MrLavender afe8c4acc6 Various fixes to PeopsOpenGL preferences UI on OSX
- Fixed frame buffer effects options
- Added frame buffer access options
- Frame limit setting was being ignored
- VSync setting was being ignored
- Texture filtering was being restrained to a 0-2 range instead of 0-6
- Scanline color picker was not being enabled properly
- Dithering is a boolean option so changed it to a checkbox
- Minor layout problem with the windowWidth field on OS X 10.10+
2017-07-15 00:39:53 +01:00

500 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

/* All the various stuff needed for configuration is done here,
including reading the Config file and displaying a dialog box
AboutDlgProc() is a plug-in function called from the PCSXR app, as is
#import "NetSfPeopsOpenGLPluginConfigController.h"
#include "gpu.h"
#include "cfg.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include <OpenGL/gl.h> // bah, "externals.h" thinks include files are for wimps; OpenGL header, in fact, is needed
#include "externals.h"
#import "PluginGLView.h"
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define _(x) gettext(x)
#define N_(x) (x)
//If running under Mac OS X, use the Localizable.strings file instead.
#elif defined(_MACOSX)
__private_extern char* Pcsxr_locale_text(char* toloc);
#define _(String) Pcsxr_locale_text(String)
#define N_(String) String
#warning please define the plug being built to use Mac OS X localization!
#define _(msgid) msgid
#define N_(msgid) msgid
//Kludge to get the preprocessor to accept PCSXRPLUG as a variable.
#define PLUGLOC_x(x,y) x ## y
#define PLUGLOC_y(x,y) PLUGLOC_x(x,y)
#define PLUGLOC PLUGLOC_y(PCSXRPLUG,_locale_text)
__private_extern char* PLUGLOC(char* toloc);
#define _(String) PLUGLOC(String)
#define N_(String) String
#define _(x) (x)
#define N_(x) (x)
#define APP_ID @"net.sf.peops.GpuOpenGLPlugin"
#define PrefsKey APP_ID @" Settings"
static NetSfPeopsOpenGLPluginConfigController *windowController = nil;
void AboutDlgProc()
// Get parent application instance
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:APP_ID];
// Get Credits.rtf
NSString *path = [bundle pathForResource:@"Credits" ofType:@"rtf"];
NSAttributedString *credits;
if (!path) {
path = [bundle pathForResource:@"Credits" ofType:@"rtfd"];
if (path) {
credits = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithPath:path documentAttributes:NULL];
} else {
credits = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@""];
// Get Application Icon
NSImage *icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:[bundle bundlePath]];
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(64, 64);
[icon setSize:size];
NSDictionary *infoPaneDict =
@{@"ApplicationName": [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleName"],
@"ApplicationIcon": icon,
@"ApplicationVersion": [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"],
@"Version": [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleVersion"],
@"Copyright": [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSHumanReadableCopyright"],
@"Credits": credits};
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[NSApp orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:infoPaneDict];
void DlgProc()
NSWindow *window;
if (windowController == nil) {
windowController = [[PluginConfigController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"NetSfPeopsOpenGLConfig"];
window = [windowController window];
/* load values */
[windowController loadValues];
[window center];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
#define kFPSCounter @"FPS Counter"
#define kHacks @"Hacks"
#define kAutoFullScreen @"Auto Full Screen"
#define kFrameSkipping @"Frame Skipping"
#define kFrameLimit @"Frame Limit"
#define kVSync @"VSync"
#define kHacksEnable @"Enable Hacks"
#define kWindowSize @"Window Size"
void PrepFactoryDefaultPreferences(void)
// THE place to find the names of settings.
// If it's not here, you can't set it.
// create or read a sub-dictionary beneath the main PCSXR app prefs.
