
554 lines
20 KiB

file : aero.cpp
created : Sun Mar 19 00:04:50 CET 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Eric Espie
email : torcs@free.fr
version : $Id: aero.cpp 3948 2011-10-08 07:27:25Z wdbee $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "sim.h"
tdble rho = SimAirDensity; /* air density, prepare for variable environment */
// Christos plausibility check ...
tdble Max_Cl_given_Cd (tdble Cd)
// if Cd = 1, then all air hitting the surface is stopped.
// In any case, horizontal speed of air particles is given by
tdble ux = 1 - Cd;
// We assume no energy lost and thus can calculate the maximum
// possible vertical speed imparted to the paticles
tdble uy = sqrt(1 - ux*ux);
// So now Cl is just the imparted speed
return uy;
tdble Max_SCl_given_Cd (tdble Cd, tdble A)
tdble Cl = Max_Cl_given_Cd (Cd);
return A * Cl * rho / 2.0f;
tdble MaximumLiftGivenDrag (tdble drag, tdble A)
// We know the drag, C/2 \rho A.
// We must calculate the drag coefficient
tdble Cd = (drag / A) * 2.0f / rho;
return Max_SCl_given_Cd (Cd, A);
// ... Christos plausibility check
SimAeroConfig(tCar *car)
void *hdle = car->params;
tdble Cx, FrntArea;
// New style parameters:
// To be able to check the total of clift to be in the defined range
// min <= 2 * (car->aero.Clift[0] + car->aero.Clift[1]) <= max
// with the default procedures of SD we define Clift with
// the two new style parameters CliftTotal and CliftBias.
// If CliftTotal and/or CliftBias are not defined, the corresponding
// value is calculated from the old style parameters
tdble CliftTotal;
tdble CliftBias;
Cx = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_CX, (char*)NULL, 0.4f);
FrntArea = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_FRNTAREA, (char*)NULL, 2.5f);
// Try to get the old style parameters
car->aero.Clift[0] = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_FCL, (char*)NULL, 0.0f);
car->aero.Clift[1] = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_RCL, (char*)NULL, 0.0f);
// Calculate CliftTotal from old style parameters
CliftTotal = 2 * (car->aero.Clift[0] + car->aero.Clift[1]);
// Use calculated value if no new style definition found
CliftTotal = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_CL, (char*)NULL, CliftTotal);
// Calculate CliftBias from old style parameters
CliftBias = 2 * car->aero.Clift[0] / CliftTotal;
// Use calculated value if no new style definition found
CliftBias = GfParmGetNum(hdle, SECT_AERODYNAMICS, PRM_CLBIAS, (char*)NULL, CliftBias);
// Calculate front/rear Clift based on new style parameters
car->aero.Clift[0] = 0.5f * CliftBias * CliftTotal;
car->aero.Clift[1] = 0.5f * (CliftTotal - 2 * car->aero.Clift[0]);
car->aero.CdBody = 0.645f * Cx * FrntArea;
car->aero.Cd = car->aero.CdBody;
float max_lift = MaximumLiftGivenDrag (0.5f * rho * Cx * FrntArea, FrntArea);
float current_lift = 2.0f * (car->aero.Clift[0] + car->aero.Clift[1]);
if (current_lift > max_lift)
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nError: car %s, driver %s: lift coefficients (%f, %f), generate a lift of %f, while maximum theoretical value is %f -> CLift reduced\n\n",
car->aero.Clift[0] *= max_lift/current_lift;
car->aero.Clift[1] *= max_lift/current_lift;
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nWarning: car %s, driver %s: lift coefficients (%f, %f), generate a lift of %f, while maximum theoretical value is %f\n\n",
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nInfo: car %s, driver %s: lift coefficients (%f, %f), generate a lift of %f, while maximum theoretical value is %f\n\n",
SimAeroUpdate(tCar *car, tSituation *s)
tdble hm;
int i;
tCar *otherCar;
tdble x, y;
tdble yaw, otherYaw, airSpeed, tmpas, spdang, tmpsdpang, dyaw;
tdble dragK = 1.0;
x = car->DynGCg.pos.x;
