pszMultiThreadScheme, RM_VAL_ON))
_bThreaded = true;
else // Can't be anything else than RM_VAL_AUTO
_bThreaded = GfGetNumberOfCPUs() > 1;
// Determine if we apply some thread affinity or not (according to the user settings).
const char* pszThreadAffinityScheme =
_bThreadAffinity = strcmp(pszThreadAffinityScheme, RM_VAL_ON) == 0;
// Apply thread affinity to the current = main = graphics thread
// (and don't forget to reset it when specified :
// user settings may have changed since last race).
GfSetThreadAffinity(_bThreadAffinity ? NUserInterfaceCPUId : GfAffinityAnyCPU);
// Disable movie capture feature in dual-threaded mode
// (only available in one-threaded mode, because of a non-"real-time" behaviour).
// if (_bThreaded && pCurrReInfo->movieCapture.enabled)
// {
// pCurrReInfo->movieCapture.enabled = 0;
// GfLogInfo("Movie capture disabled (not implemented in multi-threaded mode)\n");
// }
// Initialize termination flag.
_bTerminate = false;
if (_bThreaded)
// Initialize the race engine info (state + situation) pointer for the previous step.
_pPrevReInfo = initSituation(pCurrReInfo);
// Activate the thread-safe mode for the the race engine info.
// Create and start the updater thread.
_pUpdateThread = SDL_CreateThread(ReSituationUpdater::threadLoop, this);
_pPrevReInfo = 0;
_pUpdateThread = 0;
GfLogInfo("SituationUpdater initialized (%sseparate thread, CPU affinity %s).\n",
(_bThreaded ? "" : "no "), (_bThreadAffinity ? "On" : "Off"));
terminate(); // In case not already done.
if (_bThreaded)
// Deactivate the thread-safe mode for the the race engine info.
if (_pPrevReInfo)
void ReSituationUpdater::start()
GfLogInfo("Starting race engine.\n");
// Lock the race engine data.
// Set the running flags.
ReSituation::self().data()->_reRunning = 1;
ReSituation::self().data()->s->_raceState &= ~RM_RACE_PAUSED;
ReSituation::self().data()->_reState = RE_STATE_RACE;
// Resynchronize simulation time.
ReSituation::self().data()->_reCurTime = GfTimeClock() - RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU;
// Unlock the race engine data.
void ReSituationUpdater::stop()
GfLogInfo("Stopping race engine.\n");
// Lock the race engine data.
// Reset the running flags.
ReSituation::self().data()->_reRunning = 0;
ReSituation::self().data()->s->_raceState |= RM_RACE_PAUSED;
// Unlock the race engine data.
int ReSituationUpdater::terminate()
int status = 0;
GfLogInfo("Terminating situation updater.\n");
// Lock the race engine data.
// Set the death flag.
_bTerminate = true;
// Unlock the race engine data.
// Wait for the thread to gracefully terminate if any.
if (_bThreaded)
SDL_WaitThread(_pUpdateThread, &status);
_pUpdateThread = 0;
return status;
tRmInfo* ReSituationUpdater::initSituation(const tRmInfo* pSource)
tRmInfo* pTarget;
// Allocate main structure (level 0).
pTarget = (tRmInfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(tRmInfo));
// Allocate variable level 1 structures.
pTarget->carList = (tCarElt*)calloc(_nInitDrivers, sizeof(tCarElt));
pTarget->s = (tSituation *)calloc(1, sizeof(tSituation));
pTarget->rules = (tRmCarRules*)calloc(_nInitDrivers, sizeof(tRmCarRules));
// Assign level 1 constants.
pTarget->track = pSource->track; // Only read during race.
pTarget->params = pSource->params; // Never read/written during race.
pTarget->mainParams = pSource->mainParams; // Never read/written during race.
pTarget->results = pSource->results; // Never read/written during race.
pTarget->mainResults = pSource->mainResults; // Never read/written during race.
pTarget->robModList = pSource->robModList; // Not used / written by updater.
// Assign level 2 constants and initialize lists in carList field.
