flatmush 5dd63f37ce Updated sin lut to use ~200KiB for it's table with the same accuracy, the lookup table implementation tends to run at about 33-36% of the speed of sinf on my machine (Intel T5500).
Fixed a bug in the sin lut code so that the results are always accurate.
Changed fixsingen tool to generate tables correctly for the new implementation.
2011-02-25 16:07:39 +00:00

23 lines
460 B

# depslib dependency file v1.0
1298649568 source:g:\vrfx\libfixmath\fixsingen\main.c
1298453688 g:\vrfx\libfixmath\\libfixmath\fixmath.h
1298453688 g:\vrfx\libfixmath\\libfixmath\uint32.h
1298453688 g:\vrfx\libfixmath\\libfixmath\fract32.h
1298648502 g:\vrfx\libfixmath\\libfixmath\fix16.h