y = car->DynGCg.pos.y;
yaw = car->DynGCg.pos.az;
airSpeed = car->DynGC.vel.x;
spdang = atan2(car->DynGCg.vel.y, car->DynGCg.vel.x);
if (airSpeed > 10.0)
for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++)
if (i == car->carElt->index)
otherCar = &(SimCarTable[i]);
otherYaw = otherCar->DynGCg.pos.az;
tmpsdpang = spdang - atan2(y - otherCar->DynGCg.pos.y, x - otherCar->DynGCg.pos.x);
dyaw = yaw - otherYaw;
if ((otherCar->DynGC.vel.x > 10.0) &&
(fabs(dyaw) < 0.1396))
if (fabs(tmpsdpang) > 2.9671)
{ /* 10 degrees */
/* behind another car */
tmpas = (tdble) (1.0 - exp(- 2.0 * DIST(x, y, otherCar->DynGCg.pos.x, otherCar->DynGCg.pos.y) /
(otherCar->aero.Cd * otherCar->DynGC.vel.x)));
if (tmpas < dragK)
dragK = tmpas;
else if (fabs(tmpsdpang) < 0.1396)
{ /* 8 degrees */
/* before another car [not sure how much the drag should be reduced in this case. In no case it should be lowered more than 50% I think. - Christos] */
tmpas = (tdble) (1.0 - 0.5f * exp(- 8.0 * DIST(x, y, otherCar->DynGCg.pos.x, otherCar->DynGCg.pos.y) / (car->aero.Cd * car->DynGC.vel.x)));
if (tmpas < dragK)
dragK = tmpas;
car->airSpeed2 = airSpeed * airSpeed;
tdble v2 = car->airSpeed2;
// simulate ground effect drop off caused by non-frontal airflow (diffusor stops working etc.)
// Never used : remove ?
//tdble speed = sqrt(car->DynGC.vel.x*car->DynGC.vel.x + car->DynGC.vel.y*car->DynGC.vel.y);
//tdble cosa = 1.0f;
car->aero.drag = (tdble) (-SIGN(car->DynGC.vel.x) * car->aero.CdBody * v2 * (1.0f + (tdble)car->dammage / 10000.0f) * dragK * dragK);
hm = 1.5f * (car->wheel[0].rideHeight + car->wheel[1].rideHeight + car->wheel[2].rideHeight + car->wheel[3].rideHeight);
hm = hm*hm;
hm = hm*hm;
hm = 2 * exp(-3.0f*hm);
car->aero.lift[0] = - car->aero.Clift[0] * v2 * hm;
car->aero.lift[1] = - car->aero.Clift[1] * v2 * hm;
static const char *WingSect[2] = {SECT_FRNTWING, SECT_REARWING};
tdble F(tWing* wing)
return 1 - exp( pow(-(wing->a / wing->b),wing->c));
tdble CliftFromAoA(tWing* wing)
tdble angle = (tdble) (wing->angle * 180/PI);
//fprintf(stderr,"wing->angle: %g rad = angle: %g deg\n",wing->angle,angle);
wing->Kz_org = 4.0f * wing->Kx;
if (angle <= wing->AoAatMax)
wing->a = wing->f * (angle + wing->AoAOffset);
//fprintf(stderr,"a: %g\n",wing->a);
double s = sin(wing->a/180.0*PI);
//fprintf(stderr,"s: %g\n",s);
return (tdble)(s * s * (wing->CliftMax + wing->d) - wing->d);
wing->a = (angle - wing->AoAatMax - 90.0f);
//fprintf(stderr,"a: %g F(a): %g\n",wing->a,F(wing));
return (tdble)((wing->CliftMax - F(wing) * (wing->CliftMax - wing->CliftAsymp)) * wing->Kx);
SimWingConfig(tCar *car, int index)
void *hdle = car->params;
tWing *wing = &(car->wing[index]);
tdble area;
tCarSetupItem *setupAngle = &(car->carElt->setup.wingAngle[index]);
area = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_WINGAREA, (char*)NULL, 0);
setupAngle->desired_value = setupAngle->min = setupAngle->max = 0.0;
GfParmGetNumWithLimits(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_WINGANGLE, (char*)NULL, &(setupAngle->desired_value), &(setupAngle->min), &(setupAngle->max));
setupAngle->changed = true;
setupAngle->stepsize = (tdble) DEG2RAD(0.1);
wing->staticPos.x = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_XPOS, (char*)NULL, 0);
wing->staticPos.z = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_ZPOS, (char*)NULL, 0);
wing->staticPos.y = 0.0;
//>>> simuv4
const char * w = GfParmGetStr(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_WINGTYPE, "FLAT");
wing->WingType = 0; // Default if nothing is contained in the wing section
if (area == 0)
wing->WingType = -1;
else if (strncmp(w,"FLAT",4) == 0)
wing->WingType = 0;
else if (strncmp(w,"PROFILE",7) == 0)
wing->WingType = 1;
else if (strncmp(w,"THIN",4) == 0)
wing->WingType = 2;
// ...
