# ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============ allow wpa rild_oem_socket:sock_file write; allow wpa rild_oem_md2_socket:sock_file write; allow wpa mtkrild:unix_stream_socket connectto; # if low memory occured, and system try to free more memory, wpa_suppliant may meet a violation like: # avc: denied { use } for pid=4063 comm="wpa_supplicant" # path=2F6465762F6173686D656D2F4469736361726461626C654D656D6F72794173686D656D416C6C6F6361746F72202864656C6574656429 # dev="tmpfs" ino=46425 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0 tclass=fd permissive=0 # this is a issue caused by low memory, so we should add this rule below allow wpa platform_app:fd use; allow wpa platform_app_tmpfs:file write;