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _nInitDrivers; nCarInd++)
tCarElt* pTgtCar = &pTarget->carList[nCarInd];
tCarElt* pSrcCar = &pSource->carList[nCarInd];
pTgtCar->_curSplitTime = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (pSource->track->numberOfSectors - 1));
pTgtCar->_bestSplitTime = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (pSource->track->numberOfSectors - 1));
GF_TAILQ_INIT(&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList)); // Not used by the graphics engine.
memcpy(&pTgtCar->info, &pSrcCar->info, sizeof(tInitCar)); // Not changed + only read during race.
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv, &pSrcCar->priv, sizeof(tPrivCar)); // Partly only read during race ; other copied in vars below.
pTgtCar->robot = pSrcCar->robot; // Not changed + only read during race.
// Allocate level 2 structures in s field.
pTarget->s->cars = (tCarElt **)calloc(_nInitDrivers, sizeof(tCarElt *));
// Allocate level 2 structures in raceEngineInfo field.
pTarget->_reCarInfo = (tReCarInfo*)calloc(_nInitDrivers, sizeof(tReCarInfo));
// Assign level 2 constants in raceEngineInfo field.
pTarget->_reParam = pSource->_reParam; // Not used / written by updater.
pTarget->_reFilename = pSource->_reFilename; // Not used during race.
pTarget->_reName = pSource->_reName; // Not changed + only read during race.
pTarget->_reRaceName = pSource->_reRaceName; // Not changed + only read during race.
return pTarget;
tRmInfo* ReSituationUpdater::copySituation(tRmInfo*& pTarget, const tRmInfo* pSource)
tCarElt* pTgtCar;
tCarElt* pSrcCar;
// Copy variable data from source to target.
// I) pSource->carList
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _nInitDrivers; nCarInd++)
pTgtCar = &pTarget->carList[nCarInd];
pSrcCar = &pSource->carList[nCarInd];
// 1) index
pTgtCar->index = pSrcCar->index;
// 2) pub (raw mem copy)
memcpy(&pTgtCar->pub, &pSrcCar->pub, sizeof(tPublicCar));
// 3) race (field by field copy)
// 3a) all fields except _penaltyList and _pit.
pTgtCar->_bestLapTime = pSrcCar->_bestLapTime;
memcpy(pTgtCar->_bestSplitTime, pSrcCar->_bestSplitTime,
sizeof(double) * (pSource->track->numberOfSectors - 1));
pTgtCar->_deltaBestLapTime = pSrcCar->_deltaBestLapTime;
pTgtCar->_curLapTime = pSrcCar->_curLapTime;
memcpy(pTgtCar->_curSplitTime, pSrcCar->_curSplitTime,
sizeof(double) * (pSource->track->numberOfSectors - 1));
pTgtCar->_lastLapTime = pSrcCar->_lastLapTime;
pTgtCar->_curTime = pSrcCar->_curTime;
pTgtCar->_topSpeed = pSrcCar->_topSpeed;
pTgtCar->_laps = pSrcCar->_laps;
pTgtCar->_nbPitStops = pSrcCar->_nbPitStops;
pTgtCar->_remainingLaps = pSrcCar->_remainingLaps;
pTgtCar->_pos = pSrcCar->_pos;
pTgtCar->_timeBehindLeader = pSrcCar->_timeBehindLeader;
pTgtCar->_lapsBehindLeader = pSrcCar->_lapsBehindLeader;
pTgtCar->_timeBehindPrev = pSrcCar->_timeBehindPrev;
pTgtCar->_timeBeforeNext = pSrcCar->_timeBeforeNext;
pTgtCar->_distRaced = pSrcCar->_distRaced;
pTgtCar->_distFromStartLine = pSrcCar->_distFromStartLine;
pTgtCar->_currentSector = pSrcCar->_currentSector;
pTgtCar->_scheduledEventTime = pSrcCar->_scheduledEventTime;
//pTgtCar->_pit ... // Not used by the graphics engine (robots and situ. updater only).
pTgtCar->_event = pSrcCar->_event;
// Note: Commented-out because not used by the graphics engine (situ. updater only).
// 3b) Clear target penalty list, and then copy the source one into it.
// TODO if profiling shows its usefull : optimize (reuse already allocated entries
// to minimize mallocs / frees).
