# Thumbnail generation tool for `slcl` This directory defines a separation application to be used in conjunction with `slcl`, aimed to update the thumbnail database automatically whenever files are added/removed to/from the database. ### Root permissions This application requires no `root` permissions. So, in order to avoid the risk for security bugs, **please do not run this application as `root`**. ## Requirements - A POSIX environment. - [`dynstr`](https://gitea.privatedns.org/xavi92/dynstr) (provided as a `git` submodule). - MagickCore - CMake (optional). ### Ubuntu / Debian #### Mandatory packages ```sh sudo apt install build-essential libmagickcore-6.q16-dev ``` #### Optional packages ```sh sudo apt install cmake ``` ## How to use ### Build Similarly to `slcl`, two build environments are provided - feel free to choose any of them: - A mostly POSIX-compliant [`Makefile`](Makefile). - A [`CMakeLists.txt`](CMakeLists.txt). `thumbnail` can be built using the standard build process: #### Make ```sh $ make ``` #### CMake ```sh $ mkdir build/ $ cmake .. $ cmake --build . ``` ## Usage This tool only consumes one argument: the directory containing the instance database, which must be the same used by `slcl`. For example: ```sh thumbnail ~/my-db ```