
433 lines
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SDCCdwarf2.h - DWARF2 debugging constants
Written By - Erik Petrich . (2004)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program.
You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve
what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding!
#ifndef SDCCDWARF2_H
#define SDCCDWARF2_H
#define DW_TAG_array_type 0x01
#define DW_TAG_class_type 0x02
#define DW_TAG_entry_point 0x03
#define DW_TAG_enumeration_type 0x04
#define DW_TAG_formal_parameter 0x05
#define DW_TAG_imported_declaration 0x08
#define DW_TAG_label 0x0a
#define DW_TAG_lexical_block 0x0b
#define DW_TAG_member 0x0d
#define DW_TAG_pointer_type 0x0f
#define DW_TAG_reference_type 0x10
#define DW_TAG_compile_unit 0x11
#define DW_TAG_string_type 0x12
#define DW_TAG_structure_type 0x13
#define DW_TAG_subroutine_type 0x15
#define DW_TAG_typedef 0x16
#define DW_TAG_union_type 0x17
#define DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters 0x18
#define DW_TAG_variant 0x19
#define DW_TAG_common_block 0x1a
#define DW_TAG_common_inclusion 0x1b
#define DW_TAG_inheritance 0x1c
#define DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine 01x1d
#define DW_TAG_module 0x1e
#define DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type 0x1f
#define DW_TAG_set_type 0x20
#define DW_TAG_subrange_type 0x21
#define DW_TAG_with_stmt 0x22
#define DW_TAG_access_declaration 0x23
#define DW_TAG_base_type 0x24
#define DW_TAG_catch_block 0x25
#define DW_TAG_const_type 0x26
#define DW_TAG_constant 0x27
#define DW_TAG_enumerator 0x28
#define DW_TAG_file_type 0x29
#define DW_TAG_friend 0x2a
#define DW_TAG_namelist 0x2b
#define DW_TAG_namelist_item 0x2c
#define DW_TAG_packed_type 0x2d
#define DW_TAG_subprogram 0x2e
#define DW_TAG_template_type_param 0x2f
#define DW_TAG_template_value_param 0x30
#define DW_TAG_thrown_type 0x31
#define DW_TAG_try_block 0x32
#define DW_TAG_variant_part 0x33
#define DW_TAG_variable 0x34
#define DW_TAG_volatile_type 0x35
#define DW_CHILDREN_no 0
#define DW_CHILDREN_yes 1
#define DW_LANG_C89 0x0001
#define DW_AT_sibling 0x01
#define DW_AT_location 0x02
#define DW_AT_name 0x03
#define DW_AT_ordering 0x09
#define DW_AT_byte_size 0x0b
#define DW_AT_bit_offset 0x0c
#define DW_AT_bit_size 0x0d
#define DW_AT_stmt_list 0x10
#define DW_AT_low_pc 0x11
#define DW_AT_high_pc 0x12
#define DW_AT_language 0x13
#define DW_AT_discr 0x15
#define DW_AT_discr_value 0x16
#define DW_AT_visibility 0x17
#define DW_AT_import 0x18
#define DW_AT_string_length 0x19
#define DW_AT_common_reference 0x1a
#define DW_AT_comp_dir 0x1b
#define DW_AT_const_value 0x1c
#define DW_AT_containing_type 0x1d
#define DW_AT_default_value 0x1e
#define DW_AT_inline 0x20
#define DW_AT_is_optional 0x21
#define DW_AT_lower_bound 0x22
#define DW_AT_producer 0x25
#define DW_AT_prototyped 0x27
#define DW_AT_return_addr 0x2a
#define DW_AT_start_scope 0x2c
#define DW_AT_stride_size 0x2e
#define DW_AT_upper_bound 0x2f
#define DW_AT_abstract_origin 0x31
#define DW_AT_accessibility 0x32
#define DW_AT_address_class 0x33
#define DW_AT_artificial 0x34
#define DW_AT_base_types 0x35
#define DW_AT_calling_convention 0x36
#define DW_AT_count 0x37
#define DW_AT_data_member_location 0x38