//tCarPenalty *penalty;
//while ((penalty = GF_TAILQ_FIRST(&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList))))
// GfLogDebug("ReSituationCopy(car #%d) : Clearing penalty %p\n",
// pSrcCar->index, penalty);
// GF_TAILQ_REMOVE (&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList), penalty, link);
// free(penalty);
//penalty = GF_TAILQ_FIRST(&(pSrcCar->_penaltyList));
//while (penalty)
// tCarPenalty *newPenalty = (tCarPenalty*)malloc(sizeof(tCarPenalty));
// newPenalty->penalty = penalty->penalty;
// newPenalty->lapToClear = penalty->lapToClear;
// GfLogDebug("ReSituationCopy(car #%d) : Copying penalty %p to %p\n",
// pSrcCar->index, penalty, newPenalty);
// GF_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList), newPenalty, link);
// penalty = GF_TAILQ_NEXT(penalty, link);
// 4) priv (field by field copy)
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv.wheel[0], &pSrcCar->priv.wheel[0], 4*sizeof(tWheelState));
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv.corner[0], &pSrcCar->priv.corner[0], 4*sizeof(tPosd));
pTgtCar->_gear = pSrcCar->_gear;
pTgtCar->_fuel = pSrcCar->_fuel;
pTgtCar->_fuelTotal = pSrcCar->_fuelTotal;
pTgtCar->_fuelInstant = pSrcCar->_fuelInstant;
pTgtCar->_enginerpm = pSrcCar->_enginerpm;
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv.skid[0], &pSrcCar->priv.skid[0], 4*sizeof(tdble));
memcpy(&pTgtCar->priv.reaction[0], &pSrcCar->priv.reaction[0], 4*sizeof(tdble));
pTgtCar->_collision = pSrcCar->_collision;
pTgtCar->_smoke = pSrcCar->_smoke;
pTgtCar->_normal = pSrcCar->_normal;
pTgtCar->_coll2Pos = pSrcCar->_coll2Pos;
pTgtCar->_dammage = pSrcCar->_dammage;
//pTgtCar->_debug = pSrcCar->_debug; // Ever used anywhere ?
pTgtCar->priv.collision_state = pSrcCar->priv.collision_state;
//pTgtCar->_memoryPool ...; // ???? Memory pool copy ??????
// 5) ctrl (raw mem copy)
memcpy(&pTgtCar->ctrl, &pSrcCar->ctrl, sizeof(tCarCtrl));
// 6) pitcmd (raw mem copy)
memcpy(&pTgtCar->pitcmd, &pSrcCar->pitcmd, sizeof(tCarPitCmd));
// 7) next : ever used anywhere ? Seems not.
//struct CarElt *next;
// II) pSource->s
pTarget->s->raceInfo = pSource->s->raceInfo;
pTarget->s->deltaTime = pSource->s->deltaTime;
pTarget->s->currentTime = pSource->s->currentTime;
pTarget->s->accelTime = pSource->s->accelTime;
pTarget->s->nbPlayers = pSource->s->nbPlayers;
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _nInitDrivers; nCarInd++)
pTarget->s->cars[nCarInd] =
pTarget->carList + (pSource->s->cars[nCarInd] - pSource->carList);
// III) pSource->rules (1 int per driver) // Not used by the graphics engine (situ. updater only).
//memcpy(pTarget->rules, pSource->rules, _nInitDrivers*sizeof(tRmCarRules));
// IV) pSource->raceEngineInfo
// TODO: Make _reMessage and _reBigMessage inline arrays inside raceEngineInfo
// to avoid strdups (optimization) ?
