
825 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 PCSX-df Team *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Wei Mingzhi *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
#include "psxcommon.h"
#include "plugins.h"
#include "cdrom.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define MSF2SECT(m, s, f) (((m) * 60 + (s) - 2) * 75 + (f))
#define btoi(b) ((b) / 16 * 10 + (b) % 16) /* BCD to u_char */
#define CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW 2352
#define SUB_FRAMESIZE 96
FILE *cdHandle = NULL;
FILE *cddaHandle = NULL;
FILE *subHandle = NULL;
static char subChanInterleaved = 0;
static unsigned char cdbuffer[DATA_SIZE];
static unsigned char subbuffer[SUB_FRAMESIZE];
static unsigned char sndbuffer[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW * 10];
#define CDDA_FRAMETIME (1000 * (sizeof(sndbuffer) / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW) / 75)
#ifdef _WIN32
static HANDLE threadid;
static pthread_t threadid;
static unsigned int initial_offset = 0;
static volatile char playing = 0;
static char cddaBigEndian = 0;
static volatile unsigned int cddaCurOffset = 0;
char* CALLBACK CDR__getDriveLetter(void);
long CALLBACK CDR__configure(void);
long CALLBACK CDR__test(void);
void CALLBACK CDR__about(void);
long CALLBACK CDR__setfilename(char *filename);
long CALLBACK CDR__getStatus(struct CdrStat *stat);
extern void *hCDRDriver;
struct trackinfo {
enum {DATA, CDDA} type;
char start[3]; // MSF-format
char length[3]; // MSF-format
#define MAXTRACKS 100 /* How many tracks can a CD hold? */
static int numtracks = 0;
static struct trackinfo ti[MAXTRACKS];
// get a sector from a msf-array
static unsigned int msf2sec(char *msf) {
return ((msf[0] * 60 + msf[1]) * 75) + msf[2];
static void sec2msf(unsigned int s, char *msf) {
msf[0] = s / 75 / 60;
s = s - msf[0] * 75 * 60;
msf[1] = s / 75;
s = s - msf[1] * 75;
msf[2] = s;
// divide a string of xx:yy:zz into m, s, f
static void tok2msf(char *time, char *msf) {
char *token;
token = strtok(time, ":");
if (token) {
msf[0] = atoi(token);
else {
msf[0] = 0;
token = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (token) {
msf[1] = atoi(token);
else {
msf[1] = 0;
token = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (token) {
msf[2] = atoi(token);
else {
msf[2] = 0;
#ifndef _WIN32
static long GetTickCount(void) {
static time_t initial_time = 0;
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (initial_time == 0) {
initial_time = now.tv_sec;
return (now.tv_sec - initial_time) * 1000L + now.tv_usec / 1000L;
// this thread plays audio data
#ifdef _WIN32
static void playthread(void *param)
static void *playthread(void *param)
long d, t, i, s;
unsigned char tmp;
t = GetTickCount();
while (playing) {
d = t - (long)GetTickCount();
if (d <= 0) {
d = 1;
else if (d > CDDA_FRAMETIME) {
#ifdef _WIN32
usleep(d * 1000);
t = GetTickCount() + CDDA_FRAMETIME;
if (subChanInterleaved) {
s = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sndbuffer) / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; i++) {
// read one sector
d = fread(sndbuffer + CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW * i, 1, CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, cddaHandle);
s += d;
// skip the subchannel data
fseek(cddaHandle, SUB_FRAMESIZE, SEEK_CUR);
else {
s = fread(sndbuffer, 1, sizeof(sndbuffer), cddaHandle);
if (s == 0) {
playing = 0;
cddaHandle = NULL;
initial_offset = 0;
if (!cdr.Muted && playing) {
if (cddaBigEndian) {
for (i = 0; i < s / 2; i++) {
tmp = sndbuffer[i * 2];
sndbuffer[i * 2] = sndbuffer[i * 2 + 1];
sndbuffer[i * 2 + 1] = tmp;
SPU_playCDDAchannel((short *)sndbuffer, s);
cddaCurOffset += s;
#ifdef _WIN32
return NULL;
// stop the CDDA playback
static void stopCDDA() {
if (!playing) {
playing = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
WaitForSingleObject(threadid, INFINITE);
pthread_join(threadid, NULL);
if (cddaHandle != NULL) {
cddaHandle = NULL;
