SND\MaddTheSane_cp 527da3c3bb OS X: Fix an off-by-one error that was causing the QuickLook and Spotlight plug-ins to crash.
The bug was also present in the app itself, but it didn't crash.

git-svn-id: https://pcsxr.svn.codeplex.com/svn/pcsxr@93874 e17a0e51-4ae3-4d35-97c3-1a29b211df97
2015-02-07 22:17:23 +00:00

215 lines
5.5 KiB

// GetMetadataForFile.m
// Psx-Memcard
// Created by C.W. Betts on 6/6/14.
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "GetMetadataForFile.h"
#include "sio.h"
#define kPCSXRSaveNames @"com_codeplex_pcsxr_memcard_savenames"
#define kPCSXRMemCount @"com_codeplex_pcsxr_memcard_memcount"
#define kPCSXRFreeBlocks @"com_codeplex_pcsxr_memcard_freeblocks"
#define kPCSXRMemNames @"com_codeplex_pcsxr_memcard_memnames"
#define kPCSXRMemIDs @"com_codeplex_pcsxr_memcard_memids"
// Get metadata attributes from document files
// The purpose of this function is to extract useful information from the
// file formats for your document, and set the values into the attribute
// dictionary for Spotlight to include.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PCSXRMemFlags) {
static void GetSoloBlockInfo(unsigned char *data, int block, McdBlock *Info)
unsigned char *ptr = data + block * 8192 + 2;
unsigned char *str = Info->Title;
unsigned char * sstr = Info->sTitle;
unsigned short c;
int i, x = 0;
memset(Info, 0, sizeof(McdBlock));
Info->IconCount = *ptr & 0x3;
ptr += 2;
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
c = *(ptr) << 8;
c |= *(ptr + 1);
if (!c)
// Convert ASCII characters to half-width
if (c >= 0x8281 && c <= 0x829A) {
c = (c - 0x8281) + 'a';
} else if (c >= 0x824F && c <= 0x827A) {
c = (c - 0x824F) + '0';
} else if (c == 0x8140) {
c = ' ';
} else if (c == 0x8143) {
c = ',';
} else if (c == 0x8144) {
c = '.';
} else if (c == 0x8146) {
c = ':';
} else if (c == 0x8147) {
c = ';';
} else if (c == 0x8148) {
c = '?';
} else if (c == 0x8149) {
c = '!';
} else if (c == 0x815E) {
c = '/';
} else if (c == 0x8168) {
c = '"';
} else if (c == 0x8169) {
c = '(';
} else if (c == 0x816A) {
c = ')';
} else if (c == 0x816D) {
c = '[';
} else if (c == 0x816E) {
c = ']';
} else if (c == 0x817C) {
c = '-';
} else {
str[i] = ' ';
sstr[x++] = *ptr++;
sstr[x++] = *ptr++;
str[i] = sstr[x++] = c;
ptr += 2;
ptr = data + block * 128;
Info->Flags = *ptr;
ptr += 0xa;
strlcpy(Info->ID, ptr, 12);
ptr += 12;
strlcpy(Info->Name, ptr, 16);
static inline PCSXRMemFlags MemBlockFlag(unsigned char blockFlags)
if ((blockFlags & 0xF0) == 0xA0) {
if ((blockFlags & 0xF) >= 1 && (blockFlags & 0xF) <= 3)
return memFlagDeleted;
return memFlagFree;
} else if ((blockFlags & 0xF0) == 0x50) {
if ((blockFlags & 0xF) == 0x1)
return memFlagUsed;
else if ((blockFlags & 0xF) == 0x2)
return memFlagLink;
else if ((blockFlags & 0xF) == 0x3)
return memFlagEndLink;
} else
return memFlagFree;
//Xcode complains unless we do this...
//NSLog(@"Unknown flag %x", blockFlags);
return memFlagFree;
Boolean GetMetadataForFile(void *thisInterface, CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes, CFStringRef contentTypeUTI, CFStringRef pathToFile)
Boolean ok = FALSE;
@autoreleasepool {
int i = 0, x;
NSCharacterSet *theCharSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
short freeBlocks = MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS;
short memCount = 0;
//NSMutableArray *enNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS];
NSMutableArray *jpNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS];
NSMutableArray *memNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS];
NSMutableArray *memIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS];
NSMutableDictionary *attr = (__bridge NSMutableDictionary*)attributes;
NSString *path = (__bridge NSString*)pathToFile;
const unsigned char* fileCData = NULL;
NSData *fileData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path options:NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe error:NULL];
if (!fileData) {
return FALSE;
fileCData = [fileData bytes];
if ([fileData length] == MCD_SIZE + 64)
fileCData += 64;
else if([fileData length] == MCD_SIZE + 3904)
fileCData += 3904;
else if ([fileData length] != MCD_SIZE)
return FALSE;
while (i < MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS) {
x = 1;
McdBlock memBlock;
//NSString *enName;
NSString *jpName;
NSString *memName;
NSString *memID;
GetSoloBlockInfo((unsigned char *)fileCData, i + 1, &memBlock);
if (MemBlockFlag(memBlock.Flags) == memFlagFree) {
//Free space: ignore
while (i + x < MAX_MEMCARD_BLOCKS) {
McdBlock tmpBlock;
GetSoloBlockInfo((unsigned char *)fileCData, i + x + 1, &tmpBlock);
if ((tmpBlock.Flags & 0x3) == 0x3) {
} else if ((tmpBlock.Flags & 0x2) == 0x2) {
} else {
// Ignore deleted blocks
i += x;
if (MemBlockFlag(memBlock.Flags) == memFlagDeleted) {
freeBlocks -= x;
jpName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:memBlock.sTitle encoding:NSShiftJISStringEncoding];
jpName = [jpName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:theCharSet];
memName = @(memBlock.Name);
memID = @(memBlock.ID);
[jpNames addObject:jpName];
[memNames addObject:memName];
[memIDs addObject:memID];
attr[kPCSXRSaveNames] = jpNames;
attr[kPCSXRMemCount] = @(memCount);
attr[kPCSXRFreeBlocks] = @(freeBlocks);
attr[kPCSXRMemNames] = memNames;
attr[kPCSXRMemIDs] = memIDs;
ok = TRUE;
// Return the status
return ok;