# ============================================== # Policy File of /system/bindhcp6c Executable File # ============================================== # Type Declaration # ============================================== type dhcp6c_exec , exec_type, file_type; type dhcp6c ,domain; # ============================================== # Android Policy Rule # ============================================== # ============================================== # NSA Policy Rule # ============================================== # ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============================================== init_daemon_domain(dhcp6c) # Date : WK14.34 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : wifi allow dhcp6c self:udp_socket { create setopt write bind ioctl read }; # Date : WK14.41 # Operation : SQC # Purpose : ALPS01763317 # After connected to DHCPv6 enabled 6to4 IPv6 AP, #the ipv6 related values of getprop command are wrong #============= dhcp6c ============== allow dhcp6c node:udp_socket node_bind; allow dhcp6c port:udp_socket name_bind; allow dhcp6c system_file:file execute_no_trans; allow dhcp6c dhcp_prop:property_service set; # Date : WK14.42 # Operation : SQC # Purpose : L 2nd Migration #============= dhcp6c ============== allow dhcp6c system_file:file execute_no_trans; # Date : WK14.43 # Operation : SQC # Purpose : dhcp6c get ip address and ps #============= dhcp6c ============== allow dhcp6c dhcp_data_file:dir { write add_name search}; allow dhcp6c dhcp_data_file:file { read write create open getattr }; allow dhcp6c init:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow dhcp6c property_socket:sock_file write; allow dhcp6c self:capability { setuid net_admin net_bind_service setgid }; allow dhcp6c self:netlink_route_socket { write getattr read bind create nlmsg_read }; allow dhcp6c shell_exec:file { read execute open }; allow dhcp6c wide_dhcpv6_data_file:dir { write search add_name }; allow dhcp6c wide_dhcpv6_data_file:file { read write create open getattr };