if (wing->WingType == 1)
//fprintf(stderr,"index: %d\n",index);
//fprintf(stderr,"WingType: %d\n",wing->WingType);
/* [deg] Angle of Attack at the maximum of coefficient of lift */
wing->AoAatMax = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_AOAATMAX, (char*) "deg", 90);
//fprintf(stderr,"AoAatMax: %g\n",wing->AoAatMax);
/* [deg] Angle of Attack at coefficient of lift = 0 (-30 < AoAatZero < 0) */
wing->AoAatZero = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_AOAATZERO, (char*) "deg", 0);
//fprintf(stderr,"AoAatZero: %g\n",wing->AoAatZero);
wing->AoAatZRad = (tdble) (wing->AoAatZero/180*PI);
/* [deg] Offset for Angle of Attack */
wing->AoAOffset = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_AOAOFFSET, (char*) "deg", 0);
//fprintf(stderr,"AoAOffset: %g\n",wing->AoAOffset);
/* Maximum of coefficient of lift (0 < CliftMax < 4) */
wing->CliftMax = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_CLMAX, (char*)NULL, 4);
//fprintf(stderr,"CliftMax: %g\n",wing->CliftMax);
/* Coefficient of lift at Angle of Attack = 0 */
wing->CliftZero = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_CLATZERO, (char*)NULL, 0);
//fprintf(stderr,"CliftZero: %g\n",wing->CliftZero);
/* Asymptotic coefficient of lift at large Angle of Attack */
wing->CliftAsymp = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_CLASYMP, (char*)NULL, wing->CliftMax);
//fprintf(stderr,"CliftAsymp: %g\n",wing->CliftAsymp);
/* Delay of decreasing */
wing->b = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_DELAYDECREASE, (char*)NULL, 20);
//fprintf(stderr,"b: %g\n",wing->b);
/* Curvature of start of decreasing */
wing->c = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_CURVEDECREASE, (char*)NULL, 2);
//fprintf(stderr,"c: %g\n",wing->c);
/* Scale factor for angle */
wing->f = (tdble) (90.0 / (wing->AoAatMax + wing->AoAOffset));
//fprintf(stderr,"f: %g\n",wing->f);
double phi = wing->f * (wing->AoAOffset);
//fprintf(stderr,"phi: %g deg\n",phi);
phi *= PI / 180;
//fprintf(stderr,"phi: %g rad\n",phi);
double sinphi = sin(phi);
//fprintf(stderr,"sinphi: %g\n",sinphi);
double sinphi2 = sinphi * sinphi;
/* Scale at AoA = 0 */
wing->d = (tdble) (1.8f * (sinphi2 * wing->CliftMax - wing->CliftZero));
//fprintf(stderr,"d: %g\n",wing->d);
else if (wing->WingType == 2)
wing->AoAatZero = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_AOAATZERO, (char*)NULL, 0);
wing->AoAatZero = MAX(MIN(wing->AoAatZero, 0), (tdble) -PI_6);
wing->AoStall = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_ANGLEOFSTALL, (char*)NULL, (tdble)(PI_6*0.5));
wing->AoStall = MAX(MIN(wing->AoStall, (tdble) PI_4), 0.017453293f);
wing->Stallw = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_STALLWIDTH, (char*)NULL, 0.034906585f);
