Messing with the order of arguments of the LaunchArg class in OS X.

git-svn-id: e17a0e51-4ae3-4d35-97c3-1a29b211df97
This commit is contained in:
SND\MaddTheSane_cp 2013-08-22 19:42:02 +00:00
parent c160668f80
commit 105868aa85
3 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ typedef enum _LaunchArgOrder {
@property (readonly, arcretain) NSString *argument;
- (id)initWithLaunchOrder:(LaunchArgOrder)order block:(dispatch_block_t)block argument:(NSString*)arg;
- (id)initWithLaunchOrder:(LaunchArgOrder)order argument:(NSString*)arg block:(dispatch_block_t)block;
- (void)addToDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)toAdd;

View File

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
- (id)initWithLaunchOrder:(LaunchArgOrder)order argument:(NSString*)arg block:(dispatch_block_t)block
return [self initWithLaunchOrder:order block:block argument:arg];
- (id)initWithLaunchOrder:(LaunchArgOrder)order block:(dispatch_block_t)block argument:(NSString*)arg
if (self = [super init]) {

View File

@ -394,9 +394,15 @@ otherblock();\
if (![PcsxrController biosAvailable]) {
NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Missing BIOS!", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Pcsxr wasn't able to locate any Playstation BIOS ROM files. This means that it will run in BIOS simulation mode which is less stable and compatible than using a real Playstation BIOS.\nIf you have a BIOS available, please copy it to\n~/Library/Application Support/Pcsxr/Bios/", nil),
nil, nil, nil);
NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *supportURL = [manager URLForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:YES error:NULL];
NSURL *biosURL = [[supportURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Pcsxr"] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Bios"];
NSInteger retVal = NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Missing BIOS!", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Pcsxr wasn't able to locate any Playstation BIOS ROM files. This means that it will run in BIOS simulation mode which is less stable and compatible than using a real Playstation BIOS.\nIf you have a BIOS available, please copy it to\n%@", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK"), NSLocalizedString(@"Show Folder", @"Show Folder"), nil, [[biosURL path] stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath]);
if (retVal == NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activateFileViewerSelectingURLs:@[biosURL]];
self.sleepInBackground = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"PauseInBackground"];
@ -417,21 +423,19 @@ otherblock();\
NSMutableArray *unknownOptions = [NSMutableArray array];
dispatch_block_t cdromBlock = ^{
dispatch_block_t otherBlock = ^{
[self runCD:nil];
hasParsedAnArgument = YES;
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun block:otherBlock argument:kPCSXRArgumentCDROM];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun argument:kPCSXRArgumentCDROM block:^{
[self runCD:nil];
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];
dispatch_block_t biosBlock = ^{
hasParsedAnArgument = YES;
dispatch_block_t runtimeBlock = ^{
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun argument:kPCSXRArgumentBIOS block:^{
[self runBios:nil];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun block:runtimeBlock argument:kPCSXRArgumentBIOS];
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];
@ -439,10 +443,9 @@ otherblock();\
//This block/argument does not need to be sorted
dispatch_block_t emuCloseAtEnd = ^{
hasParsedAnArgument = YES;
dispatch_block_t runtimeBlock = ^{
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPreRun argument:kPCSXRArgumentExitAtClose block:^{
self.endAtEmuClose = YES;
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPreRun block:runtimeBlock argument:kPCSXRArgumentExitAtClose];
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];
@ -450,10 +453,9 @@ otherblock();\
dispatch_block_t isoBlock = ^{
hasParsedAnArgument = YES;
NSString *path = FileTestBlock();
dispatch_block_t runtimeBlock = ^{
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun argument:kPCSXRArgumentISO block:^{
[self runURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path isDirectory:NO]];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgRun block:runtimeBlock argument:kPCSXRArgumentISO];
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];
@ -467,11 +469,10 @@ otherblock();\
NSString *path = FileTestBlock();
dispatch_block_t runtimeBlock = ^{
LoadMcd(mcdnumber, (char*)[path fileSystemRepresentation]);
NSString *mcdArg = [kPCSXRArgumentMcd stringByAppendingFormat:@"%i", mcdnumber];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPreRun block:runtimeBlock argument:mcdArg];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPreRun argument:mcdArg block:^{
LoadMcd(mcdnumber, (char*)[path fileSystemRepresentation]);
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];
@ -479,14 +480,13 @@ otherblock();\
dispatch_block_t freezeBlock = ^{
hasParsedAnArgument = YES;
NSString *path = FileTestBlock();
dispatch_block_t runtimeBlock = ^{
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPostRun argument:kPCSXRArgumentFreeze block:^{
if (![EmuThread isRunBios]) {
//Make sure the emulator is running
[EmuThread defrostAt:path];
LaunchArg *larg = [[LaunchArg alloc] initWithLaunchOrder:LaunchArgPostRun block:runtimeBlock argument:kPCSXRArgumentFreeze];
[larg addToDictionary:argDict];