
220 lines
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// PcsxrMemCardManager.m
// Pcsxr
// Created by Charles Betts on 11/23/11.
// Copyright (c) 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "PcsxrMemCardController.h"
#import "PcsxrMemoryObject.h"
#import "ConfigurationController.h"
#import "PcsxrMemCardHandler.h"
#import "PcsxrMemCardArray.h"
#include "sio.h"
@interface PcsxrMemCardController ()
@property (readwrite, strong) PcsxrMemCardArray *memCard1Array;
@property (readwrite, strong) PcsxrMemCardArray *memCard2Array;
@implementation PcsxrMemCardController
@synthesize memCard1Array;
@synthesize memCard2Array;
@synthesize memCard1view;
@synthesize memCard2view;
@synthesize memCard1Label;
@synthesize memCard2Label;
- (void)setupValues:(int)theCards
NSParameterAssert(theCards < 4 && theCards > 0);
if (theCards == 3) {
LoadMcds(Config.Mcd1, Config.Mcd2);
} else {
LoadMcd(theCards, theCards == 1 ? Config.Mcd1 : Config.Mcd2);
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSUserDefaults *def = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *fullPath = nil;
NSString *fileName = nil;
if (theCards & 1) {
fullPath = [[def URLForKey:@"Mcd1"] path];
fileName = [fm displayNameAtPath:fullPath];
[memCard1Label setStringValue:fileName];
[memCard1Label setToolTip:fullPath];
[self loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:1];
if (theCards & 2) {
fullPath = [[def URLForKey:@"Mcd2"] path];
fileName = [fm displayNameAtPath:fullPath];
[memCard2Label setStringValue:fileName];
[memCard2Label setToolTip:fullPath];
[self loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:2];
- (void)loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:(int)theCard
PcsxrMemCardArray *newArray = [[PcsxrMemCardArray alloc] initWithMemoryCardNumber:theCard];
if (theCard == 1) {
[self setMemCard1Array:newArray];
} else {
[self setMemCard2Array:newArray];
- (void)memoryCardDidChangeNotification:(NSNotification *)aNote
NSDictionary *dict = [aNote userInfo];
NSNumber *theNum = dict[memCardChangeNumberKey];
[self setupValues: theNum ? [theNum intValue] : 3];
- (void)awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
[self setupValues:3];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(memoryCardDidChangeNotification:) name:memChangeNotifier object:nil];
- (IBAction)moveBlock:(id)sender
NSInteger memCardSelect = [sender tag];
NSCollectionView *cardView;
NSIndexSet *selection;
PcsxrMemCardArray *toCard, *fromCard;
int cardnum;
if (memCardSelect == 1) {
cardView = memCard2view;
toCard = memCard1Array;
fromCard = memCard2Array;
cardnum = 1;
} else {
cardView = memCard1view;
toCard = memCard2Array;
fromCard = memCard1Array;
cardnum = 2;
selection = [cardView selectionIndexes];
if (!selection || [selection count] != 1) {
NSInteger selectedIndex = [selection firstIndex];
int cardSize, freeConsBlocks, availBlocks;
if ([[fromCard memoryArray][selectedIndex] flag] == memFlagFree) {
cardSize = [fromCard memorySizeAtIndex:(int)selectedIndex];
freeConsBlocks = [toCard indexOfFreeBlocksWithSize:cardSize];
availBlocks = [toCard availableBlocks];
if (freeConsBlocks == -1 && availBlocks >= cardSize) {
PcsxrMemoryObject *tmpmemobj = (fromCard.memoryArray)[selectedIndex];
NSInteger copyOK = NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Free Size", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Memory card %i does not have enough free consecutive blocks.\n\nIn order to copy over \"%@,\" memory card %i must be compressed. Compressing memory cards will make deleted blocks unrecoverable.\n\nDo you want to continue?", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Yes", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"No", nil), nil, cardnum, tmpmemobj.name, cardnum);
if (copyOK != NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
} else if (cardSize > availBlocks) {
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"No Free Space", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Memory card %d doesn't have %d free consecutive blocks on it. Please remove some blocks on that card to continue", nil), nil, nil, nil, availBlocks, cardnum);
[fromCard moveBlockAtIndex:(int)selectedIndex toMemoryCard:toCard];
if (cardnum == 1) {
LoadMcd(1, Config.Mcd1);
} else {
LoadMcd(2, Config.Mcd2);
[self loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:cardnum];
- (IBAction)formatCard:(id)sender
NSInteger formatOkay = NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Format Card", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Formatting a memory card will remove all data on it.\n\nThis cannot be undone.", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Format", nil), nil);
if (formatOkay == NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
NSInteger memCardSelect = [sender tag];
if (memCardSelect == 1) {
LoadMcd(1, Config.Mcd1);
} else {
LoadMcd(2, Config.Mcd2);
[self loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:(int)memCardSelect];
- (void)deleteMemoryBlocksAtIndex:(int)slotnum card:(int)cardNum
PcsxrMemCardArray *cardArray;
if (cardNum == 1) {
cardArray = [self memCard1Array];
} else {
cardArray = [self memCard2Array];
[cardArray deleteMemoryBlocksAtIndex:slotnum];
- (IBAction)deleteMemoryObject:(id)sender
PcsxrMemCardArray *curCard;
NSInteger memCardSelect = [sender tag];
NSIndexSet *selected;
if (memCardSelect == 1) {
curCard = memCard1Array;
selected = [memCard1view selectionIndexes];
} else {
curCard = memCard2Array;
selected = [memCard2view selectionIndexes];
if (!selected || [selected count] == 0) {
NSInteger selectedIndex = [selected firstIndex];
PcsxrMemoryObject *tmpObj = [curCard memoryArray][selectedIndex];
if (tmpObj.flag == memFlagFree) {
NSInteger deleteOkay = NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Delete Block", @"The block will be deleted"), NSLocalizedString(@"Deleting a block will remove all saved data on that block.\n\nThis cannot be undone.", @"Delete block cannot be undone"), NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"Cancel"), NSLocalizedString(@"Delete", nil), nil);
if (deleteOkay == NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
[self deleteMemoryBlocksAtIndex:(int)selectedIndex card:(int)memCardSelect];
if (memCardSelect == 1) {
LoadMcd(1, Config.Mcd1);
} else {
LoadMcd(2, Config.Mcd2);
[self loadMemoryCardInfoForCard:(int)memCardSelect];
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];