wing->Stallw = MAX(MIN(wing->Stallw, wing->AoStall), 0.017453293f);
wing->AR = GfParmGetNum(hdle, WingSect[index], PRM_ASPECTRATIO, (char*)NULL, 0);
wing->Kx = -rho * area;
if (wing->WingType == 0)
wing->Kz = 4.0f * wing->Kx;
else if (wing->WingType == 1)
wing->Kz = CliftFromAoA(wing) * wing->Kx;
else if (wing->WingType == 2)
if (wing->AR > 0.001)
wing->Kz1 = (tdble) (2 * PI * wing->AR / (wing->AR + 2));
wing->Kz1 = (tdble)(2 * PI);
wing->Kx = (tdble) (0.5 * rho * area);
wing->Kz2 = 1.05f;
wing->Kz3 = 0.05f;
wing->Kx1 = 0.6f;
wing->Kx2 = 0.006f;
wing->Kx3 = 1.0f;
wing->Kx4 = 0.9f;
SimWingReConfig(tCar *car, int index)
{/* called by SimCarReConfig() in car.cpp */
tWing *wing = &(car->wing[index]);
tCarSetupItem *angle = &(car->carElt->setup.wingAngle[index]);
if (angle->changed)
wing->angle = MIN(angle->max,MAX(angle->min,angle->desired_value));
angle->value = wing->angle;
if (wing->WingType == 0)
if (index==1)
car->aero.Cd = car->aero.CdBody - wing->Kx*sin(wing->angle);
else if (wing->WingType == 1)
tWing *otherwing = &(car->wing[1-index]);
car->aero.Cd = (tdble)(car->aero.CdBody - wing->Kx*sin(wing->angle - wing->AoAatZRad) - otherwing->Kx*sin(otherwing->angle - otherwing->AoAatZRad));
angle->changed = false;
SimWingUpdate(tCar *car, int index, tSituation* s)
tWing *wing = &(car->wing[index]);
/* return with 0 if no wing present */
if (wing->WingType == -1)
wing->forces.x = wing->forces.z = 0.0f;
if (index == 1)
// Check wing angle controller
if (car->ctrl->wingControlMode == 2)
// Update wing angle
wing->angle = car->ctrl->wingRearCmd;
car->aero.Cd = car->aero.CdBody - wing->Kx*sin(wing->angle);
// Check wing angle controller
if (car->ctrl->wingControlMode == 2)
// Update wing angle
wing->angle = car->ctrl->wingFrontCmd;
tdble vt2 = car->airSpeed2;
// compute angle of attack
tdble aoa = atan2(car->DynGC.vel.z, car->DynGC.vel.x) + car->DynGCg.pos.ay;
aoa += wing->angle;
if (wing->WingType == 2) //thin wing works for every direction
tdble x;
while (aoa > PI) aoa -= (tdble) (2 * PI);
while (aoa < -PI) aoa += (tdble) (2 * PI);
/* first calculate coefficients */
if (aoa > PI_2)
if (aoa > PI - wing->AoStall) wing->forces.x = (tdble) (wing->Kx1 * (PI - aoa) * (PI - aoa) + wing->Kx2);
else wing->forces.x = (tdble) (wing->Kx3 - wing->Kx4 * cos(2*aoa));
if (aoa > PI - wing->AoStall + wing->Stallw)
{x = (tdble)0.0;}
x = (tdble) (aoa - PI + wing->AoStall - wing->Stallw);
x = (tdble) (x * x / (x * x + wing->Stallw * wing->Stallw));
wing->forces.z = (tdble) (-(1-x) * wing->Kz1 * (aoa - PI + wing->AoAatZero) - x * (wing->Kz2 * sin(2*aoa) + wing->Kz3));
else if (aoa > 0)
if (aoa < wing->AoStall)