// dictionary is named "net.sf.GpuOpenGLPlugin Settings"
// and contains all our key/values
// the prefs .plist will store this dictionary ("net.sf...") as an object
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary* keyValues = [defaults dictionaryForKey:PrefsKey];
BOOL windowSizeNeedsReset = NO;
if (keyValues) {
NSSize size = NSSizeFromString(keyValues[kWindowSize]);
if (!keyValues[kWindowSize]) {
windowSizeNeedsReset = YES;
} else if ([keyValues[kWindowSize] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
windowSizeNeedsReset = YES;
} else if (size.height == 0 || size.width == 0) {
windowSizeNeedsReset = YES;
if (windowSizeNeedsReset) {
NSMutableDictionary *tmpDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:keyValues];
tmpDict[kWindowSize] = NSStringFromSize(NSMakeSize(800, 600));
[defaults setObject:tmpDict forKey:PrefsKey];
[defaults synchronize];
keyValues = nil;
[defaults registerDefaults:
@{kFPSCounter: @NO,
kAutoFullScreen: @NO,
kFrameSkipping: @NO,
kFrameLimit: @YES,
kVSync: @NO,
kHacksEnable: @NO,
@"Dither Mode": @0,
kHacks: @0,
@"Proportional Resize": @YES,
//[NSSize stringWithCString: @"default"], @"Fullscreen Resolution",
@"Offscreen Drawing Level": @2,
@"Texture Color Depth Level": @0,
@"Texture Enhancement Level": @0,
@"Texture Filter Level": @0,
@"Frame Buffer Level": @0,
@"Frame Buffer Access": @0,
kWindowSize: NSStringFromSize(NSMakeSize(800, 600)),
@"Draw Scanlines": @NO,
// nasty:
@"Scanline Color": [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.25]],
@"Advanced Blending": @NO,
@"Opaque Pass": @NO,
@"Blur": @NO,
@"Z Mask Clipping": @YES,
@"Wireframe Mode": @NO,
@"Emulate mjpeg decoder": @YES, // helps remove unsightly vertical line in movies
@"Fast mjpeg decoder": @NO,
@"GteAccuracy": @YES}}];
void ReadConfig(void)
// set up PCSXR GPU plug's global variables according to user preferences.
// this is called from the PCSXR GPU plugin thread via GPUOpen.
// has nothing to do with the Configuration dialog box, btw., other than the
// fact that the config dialog writes to user prefs. This only reads, which
// is important because PCSXR will change its globals on the fly
// and saving those new ad hoc changes is Bad for the user.
PrepFactoryDefaultPreferences(); // in case user deletes, or on new startup
NSDictionary* keyValues = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:PrefsKey];
// bind all prefs settings to their PCSXR counterparts
// with a little finagling to make it work as expected
iShowFPS = [keyValues[kFPSCounter] boolValue];
if ([keyValues[kFrameLimit] boolValue]) {
bUseFrameLimit = 1;
iFrameLimit = 2; // required
fFrameRate = 60; // required (some number, 60 seems ok)
iForceVSync = [keyValues[kVSync] boolValue] ? 1 : 0;
// Dithering is either on or off in OpenGL plug, but hey
bDrawDither = [keyValues[@"Dither Mode"] intValue];
bChangeWinMode = [keyValues[kAutoFullScreen] boolValue] ? 2 : 1;
bUseFrameSkip = [keyValues[kFrameSkipping] boolValue];
bUseFixes = [keyValues[kHacksEnable] boolValue];
dwCfgFixes = [keyValues[kHacks] unsignedIntValue];
// we always start out at 800x600 (at least until resizing the window is implemented)
NSSize winSize = NSSizeFromString(keyValues[kWindowSize]);
if (bChangeWinMode == 1) {
iResX = winSize.width;
iResY = winSize.height;
} else {
iResX = 800;
iResY = 600;
iBlurBuffer = [keyValues[@"Blur"] boolValue]; // not noticeable, but doesn't harm
iUseScanLines = [keyValues[@"Draw Scanlines"] boolValue]; // works
NSColor* scanColor = [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:keyValues[@"Scanline Color"]];
scanColor = [scanColor colorUsingColorSpace:[NSColorSpace deviceRGBColorSpace]];
iScanlineColor[0] = [scanColor redComponent];
iScanlineColor[1] = [scanColor greenComponent];
iScanlineColor[2] = [scanColor blueComponent];
iScanlineColor[3] = [scanColor alphaComponent];
iScanBlend = 0; // we always draw nice since it costs nothing.
iUseMask = [keyValues[@"Z Mask Clipping"] boolValue]; // works, clips polygons with primitive "Z" buffer
bUseLines = [keyValues[@"Wireframe Mode"] boolValue]; // works, aka "Wireframe" mode
iOffscreenDrawing = [keyValues[@"Offscreen Drawing Level"] intValue]; // draw offscreen for texture building?
if (iOffscreenDrawing > 4) iOffscreenDrawing = 4;
if (iOffscreenDrawing < 0) iOffscreenDrawing = 0;
// texture quality, whatever that means (doesn't hurt), more like "texture handling" or "texture performance"
iFrameTexType = [keyValues[@"Frame Buffer Level"] intValue];
if (iFrameTexType > 3) iFrameTexType = 3;
if (iFrameTexType < 0) iFrameTexType = 0;
iFrameReadType = [keyValues[@"Frame Buffer Access"] intValue];
if (iFrameReadType > 4) iFrameReadType = 4;
if (iFrameReadType < 0) iFrameReadType = 0;
iTexQuality = [keyValues[@"Texture Color Depth Level"] intValue];
if (iTexQuality > 4) iTexQuality = 4;
if (iTexQuality < 0) iTexQuality = 0;
iFilterType = [keyValues[@"Texture Filter Level"] intValue];
if (iFilterType > 6) iFilterType = 6;
if (iFilterType < 0) iFilterType = 0;
// stretches textures (more detail). You'd think it would look great, but it's not massively better. NEEDS iFilterType to be of any use.
