XaviDCR92 153f078ec2 * Added comments on System.
* Files needed for Game are now only loaded once, except from LEVEL1.PLT.
* Added DevMenu to get debug info.
* ISR_LoadMenuVBlank() does not stop when accessing SIO.
* On fopen() and SERIAL_INTERFACE defined, "#" is prepended and "@" is appended to filename string.
2017-07-27 07:41:25 +02:00

70 lines
1.6 KiB

#ifndef __PAD_HEADER__
#define __PAD_HEADER__
/* *************************************
* Includes
* *************************************/
#include "Global_Inc.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "GameStructures.h"
/* *************************************
* Defines
* *************************************/
/* *************************************
* Global prototypes
* *************************************/
void PadInit(void);
void PadClearData(void);
bool PadOneConnected(void);
bool PadTwoConnected(void);
unsigned char PadOneGetType(void);
unsigned char PadTwoGetType(void);
unsigned char PadOneGetID(void);
unsigned char PadTwoGetID(void);
bool PadOneAnyKeyPressed(void);
bool PadTwoAnyKeyPressed(void);
bool PadOneKeyPressed(unsigned short key);
bool PadTwoKeyPressed(unsigned short key);
bool PadOneKeyRepeat(unsigned short key, uint8_t time);
bool PadTwoKeyRepeat(unsigned short key, uint8_t time);
bool PadOneKeyReleased(unsigned short key);
bool PadTwoKeyReleased(unsigned short key);
bool PadOneKeySinglePress(unsigned short key);
bool PadTwoKeySinglePress(unsigned short key);
unsigned short PadOneGetLastKeySinglePressed(void);
unsigned short PadTwoGetLastKeySinglePressed(void);
bool PadOneDirectionKeyPressed(void);
bool PadTwoDirectionKeyPressed(void);
bool PadOneDirectionKeyReleased(void);
bool PadTwoDirectionKeyReleased(void);
bool UpdatePads(void);
bool PadOneIsVibrationEnabled(void);
bool PadTwoIsVibrationEnabled(void);
bool PadAddCheat(TYPE_CHEAT * cheat);
unsigned short* PadGetPlayerOneCheatArray(void);
// Experimental (to be removed)
unsigned short* PadOneGetAddress(void);
#endif //__PAD_HEADER__