Xavier Del Campo Romero e37a0248e8
Remove(3) f->tmpname from ctx_free
Until now, f->tmpname was removed by move_file when the move
operation succeeded. However, since a HTTP operation can fail before
move_file is called, the temporary file must also be removed.
2023-03-08 18:17:32 +01:00

1042 lines
24 KiB

#include "auth.h"
#include "cftw.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "http.h"
#include "page.h"
#include <dynstr.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct form
char *key, *value;
static int redirect(struct http_response *const r)
*r = (const struct http_response)
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Location", "/user/"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return 0;
static int serve_index(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
struct auth *const a = user;
if (auth_cookie(a, &p->cookie))
return page_login(r);
return redirect(r);
static int serve_style(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
return page_style(r);
static char *alloc_form_data(const char *const s, const char **const end)
const char *const next = strchr(s, '&');
const size_t len = next ? next - s : strlen(s);
char *const data = malloc(len + 1);
if (!data)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
memcpy(data, s, len);
data[len] = '\0';
*end = s + len;
if (next)
*end += 1;
return data;
static void form_free(struct form *const f)
if (f)
static struct form *append_form(struct form *forms, const char **const s,
size_t *const n)
struct form *ret = NULL;
const char *end;
char *const data = alloc_form_data(*s, &end), *key = NULL, *value = NULL;
struct form *f = NULL;
if (!data)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: alloc_form_data failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (!(forms = realloc(forms, (*n + 1) * sizeof *forms)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: realloc(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
const char *const sep = strchr(data, '=');
if (!sep)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: strchr(3) returned NULL\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (!data || !*(sep + 1))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected key=value (%s)\n", __func__, data);
goto end;
f = &forms[(*n)++];
const size_t keylen = sep - data;
if (!(key = strndup(data, keylen)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: strndup(3) key: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (!(value = strdup(sep + 1)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: strdup(3) value: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
*f = (const struct form)
.key = http_decode_url(key),
.value = http_decode_url(value)
if (!f->key || !f->value)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_decode_url key/value failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
*s = end;
ret = forms;
if (!ret)
return ret;
static struct form *get_forms(const struct http_payload *const pl,
size_t *const outn)
const struct http_post *const p = &pl->;
const char *const ref = p->data;
char *dup = NULL;
struct form *forms = NULL;
if (!ref)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected non-NULL buffer\n", __func__);
goto failure;
else if (!(dup = strndup(ref, p->n)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: strndup(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto failure;
const char *s = dup;
*outn = 0;
while (*s)
struct form *const f = append_form(forms, &s, outn);
if (!f)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: append_form failed\n", __func__);
goto failure;
forms = f;
return forms;
return NULL;
static int check_credentials(struct auth *const a,
const struct form *const forms, const size_t n, char **const cookie)
const char *username = NULL, *pwd = NULL;
*cookie = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
const struct form *const f = &forms[i];
if (!strcmp(f->key, "username"))
username = f->value;
else if (!strcmp(f->key, "password"))
pwd = f->value;
if (!username || !pwd)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing credentials\n", __func__);
return 1;
const int ret = auth_login(a, username, pwd, cookie);
if (ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_login failed\n", __func__);
return ret;
static int login(const struct http_payload *const pl,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
int res = -1;
size_t n;
struct form *const forms = get_forms(pl, &n);
struct auth *const a = user;
char *cookie = NULL;
if (!forms)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: get_forms failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if ((res = check_credentials(a, forms, n, &cookie)))
if (res < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: check_credentials failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (redirect(r))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: redirect failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (cookie && http_response_add_header(r, "Set-Cookie", cookie))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
res = 0;
if (forms)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (res && page_failed_login(r))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: page_failed_login failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return 0;
static int logout(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
struct auth *const a = user;
const struct http_cookie *const c = &p->cookie;
const int res = auth_cookie(a, c);
if (res < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_cookie failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
else if (res)
return page_forbidden(r);
int ret = -1;
struct dynstr d;
static const char date[] = "Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
*r = (const struct http_response)
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Location", "/"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (http_response_add_header(r, "Content-Type", "text/html"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
/* Force expired cookie so they are removed by the browser, too. */
else if (dynstr_append(&d, "%s=%s; Expires=%s", c->field, c->value, date))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (http_response_add_header(r, "Set-Cookie", d.str))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int search(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
struct auth *const a = user;
if (auth_cookie(a, &p->cookie))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_cookie failed\n", __func__);
return page_forbidden(r);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: TODO\n", __func__);
return -1;
static int add_length(const char *const fpath, const struct stat *const sb,
void *const user)
unsigned long long *const l = user;
*l += sb->st_size;
return 0;
static int quota_current(const struct auth *const a,
const char *const username, unsigned long long *const cur)
int ret = -1;
const char *const adir = auth_dir(a);
struct dynstr d;
if (!adir)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_dir failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (dynstr_append(&d, "%s/user/%s", adir, username))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
*cur = 0;
if (cftw(d.str, add_length, cur))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cftw: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int check_quota(const struct auth *const a, const char *const username,
const unsigned long long len, const unsigned long long quota)
unsigned long long total;
if (quota_current(a, username, &total))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: quota_current failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return total + len > quota ? 1 : 0;
static int check_length(const unsigned long long len,
const struct http_cookie *const c, void *const user)
struct auth *const a = user;
const char *const username = c->field;
bool has_quota;
unsigned long long quota;
if (auth_quota(a, username, &has_quota, &quota))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_quota failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
else if (has_quota)
return check_quota(a, username, len, quota);
return 0;
static bool path_isrel(const char *const path)
if (!strcmp(path, "..") || !strcmp(path, ".") || strstr(path, "/../"))
return true;
static const char suffix[] = "/..";
const size_t n = strlen(path), sn = strlen(suffix);
if (n >= sn && !strcmp(path + n - sn, suffix))
return true;
return false;
static char *cust_dirname(char *const d)
path dirname cust_dirname
/usr/lib /usr /usr/
/usr/ / /usr/
usr . .