wing->forces.x = wing->Kx1 * aoa * aoa + wing->Kx2;
wing->forces.x = wing->Kx3 - wing->Kx4 * cos(2*aoa);
if (aoa < wing->AoStall - wing->Stallw)
{x = (tdble)0.0;}
x = aoa - wing->AoStall + wing->Stallw;
x = x * x / (x * x + wing->Stallw * wing->Stallw);
wing->forces.z = -(1-x) * wing->Kz1 * (aoa - wing->AoAatZero) - x * (wing->Kz2 * sin(2*aoa) + wing->Kz3);
else if (aoa > -PI_2)
if (aoa > -wing->AoStall)
wing->forces.x = wing->Kx1 * aoa * aoa + wing->Kx2;
wing->forces.x = wing->Kx3 - wing->Kx4 * cos(2*aoa);
if (aoa > -wing->AoStall + wing->Stallw)
{x = (tdble)0.0;}
x = aoa + wing->AoStall - wing->Stallw;
x = x * x / (x * x + wing->Stallw * wing->Stallw);
wing->forces.z = -(1-x) * wing->Kz1 * (aoa - wing->AoAatZero) - x * (wing->Kz2 * sin(2*aoa) - wing->Kz3);
if (aoa < wing->AoStall - PI)
wing->forces.x = (tdble) (wing->Kx1 * (PI + aoa) * (PI + aoa) + wing->Kx2);
wing->forces.x = wing->Kx3 - wing->Kx4 * cos(2*aoa);
if (aoa < wing->AoStall - wing->Stallw - PI)
{x = (tdble)0.0;}
x = (tdble) (aoa - wing->AoStall + wing->Stallw + PI);
x = x * x / (x * x + wing->Stallw * wing->Stallw);
wing->forces.z = (tdble) (-(1-x) * wing->Kz1 * (aoa + wing->AoAatZero + PI) - x * (wing->Kz2 * sin(2*aoa) - wing->Kz3));
/* add induced drag */
if (wing->AR > 0.001)
if (wing->forces.x > 0.0)
wing->forces.x += (tdble) (wing->forces.z * wing->forces.z / (wing->AR * 2.8274)); //0.9*PI
wing->forces.x -= (tdble) (wing->forces.z * wing->forces.z / (wing->AR * 2.8274));
/* then multiply with 0.5*rho*area and the square of velocity */
wing->forces.x *= (tdble)(- car->DynGC.vel.x * fabs(car->DynGC.vel.x) * wing->Kx * (1.0f + (tdble)car->dammage / 10000.0));
wing->forces.z *= wing->Kx * vt2;
else if (car->DynGC.vel.x > 0.0f)
if (wing->WingType == 0)
// the sinus of the angle of attack
tdble sinaoa = sin(aoa);
// make drag always negative and have a minimal angle of attack
wing->forces.x = (tdble) (wing->Kx * vt2 * (1.0f + (tdble)car->dammage / 10000.0) * MAX(fabs(sinaoa), 0.02));
// If angle of attack is too large, no downforce, only drag
if (fabs(aoa) > PI_2)
wing->forces.z = 0.0;
// 0 deg -> 30 deg as it was in simuV2.1
if (fabs(aoa) < PI_6)
sinaoa = sin(aoa);
else // 30 deg -> 90 deg smoothly reduced downforce
sinaoa = (tdble) (0.25f * (1.0f - ((aoa-PI_3)/PI_6)*((aoa-PI_3)/PI_6)*((aoa-PI_3)/PI_6)));
wing->forces.z = (tdble) MIN(0.0,wing->Kz * vt2 * sinaoa);
else if (wing->WingType == 1)
wing->forces.x = (tdble) (wing->Kx * vt2 * (1.0f + (tdble)car->dammage / 10000.0) * MAX(fabs(sin(aoa - wing->AoAatZRad)), 0.02));
wing->forces.z = (tdble) MIN(0.0,wing->Kx* vt2 * CliftFromAoA(wing));
// fprintf(stderr,"%d fz: %g (%g)\n",index,wing->forces.z,CliftFromAoA(wing));
wing->forces.x = wing->forces.z = 0.0f;