#define DW_AT_decl_column 0x39
#define DW_AT_decl_file 0x3a
#define DW_AT_decl_line 0x3b
#define DW_AT_declaration 0x3c
#define DW_AT_discr_list 0x3d
#define DW_AT_encoding 0x3e
#define DW_AT_external 0x3f
#define DW_AT_frame_base 0x40
#define DW_AT_friend 0x41
#define DW_AT_identifier_case 0x42
#define DW_AT_macro_info 0x43
#define DW_AT_namelist_item 0x44
#define DW_AT_priority 0x45
#define DW_AT_segment 0x46
#define DW_AT_specification 0x47
#define DW_AT_static_link 0x48
#define DW_AT_type 0x49
#define DW_AT_use_location 0x4a
#define DW_AT_variable_parameter 0x4b
#define DW_AT_virtuality 0x4c
#define DW_AT_vtable_elem_location 0x4d
#define DW_AT_lo_user 0x2000
#define DW_AT_hi_user 0x3fff
#define DW_AT_user_block 0x2650
#define DW_AT_user_level 0x2651
#define DW_FORM_addr 0x01
#define DW_FORM_block2 0x03
#define DW_FORM_block4 0x04
#define DW_FORM_data2 0x05
#define DW_FORM_data4 0x06
#define DW_FORM_data8 0x07
#define DW_FORM_string 0x08
#define DW_FORM_block 0x09
#define DW_FORM_block1 0x0a
#define DW_FORM_data1 0x0b
#define DW_FORM_flag 0x0c
#define DW_FORM_sdata 0x0d
#define DW_FORM_strp 0x0e
#define DW_FORM_udata 0x0f
#define DW_FORM_ref_addr 0x10
#define DW_FORM_ref1 0x11
#define DW_FORM_ref2 0x12
#define DW_FORM_ref4 0x13
#define DW_FORM_ref_udata 0x15
#define DW_FORM_indirect 0x16
#define DW_OP_addr 0x03
#define DW_OP_deref 0x06
#define DW_OP_const1u 0x08
#define DW_OP_const1s 0x09
#define DW_OP_const2u 0x0a
#define DW_OP_const2s 0x0b
#define DW_OP_const4u 0x0c
#define DW_OP_const4s 0x0d
#define DW_OP_const8u 0x0e
#define DW_OP_const8s 0x0f
#define DW_OP_constu 0x10
#define DW_OP_consts 0x11
#define DW_OP_dup 0x12
#define DW_OP_drop 0x13
#define DW_OP_over 0x14
#define DW_OP_pick 0x15
#define DW_OP_swap 0x16
#define DW_OP_rot 0x17
#define DW_OP_xderef 0x18
#define DW_OP_abs 0x19
#define DW_OP_and 0x1a
#define DW_OP_div 0x1b
#define DW_OP_minus 0x1c
#define DW_OP_mod 0x1d
#define DW_OP_mul 0x1e
#define DW_OP_neg 0x1f
#define DW_OP_not 0x20
#define DW_OP_or 0x21
#define DW_OP_plus 0x22
#define DW_OP_plus_uconst 0x23
#define DW_OP_shl 0x24
#define DW_OP_shr 0x25
#define DW_OP_shra 0x26
#define DW_OP_xor 0x27
#define DW_OP_skip 0x2f
#define DW_OP_bra 0x28
#define DW_OP_eq 0x29
#define DW_OP_ge 0x2a
#define DW_OP_gt 0x2b
#define DW_OP_le 0x2c
#define DW_OP_lt 0x2d
#define DW_OP_ne 0x2e
#define DW_OP_lit0 0x30
#define DW_OP_reg0 0x50
#define DW_OP_breg0 0x70
#define DW_OP_breg1 0x71
#define DW_OP_breg2 0x72
#define DW_OP_breg3 0x73
#define DW_OP_breg4 0x74
#define DW_OP_breg5 0x75
#define DW_OP_breg6 0x76
#define DW_OP_breg7 0x77
#define DW_OP_breg8 0x78
#define DW_OP_breg9 0x79
#define DW_OP_breg10 0x7a
#define DW_OP_breg11 0x7b
#define DW_OP_breg12 0x7c
#define DW_OP_breg13 0x7d
#define DW_OP_breg14 0x7e
#define DW_OP_breg15 0x7f
#define DW_OP_breg16 0x80
#define DW_OP_breg17 0x81
#define DW_OP_breg18 0x82
#define DW_OP_breg19 0x83
#define DW_OP_breg20 0x84
#define DW_OP_breg21 0x85
#define DW_OP_breg22 0x86
#define DW_OP_breg23 0x87
#define DW_OP_breg24 0x88
#define DW_OP_breg25 0x89
#define DW_OP_breg26 0x8a
#define DW_OP_breg27 0x8b
#define DW_OP_breg28 0x8c
#define DW_OP_breg29 0x8d
#define DW_OP_breg30 0x8e
#define DW_OP_breg31 0x8f
#define DW_OP_regx 0x90
#define DW_OP_fbreg 0x91