/ / /
. . .
.. . .
if (!strcmp(d, "."))
return d;
char *const s = strrchr(d, '/');
if (!s)
return ".";
*(s + 1) = '\0';
return d;
static int getnode(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
struct auth *const a = user;
if (auth_cookie(a, &p->cookie))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_cookie failed\n", __func__);
*r = (const struct http_response)
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Location", "/"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
else if (http_response_add_header(r, "Content-Type", "text/html"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return 0;
const char *const username = p->cookie.field,
*const resource = p->resource + strlen("/user/");
if (path_isrel(resource))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal relative path %s\n", __func__, resource);
return page_forbidden(r);
int ret = -1;
struct dynstr root, d;
char *const dird = strdup(p->resource), *dir = NULL;
const char *const adir = auth_dir(a);
if (!adir)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_dir failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (!dird)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: strdup(3) failed: %s\n",
__func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (!(dir = cust_dirname(dird)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dirname(3) failed: %s\n",
__func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (dynstr_append(&root, "%s/user/%s/", adir, username)
|| dynstr_append(&d, "%s%s", root.str, resource))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
bool available;
unsigned long long cur, max;
if (auth_quota(a, username, &available, &max))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: quota_available failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (available && quota_current(a, username, &cur))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: quota_current failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
const struct page_quota pq =
.cur = cur,
.max = max
}, *const ppq = available ? &pq : NULL;
ret = page_resource(r, dir, root.str, d.str, ppq);
return ret;
static int move_file(const char *const old, const char *const new)
int ret = -1;
FILE *const f = fopen(old, "rb");
const int fd = open(new, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600);
struct stat sb;
if (!f)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: fopen(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (fd < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: open(2): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (stat(old, &sb))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: stat(2): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
for (off_t i = 0; i < sb.st_size;)
char buf[1024];
const off_t left = sb.st_size - i;
const size_t rem = left > sizeof buf ? sizeof buf : left;
ssize_t w;
if (!fread(buf, rem, 1, f))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: fread(3) failed, feof=%d, ferror=%d\n",
__func__, feof(f), ferror(f));
goto end;
else if ((w = write(fd, buf, rem)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write(2): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
else if (w != rem)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write(2): expected to write %zu bytes, "
"only %ju written\n", __func__, rem, (intmax_t)w);
goto end;
i += rem;
ret = 0;
if (fd >= 0 && close(fd))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: close(2): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
ret = -1;
if (f && fclose(f))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: fclose(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int rename_or_move(const char *const old, const char *const new)
const int res = rename(old, new);
if (res && errno == EXDEV)
return move_file(old, new);
else if (res)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: rename(3): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
return res;
static int upload_file(const struct http_post_file *const f,
const char *const user, const char *const root, const char *const dir)
int ret = -1;
struct dynstr d;
if (!root)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_dir failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (dynstr_append(&d, "%s/user/%s/%s%s", root, user, dir, f->filename))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (rename_or_move(f->tmpname, d.str))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: rename_or_move failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int redirect_to_dir(const char *const dir,
struct http_response *const r)
int ret = -1;
struct dynstr d;
char *const encdir = http_encode_url(dir);
*r = (const struct http_response)
if (!encdir)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_encode_url failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (dynstr_append(&d, "/user%s", encdir))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (http_response_add_header(r, "Location", d.str))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int upload_files(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, const struct auth *const a)
const struct http_post *const po = &p->;
const char *const root = auth_dir(a), *const user = p->cookie.field,
*const dir = po->dir;
if (!po->files)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected file list\n", __func__);
return 1;
else if (!root)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_dir failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
else if (!dir)
static const char body[] = "<html>No target directory set</html>";
*r = (const struct http_response)
.status = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, = body,
.n = strlen(body)
