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2016-08-16 00:02:57 +02:00
# ==============================================
# Policy File of /system/binipod Executable File
# ==============================================
# Type Declaration
# ==============================================
type ipod_exec , exec_type, file_type;
type ipod ,domain;
# ==============================================
# Android Policy Rule
# ==============================================
# ==============================================
# NSA Policy Rule
# ==============================================
# ==============================================
# MTK Policy Rule
# ==============================================
# permissive ipod;
# unconfined_domain(ipod)
# date: 2014/09/19
# operation : migration
# purpose : allow ipod to perform binder IPC to control screen on/off via PowerManager
binder_call(ipod, system_server)
binder_call(ipod, surfaceflinger)
allow ipod ctl_bootanim_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod ctl_ipod_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod ipod_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod powerctl_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod audiohal_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod system_prop:property_service set;
allow ipod shell_exec:file { read open execute_no_trans execute };
allow ipod system_file:file execute_no_trans;
# permissions for IPO with phone encrypted
# removed due to IPO will be disabled when phone is encrypted
# allow ipod vdc_exec:file { getattr execute read open execute_no_trans };
# allow ipod vold_socket:sock_file write;
# allow ipod vold:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow ipod platformblk_device:blk_file { read open write };
allow ipod platformblk_device:dir search;
allow ipod self:capability dac_override;
allow ipod self:capability net_admin;
allow ipod kmsg_device:chr_file { open write };
allow ipod property_socket:sock_file write;
allow ipod init:dir getattr;
allow ipod init:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow ipod sysfs_wake_lock:file { read write open getattr };
allow ipod block_device:dir search;
allow ipod gpu_device:chr_file { read write open ioctl };
allow ipod ipod:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket { create bind read setopt };
allow ipod input_device:dir { open read search };
allow ipod input_device:file { open read write ioctl };
allow ipod input_device:chr_file { open read write ioctl };
allow ipod rtc_device:chr_file { open read write ioctl };
allow ipod sysfs:file { open read write getattr };
allow ipod alarm_device:chr_file write;
allow ipod system_server:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow ipod proc:file { open read write };
allow ipod proc:dir { search getattr };
allow ipod logo_device:chr_file { open read };
# reboot syscall to switch to recovery/factory mode instantly
allow ipod self:capability sys_boot;
allow ipod proc_sysrq:file { open write };
allow ipod debugfs:file { open read getattr };
allow ipod system_data_file:dir { open read write add_name create remove_name };
allow ipod system_data_file:file { create open write ioctl setattr };
allow ipod cache_file:dir { open read write add_name create remove_name };
allow ipod cache_file:file { create open write ioctl setattr };
allow ipod proc_lk_env:file { open read write };
allow ipod misc_device:chr_file { open read write };
allow ipod self:capability { chown sys_admin };