iHiResTextures = [keyValues[@"Texture Enhancement Level"] intValue];
if (iHiResTextures > 2)
iHiResTextures = 2;
if (iHiResTextures < 0)
iHiResTextures = 0;
// well actually, the "SaI" mode is best, but is #1, so swap qualities:
if (iHiResTextures != 0)
iHiResTextures = 3 - iHiResTextures;
if (iHiResTextures && !iFilterType)
iFilterType = 1; // needed to see any real effect
bUseFastMdec = [keyValues[@"Emulate mjpeg decoder"] boolValue];
bUse15bitMdec = [keyValues[@"Fast mjpeg decoder"] boolValue];
bGteAccuracy = [keyValues[@"GteAccuracy"] boolValue];
if (iShowFPS)
ulKeybits |= KEY_SHOWFPS;
ulKeybits &=~ KEY_SHOWFPS;
// additional checks
if(bUseFixes) {
dwActFixes = dwCfgFixes;
} else {
dwActFixes = 0;
// need this or you'll be playing at light speed:
if(iFrameLimit == 2) SetAutoFrameCap();
bSkipNextFrame = FALSE;
szDispBuf[0] = 0;
@implementation NetSfPeopsOpenGLPluginConfigController
@synthesize autoFullScreen;
@synthesize limitFrameRate;
@synthesize fpsCounter;
@synthesize frameSkipping;
@synthesize vSync;
@synthesize proportionalResize;
@synthesize fullscreenSize;
@synthesize windowWidth;
@synthesize windowHeighth;
@synthesize offscreenDrawing;
@synthesize texColorDepth;
@synthesize texFiltering;
@synthesize texEnhancment;
@synthesize frameBufferEffects;
@synthesize frameBufferAccess;
@synthesize drawScanlines;
@synthesize advancedBlending;
@synthesize opaquePass;
@synthesize zMaskClipping;
@synthesize wireframeOnly;
@synthesize blurEffect;
@synthesize mjpegDecoder;
@synthesize mjpegDecoder15bit;
@synthesize gteAccuracy;
@synthesize colorDithering;
@synthesize scanlineColorWell;
@synthesize hacksMatrix;
@synthesize hackEnable;
@synthesize hacksWindow;
@synthesize keyValues;
- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender
[self close];
- (IBAction)ok:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSMutableDictionary *writeDic = [keyValues mutableCopy];
writeDic[kFPSCounter] = ([fpsCounter integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Scanline Color"] = [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[scanlineColorWell color]];
writeDic[kFrameSkipping] = ([frameSkipping integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[kAutoFullScreen] = ([autoFullScreen integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[kFrameLimit] = ([limitFrameRate integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Proportional Resize"] = ([proportionalResize integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Offscreen Drawing Level"] = @([offscreenDrawing indexOfSelectedItem]);
writeDic[@"Texture Color Depth Level"] = @([texColorDepth indexOfSelectedItem]);
writeDic[@"Texture Enhancement Level"] = @([texEnhancment integerValue]);
writeDic[@"Texture Filter Level"] = @([texFiltering integerValue]);
writeDic[@"Frame Buffer Level"] = @([frameBufferEffects indexOfSelectedItem]);
writeDic[@"Frame Buffer Access"] = @([frameBufferAccess indexOfSelectedItem]);
writeDic[@"Draw Scanlines"] = ([drawScanlines integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Advanced Blending"] = ([advancedBlending integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Opaque Pass"] = ([opaquePass integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Blur"] = ([blurEffect integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Z Mask Clipping"] = ([zMaskClipping integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Wireframe Mode"] = ([wireframeOnly integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Emulate mjpeg decoder"] = ([mjpegDecoder integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Fast mjpeg decoder"] = ([mjpegDecoder15bit integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"GteAccuracy"] = ([gteAccuracy integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[@"Dither Mode"] = @([colorDithering integerValue]);
writeDic[kVSync] = ([vSync integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
writeDic[kWindowSize] = NSStringFromSize(NSMakeSize([windowWidth integerValue], [windowHeighth integerValue]));
[defaults setObject:writeDic forKey:PrefsKey];
[defaults synchronize];
[self close];
- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:PrefsKey];
[self loadValues];
- (IBAction)hackToggle:(id)sender
// enable the "hacks" checkboxes
BOOL enable = [sender intValue] ? YES : NO;
NSArray *views = [hacksMatrix cells];
for (NSControl *control in views) {
[control setEnabled:enable];