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Content-Type", "text/html"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < po->n; i++)
if (upload_file(&po->files[i], user, root, po->dir))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: upload_file failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
return redirect_to_dir(dir, r);
static int upload(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
const struct auth *const a = user;
if (auth_cookie(a, &p->cookie))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_cookie failed\n", __func__);
return page_forbidden(r);
else if (p->
*r = (const struct http_response)
return 0;
return upload_files(p, r, a);
static int createdir(const struct http_payload *const p,
struct http_response *const r, void *const user)
int ret = -1;
struct auth *const a = user;
struct dynstr d, userd;
struct form *forms = NULL;
if (auth_cookie(a, &p->cookie))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_cookie failed\n", __func__);
ret = page_forbidden(r);
goto end;
size_t n;
if (!(forms = get_forms(p, &n)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: get_forms failed\n", __func__);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
else if (n != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected 2 forms, got %zu\n", __func__, n);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
char *name = NULL, *dir = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
const struct form *const f = &forms[i];
if (!strcmp(f->key, "name"))
name = f->value;
else if (!strcmp(f->key, "dir"))
dir = f->value;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected key %s\n", __func__, f->key);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
if (!name || !dir)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing name or directory\n", __func__);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
else if (path_isrel(name) || strpbrk(name, "/*"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid directory name %s\n", __func__, dir);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
else if (path_isrel(dir) || strchr(dir, '*'))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid name %s\n", __func__, name);
ret = page_bad_request(r);
goto end;
/* HTML input forms use '+' for whitespace, rather than %20. */
char *c = name, *d = dir;
while ((c = strchr(c, '+')))
*c = ' ';
while ((d = strchr(d, '+')))
*d = ' ';
const char *const root = auth_dir(a);
if (!root)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: auth_dir failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
else if (dynstr_append(&d, "%s/user/%s/%s%s",
root, p->cookie.field, dir, name))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append d failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (dynstr_append(&userd, "/user%s%s/", dir, name))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: dynstr_append userd failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
else if (mkdir(d.str, 0700))
if (errno != EEXIST)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: mkdir(2): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
goto end;
static const char body[] = "<html>Directory already exists</html>";
*r = (const struct http_response)
.status = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, = body,
.n = sizeof body - 1
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Content-Type", "text/html"))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
return -1;
*r = (const struct http_response)
if (http_response_add_header(r, "Location", userd.str))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: http_response_add_header failed\n", __func__);
goto end;
ret = 0;
if (forms)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
return ret;
static void usage(char *const argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "%s [-t tmpdir] [-p port] dir\n", *argv);
static int parse_args(const int argc, char *const argv[],
const char **const dir, unsigned short *const port,
const char **const tmpdir)
const char *const envtmp = getenv("TMPDIR");
int opt;
/* Default values. */
*port = 0;
*tmpdir = envtmp ? envtmp : "/tmp";
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "t:p:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 't':
*tmpdir = optarg;
case 'p':
const unsigned long portul = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10);
if (portul > UINT16_MAX)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid port %lu\n", __func__, portul);
return -1;
*port = portul;
return -1;
if (optind >= argc)
return -1;
*dir = argv[optind];
return 0;
int main(const int argc, char *const argv[])
int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
struct handler *h = NULL;
struct auth *a = NULL;
const char *dir, *tmpdir;
unsigned short port;
if (parse_args(argc, argv, &dir, &port, &tmpdir)
|| !(a = auth_alloc(dir)))
goto end;
const struct handler_cfg cfg =
.length = check_length,
.tmpdir = tmpdir,
.user = a
if (!(h = handler_alloc(&cfg))
|| handler_add(h, "/", HTTP_OP_GET, serve_index, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/index.html", HTTP_OP_GET, serve_index, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/style.css", HTTP_OP_GET, serve_style, NULL)
|| handler_add(h, "/user/*", HTTP_OP_GET, getnode, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/login", HTTP_OP_POST, login, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/logout", HTTP_OP_POST, logout, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/search", HTTP_OP_POST, search, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/upload", HTTP_OP_POST, upload, a)
|| handler_add(h, "/mkdir", HTTP_OP_POST, createdir, a)
|| handler_listen(h, port))
goto end;
return ret;