initial_offset = 0;
// start the CDDA playback
static void startCDDA(unsigned int offset) {
if (playing) {
if (initial_offset == offset) {
cddaHandle = fopen(cdrfilename, "rb");
if (cddaHandle == NULL) {
initial_offset = offset;
cddaCurOffset = initial_offset;
fseek(cddaHandle, initial_offset, SEEK_SET);
playing = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
threadid = (HANDLE)_beginthread(playthread, 0, NULL);
pthread_create(&threadid, NULL, playthread, NULL);
// this function tries to get the .toc file of the given .bin
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
char tocname[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *fi;
char linebuf[256], dummy[256], name[256];
char *token;
char time[20], time2[20];
unsigned int t;
numtracks = 0;
// copy name of the iso and change extension from .bin to .toc
strncpy(tocname, isofile, sizeof(tocname));
tocname[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
if (strlen(tocname) >= 4) {
strcpy(tocname + strlen(tocname) - 4, ".toc");
else {
return -1;
if ((fi = fopen(tocname, "r")) == NULL) {
// check for image.bin.toc (for AcetoneISO)
sprintf(tocname, "%s.toc", isofile);
if ((fi = fopen(tocname, "r")) == NULL) {
// if filename is image.toc.bin, try removing .bin (for Brasero)
strcpy(tocname, isofile);
t = strlen(tocname);
if (t >= 8 && strcmp(tocname + t - 8, ".toc.bin") == 0) {
tocname[t - 4] = '\0';
if ((fi = fopen(tocname, "r")) == NULL) {
return -1;
else {
return -1;
memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti));
// parse the .toc file
while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fi) != NULL) {
// search for tracks
strncpy(dummy, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf));
token = strtok(dummy, " ");
if (token == NULL) {
if (!strcmp(token, "TRACK")) {
// get type of track
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!strcmp(token, "MODE2_RAW\n")) {
ti[numtracks].type = DATA;
sec2msf(2 * 75, ti[numtracks].start); // assume data track on 0:2:0
else if (!strcmp(token, "AUDIO\n")) {
ti[numtracks].type = CDDA;
else if (!strcmp(token, "DATAFILE")) {
sscanf(linebuf, "DATAFILE \"%[^\"]\" %8s", name, time);
tok2msf((char *)&time, (char *)&ti[numtracks].length);
else if (!strcmp(token, "FILE")) {
sscanf(linebuf, "FILE \"%[^\"]\" #%d %8s %8s", name, &t, time, time2);
tok2msf((char *)&time, (char *)&ti[numtracks].start);
t += msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) + 2 * 75;
sec2msf(t, (char *)&ti[numtracks].start);
tok2msf((char *)&time2, (char *)&ti[numtracks].length);
return 0;
// this function tries to get the .cue file of the given .bin
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parsecue(const char *isofile) {
char cuename[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *fi;
char *token;
char time[20];
char *tmp;
char linebuf[256], dummy[256];
unsigned int t;
numtracks = 0;
// copy name of the iso and change extension from .bin to .cue
strncpy(cuename, isofile, sizeof(cuename));
cuename[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
if (strlen(cuename) >= 4) {
strcpy(cuename + strlen(cuename) - 4, ".cue");
else {
return -1;
if ((fi = fopen(cuename, "r")) == NULL) {
return -1;
memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti));
while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fi) != NULL) {
strncpy(dummy, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf));
token = strtok(dummy, " ");
if (token == NULL) {
if (!strcmp(token, "TRACK")){
if (strstr(linebuf, "AUDIO") != NULL) {
ti[numtracks].type = CDDA;
else if (strstr(linebuf, "MODE1/2352") != NULL || strstr(linebuf, "MODE2/2352") != NULL) {
ti[numtracks].type = DATA;
else if (!strcmp(token, "INDEX")) {
tmp = strstr(linebuf, "INDEX");
if (tmp != NULL) {
tmp += strlen("INDEX") + 3; // 3 - space + numeric index
while (*tmp == ' ') tmp++;
if (*tmp != '\n') sscanf(tmp, "%8s", time);
tok2msf((char *)&time, (char *)&ti[numtracks].start);
t = msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) + 2 * 75;
sec2msf(t, ti[numtracks].start);
// If we've already seen another track, this is its end
if (numtracks > 1) {
t = msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) - msf2sec(ti[numtracks - 1].start);
sec2msf(t, ti[numtracks - 1].length);
// Fill out the last track's end based on size
if (numtracks >= 1) {
fseek(cdHandle, 0, SEEK_END);
t = ftell(cdHandle) / 2352 - msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) + 2 * 75;
sec2msf(t, ti[numtracks].length);
return 0;
// this function tries to get the .ccd file of the given .img
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parseccd(const char *isofile) {
char ccdname[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *fi;
char linebuf[256];
unsigned int t;
numtracks = 0;
// copy name of the iso and change extension from .img to .ccd
strncpy(ccdname, isofile, sizeof(ccdname));
ccdname[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
if (strlen(ccdname) >= 4) {
strcpy(ccdname + strlen(ccdname) - 4, ".ccd");
else {
return -1;
if ((fi = fopen(ccdname, "r")) == NULL) {
return -1;
memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti));
while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fi) != NULL) {
if (!strncmp(linebuf, "[TRACK", 6)){
else if (!strncmp(linebuf, "MODE=", 5)) {
sscanf(linebuf, "MODE=%d", &t);
ti[numtracks].type = ((t == 0) ? CDDA : DATA);
else if (!strncmp(linebuf, "INDEX 1=", 8)) {
sscanf(linebuf, "INDEX 1=%d", &t);
sec2msf(t + 2 * 75, ti[numtracks].start);
// If we've already seen another track, this is its end
if (numtracks > 1) {
t = msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) - msf2sec(ti[numtracks - 1].start);
sec2msf(t, ti[numtracks - 1].length);
// Fill out the last track's end based on size
if (numtracks >= 1) {
fseek(cdHandle, 0, SEEK_END);
t = ftell(cdHandle) / 2352 - msf2sec(ti[numtracks].start) + 2 * 75;
sec2msf(t, ti[numtracks].length);
return 0;
// this function tries to get the .mds file of the given .mdf
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parsemds(const char *isofile) {
char mdsname[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *fi;
unsigned int offset, extra_offset, l, i;
unsigned short s;
numtracks = 0;
// copy name of the iso and change extension from .mdf to .mds
strncpy(mdsname, isofile, sizeof(mdsname));
mdsname[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
if (strlen(mdsname) >= 4) {
strcpy(mdsname + strlen(mdsname) - 4, ".mds");
else {
return -1;
if ((fi = fopen(mdsname, "rb")) == NULL) {
return -1;
memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti));
// check if it's a valid mds file
fread(&i, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), fi);
i = SWAP32(i);
if (i != 0x4944454D) {
// not an valid mds file
return -1;
// get offset to session block
fseek(fi, 0x50, SEEK_SET);
fread(&offset, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), fi);
offset = SWAP32(offset);
// get total number of tracks
offset += 14;
fseek(fi, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread(&s, 1, sizeof(unsigned short), fi);
s = SWAP16(s);
numtracks = s;
// get offset to track blocks
fseek(fi, 4, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&offset, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), fi);
offset = SWAP32(offset);
// skip lead-in data
while (1) {
fseek(fi, offset + 4, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(fi) < 0xA0) {
offset += 0x50;
// check if the image contains interleaved subchannel data
fseek(fi, offset + 1, SEEK_SET);
subChanInterleaved = fgetc(fi);
// read track data
for (i = 1; i <= numtracks; i++) {
fseek(fi, offset, SEEK_SET);
// get the track type
ti[i].type = ((fgetc(fi) == 0xA9) ? CDDA : DATA);
fseek(fi, 8, SEEK_CUR);
// get the track starting point
ti[i].start[0] = fgetc(fi);
ti[i].start[1] = fgetc(fi);
ti[i].start[2] = fgetc(fi);
if (i > 1) {
l = msf2sec(ti[i].start);
sec2msf(l - 2 * 75, ti[i].start); // ???