pTarget->_reState = pSource->_reState;
memcpy(pTarget->_reCarInfo, pSource->_reCarInfo, _nInitDrivers*sizeof(tReCarInfo));
pTarget->_reCurTime = pSource->_reCurTime;
pTarget->_reTimeMult = pSource->_reTimeMult;
pTarget->_reRunning = pSource->_reRunning;
pTarget->_reLastRobTime = pSource->_reLastRobTime;
pTarget->_displayMode = pSource->_displayMode;
if (pTarget->_reMessage)
pTarget->_reMessage = 0;
if (pSource->_reMessage)
pTarget->_reMessage = strdup(pSource->_reMessage);
pTarget->_reMessageEnd = pSource->_reMessageEnd;
if (pTarget->_reBigMessage)
pTarget->_reBigMessage = 0;
if (pSource->_reBigMessage)
pTarget->_reBigMessage = strdup(pSource->_reBigMessage);
pTarget->_reBigMessageEnd = pSource->_reBigMessageEnd;
if (pSource->_rePitRequester)
//GfLogDebug("ReSituationCopy: Pit menu request forwarded.\n");
pTarget->_rePitRequester =
pTarget->carList + (pSource->_rePitRequester - pSource->carList);
pTarget->_rePitRequester = 0;
return pTarget;
void ReSituationUpdater::freezSituation(tRmInfo*& pSituation)
if (pSituation)
// carList
if (pSituation->carList)
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < _nInitDrivers; nCarInd++)
tCarElt* pTgtCar = &pSituation->carList[nCarInd];
tCarPenalty *penalty;
while ((penalty = GF_TAILQ_FIRST(&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList)))
!= GF_TAILQ_END(&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList)))
GF_TAILQ_REMOVE (&(pTgtCar->_penaltyList), penalty, link);
// s
if (pSituation->s)
// rules
if (pSituation->rules)
// raceEngineInfo
if (pSituation->_reMessage)
if (pSituation->_reBigMessage)
if (pSituation->_reCarInfo)
pSituation = 0;
void ReSituationUpdater::acknowledgeEvents()
tRmInfo* pCurrReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
// Acknowlegde collision events for each car.
for (int nCarInd = 0; nCarInd < pCurrReInfo->s->_ncars; nCarInd++)
tCarElt* pCar = pCurrReInfo->s->cars[nCarInd];
//if (pCar->priv.collision)
// GfLogDebug("Reset collision state of car #%d (was 0x%X)\n",
// nCarInd, pCar->priv.collision);
pCar->priv.collision = 0;
// Note: This one is only for SimuV3, and not yet used actually
// (WIP on collision code issues ; see simuv3/collide.cpp).
pCar->priv.collision_state.collision_count = 0;
// Acknowlegde human pit event if any (update the car pit command in current situation
// with the one modified by the Pit menu in previous situation).
if (_pPrevReInfo && _pPrevReInfo->_rePitRequester)
//GfLogDebug("ReSituationAcknowlegdeEvents: Pit menu request cleared.\n");
pCurrReInfo->_rePitRequester = 0;
tRmInfo* ReSituationUpdater::getPreviousStep()
if (!_bThreaded)
// No multi-threading : no need to really copy.
_pPrevReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
// Acknowledge the collision and human pit events occurred
// since the last graphics update : we know now that they all have been processed
// or at least being processed by the graphics engine / menu system
// (the main thread's job).
// Lock the race engine data.
if (!ReSituation::self().lock("ReSituationUpdater::getPreviousStep"))
return 0;
// Get the situation data.
copySituation(_pPrevReInfo, ReSituation::self().data());
// Acknowledge the collision and human pit events (see above).
// Unlock the race engine data.
if (!ReSituation::self().unlock("ReSituationUpdater::getPreviousStep"))
return 0;
return _pPrevReInfo;
// This member function decorates the situation updater as a normal function,
// thus hiding the possible separate thread behind to the main updater.
void ReSituationUpdater::computeCurrentStep()
// Nothing to do if actually threaded :
// the updater thread is already doing the job on his side.
if (_bThreaded)
// Non-threaded mode.
tRmInfo* pCurrReInfo = ReSituation::self().data();
// Stable but slowed-down frame rate mode.
if (_fOutputTick > 0)
while ((pCurrReInfo->_reCurTime - _fLastOutputTime) < _fOutputTick)
_fLastOutputTime = pCurrReInfo->_reCurTime;
// Real-time but variable frame rate mode.
const double t = GfTimeClock();
while (pCurrReInfo->_reRunning && ((t - pCurrReInfo->_reCurTime) > RCM_MAX_DT_SIMU))
bool ReSituationUpdater::setSchedulingSpecs(double fSimuRate, double fOutputRate)
// Not supported if actually threaded : we can't control the updater thread output rate.
if (_bThreaded && fOutputRate > 0)
return false; // Specs not changed.
// Can't output faster than the simu, even in non-real time !
if (fOutputRate > fSimuRate)
fOutputRate = fSimuRate;
if (fOutputRate > 0)
_fOutputTick = 1.0 / fOutputRate;
_fLastOutputTime = GfTimeClock() - _fOutputTick;
_fOutputTick = 0;
_fSimuTick = 1.0 / fSimuRate;
return true;