
79 lines
2.6 KiB

using Gee;
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
namespace Dino.Ui {
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/conversation_view.ui")]
public class ConversationView : Gtk.Overlay {
[GtkChild] public unowned Revealer goto_end_revealer;
[GtkChild] public unowned Button goto_end_button;
[GtkChild] public unowned ChatInput.View chat_input;
[GtkChild] public unowned ConversationSummary.ConversationView conversation_frame;
[GtkChild] public unowned Revealer white_revealer;
construct {
conversation_frame.on_quote_text.connect((t, nick, text) => on_quote_text(nick, text));
public void on_quote_text(string nick, string text) {
unowned TextBuffer buffer = chat_input.chat_text_view.text_view.buffer;
string text_to_quote = text;
Regex quotes = new Regex("((?<=\n)>.*(\n|$))|(^>.*(\n|$))");
Regex whitespace = new Regex("(\n *){2,}");
Regex first_column = new Regex("(^|\n)(.+)");
Regex end = new Regex("\n*$");
text_to_quote = quotes.replace(text_to_quote, -1, 0, "");
text_to_quote = whitespace.replace(text_to_quote, -1, 0, "\n");
text_to_quote = "%s".printf(text_to_quote);
text_to_quote = first_column.replace(text_to_quote, -1, 0, "\\1> \\2");
string to_replace = "\n";
if(buffer.cursor_position > 0) {
to_replace = "";
text_to_quote = "\n" + text_to_quote;
text_to_quote = end.replace(text_to_quote, -1, 0, to_replace);
buffer.insert_at_cursor(text_to_quote, -1);
public void add_overlay_dialog(Widget widget) {
Revealer revealer = new Revealer() { transition_type=RevealerTransitionType.CROSSFADE , transition_duration= 100, visible=true };
revealer.reveal_child = true;
white_revealer.visible = true;
white_revealer.reveal_child = true;
widget.destroy.connect(() => {
revealer.destroy(); // GTK4: this.remove_overlay(revealer);
white_revealer.reveal_child = false;
private void on_child_revealed_changed() {
if (!white_revealer.child_revealed) {
white_revealer.visible = false;
public override void dispose() {
// To prevent a warning when closing Dino
// "Can't set a target list on a widget until you've called gtk_drag_dest_set() to make the widget into a drag destination"