
163 lines
3.7 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <psx.h>
* Flags taken from PCSX
// Status Flags
#define TX_RDY 0x0001
#define RX_RDY 0x0002
#define TX_EMPTY 0x0004
#define PARITY_ERR 0x0008
#define RX_OVERRUN 0x0010
#define FRAMING_ERR 0x0020
#define SYNC_DETECT 0x0040
#define DSR 0x0080
#define CTS 0x0100
#define IRQ 0x0200
// Control Flags
#define TX_PERM 0x0001
#define DTR 0x0002
#define RX_PERM 0x0004
#define BREAK 0x0008
#define RESET_ERR 0x0010
#define RTS 0x0020
#define PADSIO_RESET 0x0040
from BlackBag/Nagra PSX
0x1f801040 - unsigned char data;
0x1f801044 - unsigned short status;
0x1f80104a - unsigned short cntl;
0x1f80104e - unsigned short baud;
#define PADSIO_DATA(x) *((volatile unsigned char*)(0x1f801040 + (x<<4)))
#define PADSIO_STATUS(x) *((volatile unsigned short*)(0x1f801044 + (x<<4)))
#define PADSIO_MODE(x) *((volatile unsigned short*)(0x1f801048 + (x<<4)))
#define PADSIO_CTRL(x) *((volatile unsigned short*)(0x1f80104a + (x<<4)))
#define PADSIO_BAUD(x) *((volatile unsigned short*)(0x1f80104e + (x<<4)))
unsigned char readpad_vibrations[4][2];
int querypad_rxrdy = 1;
void QueryPAD(int pad_n, const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int len)
volatile int x;
volatile int y; // specified as volatile to not make busy loops get optimized out
volatile int i;
volatile unsigned char TempData;
volatile int EmuFlag = 0;
PADSIO_BAUD(0) = 0x88;
if(pad_n == 1) PADSIO_CTRL(0) = 0x3003; else PADSIO_CTRL(0) = 0x1003;
/*Get the initial command (usually 0x01 or 0x81)*/
TempData = *in;
for(y=0;y<400;y++); /*Slight delay before first transmission*/
for(x = 0; x < len; x++)
/*Must use timeouts or else program hangs on emulators*/
/*Wait for TX ready*/
if(PADSIO_STATUS(0) & 4)break;
PADSIO_DATA(0) = *in;
/*Check ACK only for Memory Cards*/
if(TempData == 0x81 || x == 0)
/*Check for ACK signal*/
if(PADSIO_STATUS(0) & 128)break;
/*Read RX status flag, required for Xebra*/
if(PADSIO_STATUS(0) & 2)break;
*out = PADSIO_DATA(0);
/*This is emulator, valid data was received without ACK, ePSXe and PCSX*/
if(x == 0 && y > 1900 && *out != 0xFF)EmuFlag = 1;
void pad_read_raw(int pad_n, unsigned char *arr)
// arr must be at least 16 bytes long...
unsigned char pad_cmd[PAD_READ_RAW_SIZE] = {1,0x42,0,0,0};
pad_cmd[3] = readpad_vibrations[pad_n][0];
pad_cmd[4] = readpad_vibrations[pad_n][1];
QueryPAD(pad_n, pad_cmd, arr, sizeof(pad_cmd));
void pad_escape_mode(int pad_n, int enable)
unsigned char pad_cmd[] = {1,0x43,0,enable?1:0,0};
QueryPAD(pad_n, pad_cmd, NULL, sizeof(pad_cmd));
void pad_enable_vibration(int pad_n)
unsigned char pad_cmd[] = {1, 0x4d, 0, 0, 1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
pad_escape_mode(pad_n, 1); // Enter escape / configuration mode
QueryPAD(pad_n, pad_cmd, NULL, sizeof(pad_cmd));
pad_escape_mode(pad_n, 0); // Exit escape / configuration mode
void pad_set_vibration(int pad_n, unsigned char small, unsigned char big)
if(pad_n >= 0 && pad_n <= 3)
readpad_vibrations[pad_n][0] = small;
readpad_vibrations[pad_n][1] = big;
// Sony pads make this interface unpractical!
void pad_set_analog(int pad_n, int lock)
unsigned char pad_cmd[9] =
{1, 0x44, 0, 1, lock?3:0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned char pad_cmd2[9] =
{1, 0x4f, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 3, 0, 0, 0};
pad_escape_mode(pad_n, 1);
QueryPAD(pad_n, pad_cmd, NULL, sizeof(pad_cmd));
QueryPAD(pad_n, pad_cmd2, NULL, sizeof(pad_cmd));
pad_escape_mode(pad_n, 0);