// get the track length
fread(&extra_offset, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), fi);
extra_offset = SWAP32(extra_offset);
fseek(fi, extra_offset + 4, SEEK_SET);
fread(&l, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), fi);
l = SWAP32(l);
sec2msf(l, ti[i].length);
offset += 0x50;
return 0;
// this function tries to get the .sub file of the given .img
static int opensubfile(const char *isoname) {
char subname[MAXPATHLEN];
// copy name of the iso and change extension from .img to .sub
strncpy(subname, isoname, sizeof(subname));
subname[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
if (strlen(subname) >= 4) {
strcpy(subname + strlen(subname) - 4, ".sub");
else {
return -1;
subHandle = fopen(subname, "rb");
if (subHandle == NULL) {
return -1;
return 0;
static long CALLBACK ISOinit(void) {
assert(cdHandle == NULL);
assert(subHandle == NULL);
return 0; // do nothing
static long CALLBACK ISOshutdown(void) {
if (cdHandle != NULL) {
cdHandle = NULL;
if (subHandle != NULL) {
subHandle = NULL;
return 0;
// This function is invoked by the front-end when opening an ISO
// file for playback
static long CALLBACK ISOopen(void) {
if (cdHandle != NULL) {
return 0; // it's already open
cdHandle = fopen(cdrfilename, "rb");
if (cdHandle == NULL) {
return -1;
SysPrintf(_("Loaded CD Image: %s"), cdrfilename);
cddaBigEndian = 0;
subChanInterleaved = 0;
if (parsetoc(cdrfilename) == 0) {
cddaBigEndian = 1; // cdrdao uses big-endian for CD Audio
else if (parsecue(cdrfilename) == 0) {
else if (parseccd(cdrfilename) == 0) {
else if (parsemds(cdrfilename) == 0) {
if (!subChanInterleaved && opensubfile(cdrfilename) == 0) {
return 0;
static long CALLBACK ISOclose(void) {
if (cdHandle != NULL) {
cdHandle = NULL;
if (subHandle != NULL) {
subHandle = NULL;
return 0;
// return Starting and Ending Track
// buffer:
// byte 0 - start track
// byte 1 - end track
static long CALLBACK ISOgetTN(unsigned char *buffer) {
buffer[0] = 1;
if (numtracks > 0) {
buffer[1] = numtracks;
else {
buffer[1] = 1;
return 0;
// return Track Time
// buffer:
// byte 0 - frame
// byte 1 - second
// byte 2 - minute
static long CALLBACK ISOgetTD(unsigned char track, unsigned char *buffer) {
if (numtracks > 0 && track <= numtracks) {
buffer[2] = ti[track].start[0];
buffer[1] = ti[track].start[1];
buffer[0] = ti[track].start[2];
else {
buffer[2] = 0;
buffer[1] = 2;
buffer[0] = 0;
return 0;
// read track
// time: byte 0 - minute; byte 1 - second; byte 2 - frame
// uses bcd format
static long CALLBACK ISOreadTrack(unsigned char *time) {
if (cdHandle == NULL) {
return -1;
if (subChanInterleaved) {
fseek(cdHandle, MSF2SECT(btoi(time[0]), btoi(time[1]), btoi(time[2])) * (CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW + SUB_FRAMESIZE) + 12, SEEK_SET);
fread(cdbuffer, 1, DATA_SIZE, cdHandle);
fread(subbuffer, 1, SUB_FRAMESIZE, cdHandle);
else {
fseek(cdHandle, MSF2SECT(btoi(time[0]), btoi(time[1]), btoi(time[2])) * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW + 12, SEEK_SET);
fread(cdbuffer, 1, DATA_SIZE, cdHandle);
if (subHandle != NULL) {
fseek(subHandle, MSF2SECT(btoi(time[0]), btoi(time[1]), btoi(time[2])) * SUB_FRAMESIZE, SEEK_SET);
fread(subbuffer, 1, SUB_FRAMESIZE, subHandle);
return 0;
// return readed track
static unsigned char * CALLBACK ISOgetBuffer(void) {
return cdbuffer;
// plays cdda audio
// sector: byte 0 - minute; byte 1 - second; byte 2 - frame
// does NOT uses bcd format
static long CALLBACK ISOplay(unsigned char *time) {
if (SPU_playCDDAchannel != NULL) {
if (subChanInterleaved) {
startCDDA(MSF2SECT(time[0], time[1], time[2]) * (CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW + SUB_FRAMESIZE));
else {
startCDDA(MSF2SECT(time[0], time[1], time[2]) * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
return 0;
// stops cdda audio
static long CALLBACK ISOstop(void) {
return 0;
// gets subchannel data
static unsigned char* CALLBACK ISOgetBufferSub(void) {
if (subHandle != NULL || subChanInterleaved) {
return subbuffer;
return NULL;
static long CALLBACK ISOgetStatus(struct CdrStat *stat) {
int sec;
if (playing) {
stat->Type = 0x02;
stat->Status |= 0x80;
sec = cddaCurOffset / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
sec2msf(sec, (char *)stat->Time);
else {
stat->Type = 0x01;
return 0;
void imageReaderInit(void) {
assert(hCDRDriver == NULL);
CDR_init = ISOinit;
CDR_shutdown = ISOshutdown;
CDR_open = ISOopen;
CDR_close = ISOclose;
CDR_getTN = ISOgetTN;
CDR_getTD = ISOgetTD;
CDR_readTrack = ISOreadTrack;
CDR_getBuffer = ISOgetBuffer;
CDR_play = ISOplay;
CDR_stop = ISOstop;
CDR_getBufferSub = ISOgetBufferSub;
CDR_getStatus = ISOgetStatus;
CDR_getDriveLetter = CDR__getDriveLetter;
CDR_configure = CDR__configure;
CDR_test = CDR__test;
CDR_about = CDR__about;
CDR_setfilename = CDR__setfilename;
numtracks = 0;