ARG distro FROM $distro ARG version=error ARG source_release=error # we use this wasi version ENV wasi_fullversion 14.0 ENV wasi_mainversion 14 # these ones seem to be needed by ubuntu ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV TZ=Europe/Amsterdam # dependencies needed to run ./mach bootstrap RUN ( apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y install python3 python3-dev python3-pip wget dpkg-sig ; true) RUN ( dnf -y upgrade && dnf -y install python3 python3-devel wget rpm-build rpm-sign ; true) RUN ( zypper -n in mercurial python3 python3-pip python3-devel wget rpm-build lld ; true) # run the bootstrap RUN cd /tmp &&\ wget -q -O librewolf-$version-$source_release.source.tar.gz$version-$source_release.source.tar.gz?job=Build &&\ tar xf librewolf-$version-$source_release.source.tar.gz &&\ cd librewolf-$version-$source_release &&\ MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$HOME/.mozbuild ./mach --no-interactive bootstrap --application-choice=browser &&\ /root/.cargo/bin/cargo install cbindgen &&\ cd .. &&\ rm -rf librewolf-$version-$source_release librewolf-$version-$source_release.source.tar.gz # our work happens here, on the host filesystem. WORKDIR /work VOLUME ["/work"]