
136 lines
3.3 KiB

#include "cachehandler.hpp"
#include "kristall.hpp"
#include "ioutil.hpp"
#include <QDebug>
QString CacheHandler::cleanUrl(QUrl const & url)
return url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded | QUrl::RemoveFragment);
void CacheHandler::push(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray &body, const MimeType &mime)
// Skip if this item is above the cached item size threshold
int bodysize = body.size();
if (bodysize > (kristall::globals().options.cache_threshold * 1024))
qDebug() << "cache: item exceeds threshold (" << IoUtil::size_human(body.size()) << ")";
// Pop cached items until we are below the cache limit
while ((bodysize + this->size()) > (kristall::globals().options.cache_limit * 1024))
QString urlstr = cleanUrl(url);
auto it = this->page_cache.find(urlstr);
if (it != this->page_cache.end())
qDebug() << "cache: updating page" << urlstr;
auto pg = it->second;
pg->body = body;
pg->mime = mime;
pg->time_cached = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
this->page_cache.emplace(urlstr, std::make_shared<CachedPage>(url, body, mime, QDateTime::currentDateTime()));
qDebug() << "cache: pushing url " << urlstr;
std::shared_ptr<CachedPage> CacheHandler::find(const QUrl &url)
QString urltext = cleanUrl(url);
auto it = this->page_cache.find(urltext);
if(it != this->page_cache.end())
return it->second;
return nullptr;
bool CacheHandler::contains(const QUrl &url)
return this->page_cache.find(cleanUrl(url)) != this->page_cache.end();
int CacheHandler::size()
int s = 0;
for (auto& i : this->page_cache)
s += i.second->body.size();
return s;
// Clears expired pages out of cache
void CacheHandler::clean()
// Don't clean anything if we have unlimited item life.
if (kristall::globals().options.cache_unlimited_life) return;
// Find list of keys to delete
std::vector<QString> vec;
for (auto&& i : this->page_cache)
// Check if this cache item is expired.
if (QDateTime::currentDateTime() > i.second->time_cached
.addSecs(kristall::globals().options.cache_life * 60))
// Delete them
int count = 0;
for (auto&& key : vec)
if (count) qDebug() << "cache: cleaned " << count << " expired pages out of cache";
CacheMap const& CacheHandler::getPages() const
return this->page_cache;
void CacheHandler::popOldest()
if (this->page_cache.size() == 0)
// This will iterate over the cache map,
// find the key with the oldest timestamp,
// and erase it from the map.
// (TODO: make this more efficient somehow?)
QDateTime oldest = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QString oldest_key;
for (auto it = this->page_cache.begin(); it != this->page_cache.end(); ++it)
if (it->second->time_cached < oldest)
oldest = it->second->time_cached;
oldest_key = it->first;
// Erase it from the map
qDebug() << "cache: popping " << oldest_key;