#define DW_OP_bregx 0x92
#define DW_OP_piece 0x93
#define DW_OP_deref_size 0x94
#define DW_OP_xderef_size 0x95
#define DW_OP_nop 0x96
#define DW_ATE_address 0x1
#define DW_ATE_boolean 0x2
#define DW_ATE_complex_float 0x3
#define DW_ATE_float 0x4
#define DW_ATE_signed 0x5
#define DW_ATE_signed_char 0x6
#define DW_ATE_unsigned 0x7
#define DW_ATE_unsigned_char 0x8
#define DW_CC_normal 0x1
#define DW_CC_program 0x2
#define DW_CC_nocall 0x3
#define DW_LNS_copy 1
#define DW_LNS_advance_pc 2
#define DW_LNS_advance_line 3
#define DW_LNS_set_file 4
#define DW_LNS_set_column 5
#define DW_LNS_negate_stmt 6
#define DW_LNS_set_basic_block 7
#define DW_LNS_const_add_pc 8
#define DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc 9
#define DW_LNE_end_sequence 1
#define DW_LNE_set_address 2
#define DW_LNE_define_file 3
#define DW_MACINFO_define 1
#define DW_MACINFO_undef 2
#define DW_MACINFO_start_file 3
#define DW_MACINFO_end_file 4
#define DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext 255
#define DW_CFA_advance_loc (1 << 6)
#define DW_CFA_offset (2 << 6)
#define DW_CFA_restore (3 << 6)
#define DW_CFA_set_loc 0x01
#define DW_CFA_advance_loc1 0x02
#define DW_CFA_advance_loc2 0x03
#define DW_CFA_advance_loc4 0x04
#define DW_CFA_offset_extended 0x05
#define DW_CFA_restore_extended 0x06
#define DW_CFA_undefined 0x07
#define DW_CFA_same_value 0x08
#define DW_CFA_register 0x09
#define DW_CFA_remember_state 0x0a
#define DW_CFA_restore_state 0x0b
#define DW_CFA_def_cfa 0x0c
#define DW_CFA_def_cfa_register 0x0d
#define DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 0x0e
#define DW_CFA_nop 0x0f
#define DW_CFA_lo_user 0x1c
#define DW_CFA_hi_user 0x3f
typedef struct dwloc
int opcode;
symbol * sym;
const char * label;
int offset;
} operand;
struct dwloc * next;
} dwloc;
typedef struct dwlocregion
char * startLabel;
char * endLabel;
dwloc * loc;
struct dwlocregion * next;
} dwlocregion;
typedef struct dwloclist
int baseOffset;
dwlocregion * region;
struct dwloclist * next;
} dwloclist;
typedef struct dwcfilist
char * startLabel;
char * endLabel;
int callsize;
dwlocregion * region;
struct dwcfilist * next;
} dwcfilist;
struct dwtag;
typedef struct dwattr
int attr;
int form;
char * label;
int offset;
} symaddr;
unsigned char * data;
int length;
} block;
int data;
const char * string;
struct dwtag * ref;
struct dwloc * loc;
struct dwloclist * loclist;
} val;
struct dwattr * next;
} dwattr;
typedef struct dwtag
int tag;
int abbrev;
int baseOffset;
struct dwattr * attribs;
struct dwtag * parent;
struct dwtag * firstChild;
struct dwtag * lastChild;
struct dwtag * siblings;
} dwtag;
typedef struct dwfile
char * name;
int dirIndex;
int timestamp;
int length;
} dwfile;
typedef struct dwline
char * label;
int offset;
int fileIndex;
int line;
unsigned is_stmt:1;
unsigned basic_block:1;
unsigned end_sequence:1;
unsigned begin_sequence:1;
struct dwline * next;
} dwline;
typedef struct dwblock
unsigned char * data;
int length;
int alloc;
} dwblock;
typedef struct dwcfop
int opcode;
char * label;
int operand1;
int operand2;
struct dwcfop * next;
} dwcfop;
typedef struct dwcfins
dwcfop * first;
dwcfop * last;
} dwcfins;
typedef struct dwfde
char * startLabel;
char * endLabel;
dwcfins * ins;
} dwfde;