- (void)loadHacksValues
unsigned int hackValues = [(self.keyValues)[kHacks] unsignedIntValue];
[hackEnable setIntegerValue:[(self.keyValues)[kHacksEnable] boolValue]];
// build refs to hacks checkboxes
for (NSControl *control in [hacksMatrix cells]) {
[control setIntValue:(hackValues >> ([control tag] - 1)) & 1];
[self hackToggle:hackEnable];
- (void)loadValues
// set up the window with the values in the .plist
PrepFactoryDefaultPreferences(); // in case we're starting anew
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
/* load from preferences */
self.keyValues = [[defaults dictionaryForKey:PrefsKey] mutableCopy];
[self loadHacksValues];
[autoFullScreen setIntegerValue:[keyValues[kAutoFullScreen] boolValue]];
[limitFrameRate setIntegerValue:[keyValues[kFrameLimit] boolValue]];
[fpsCounter setIntegerValue:[keyValues[kFPSCounter] boolValue]];
[scanlineColorWell setColor:[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: keyValues[@"Scanline Color"]]];
[frameSkipping setIntegerValue:[keyValues[kFrameSkipping] boolValue]];
[advancedBlending setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Advanced Blending"] boolValue]];
[texFiltering setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Texture Filter Level"] integerValue]];
[texEnhancment setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Texture Enhancement Level"] integerValue]];
[zMaskClipping setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Z Mask Clipping"] integerValue]];
[mjpegDecoder setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Emulate mjpeg decoder"] boolValue]];
[mjpegDecoder15bit setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Fast mjpeg decoder"] boolValue]];
[drawScanlines setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Draw Scanlines"] boolValue]];
[offscreenDrawing selectItemAtIndex:[keyValues[@"Offscreen Drawing Level"] integerValue]];
[advancedBlending setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Advanced Blending"] boolValue]];
[opaquePass setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Opaque Pass"] boolValue]];
[wireframeOnly setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Wireframe Mode"] boolValue]];
[blurEffect setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Blur"] boolValue]];
[texColorDepth selectItemAtIndex:[keyValues[@"Texture Color Depth Level"] integerValue]];
[gteAccuracy setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"GteAccuracy"] boolValue]];
[colorDithering setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Dither Mode"] integerValue]];
[scanlineColorWell setEnabled:[keyValues[@"Draw Scanlines"] boolValue]];
[frameBufferEffects selectItemAtIndex:[keyValues[@"Frame Buffer Level"] integerValue]];
[frameBufferAccess selectItemAtIndex:[keyValues[@"Frame Buffer Access"] integerValue]];
[vSync setIntegerValue:[keyValues[kVSync] boolValue]];
[proportionalResize setIntegerValue:[keyValues[@"Proportional Resize"] boolValue]];
NSSize winSize = NSSizeFromString(keyValues[kWindowSize]);
[windowWidth setIntegerValue:winSize.width];
[windowHeighth setIntegerValue:winSize.height];
- (void)awakeFromNib
[[NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel] setShowsAlpha:YES]; // eliminate dumb behavior!
// Kludge fix for windowWidth field layout problem on OS X 10.10+
windowWidth.titleWidth = windowWidth.titleWidth + FLT_MIN;
- (void)hacksSheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
NSParameterAssert(sheet == hacksWindow);
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) {
//Reset hack preferences.
[self loadHacksValues];
} else {
unsigned int hackValues = 0;
for (NSControl *control in [hacksMatrix cells]) {
hackValues |= [control intValue] << ([control tag] - 1);
NSMutableDictionary *writeDic = self.keyValues;
writeDic[kHacks] = @(hackValues);
writeDic[kHacksEnable] = ([hackEnable integerValue] ? @YES : @NO);
[sheet orderOut:nil];
- (IBAction)closeHacks:(id)sender
if ([sender tag] == 1) {
[NSApp endSheet:hacksWindow returnCode:NSOKButton];
} else {
[NSApp endSheet:hacksWindow returnCode:NSCancelButton];
- (IBAction)showHacks:(id)sender
[NSApp beginSheet:hacksWindow modalForWindow:[self window] modalDelegate:self
didEndSelector:@selector(hacksSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
- (IBAction)toggleCheck:(id)sender
scanlineColorWell.enabled = drawScanlines.integerValue;
#import "OSXPlugLocalization.h"
PLUGLOCIMP([PluginConfigController class])