
84 lines
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#import "PluginController.h"
#import "PcsxrPlugin.h"
#import "PcsxrController.h"
@interface PluginController ()
@property (strong) NSArray *plugins;
@property (strong) NSString *defaultKey;
@property int pluginType;
@implementation PluginController
@synthesize aboutButton;
@synthesize configureButton;
@synthesize pluginMenu;
- (IBAction)doAbout:(id)sender
PcsxrPlugin *plugin = (self.plugins)[[pluginMenu indexOfSelectedItem]];
[plugin aboutAs:self.pluginType];
- (IBAction)doConfigure:(id)sender
PcsxrPlugin *plugin = (self.plugins)[[pluginMenu indexOfSelectedItem]];
[plugin configureAs:self.pluginType];
- (IBAction)selectPlugin:(id)sender
if (sender == pluginMenu) {
NSInteger index = [pluginMenu indexOfSelectedItem];
if (index != -1) {
PcsxrPlugin *plugin = (self.plugins)[index];
if (![[PluginList list] setActivePlugin:plugin forType:self.pluginType]) {
/* plugin won't initialize */
// write selection to defaults
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[plugin path] forKey:self.defaultKey];
// set button states
[aboutButton setEnabled:[plugin hasAboutAs:self.pluginType]];
[configureButton setEnabled:[plugin hasConfigureAs:self.pluginType]];
} else {
// set button states
[aboutButton setEnabled:NO];
[configureButton setEnabled:NO];
// must be called before anything else
- (void)setPluginsTo:(NSArray *)list withType:(int)type
NSString *sel;
// remember the list
self.pluginType = type;
self.plugins = list;
self.defaultKey = [PcsxrPlugin defaultKeyForType:self.pluginType];
// clear the previous menu items
[pluginMenu removeAllItems];
// load the currently selected plugin
sel = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:self.defaultKey];
// add the menu entries
for (PcsxrPlugin *plug in self.plugins) {
NSString *description = [plug description];
[pluginMenu addItemWithTitle:description];
// make sure the currently selected is set as such
if ([sel isEqualToString:[plug path]]) {
[pluginMenu selectItemWithTitle:description];
[self selectPlugin:pluginMenu];