
885 lines
20 KiB

/* *************************************
* Includes
* *************************************/
#include "System.h"
/* *************************************
* Defines
* *************************************/
#define FILE_BUFFER_SIZE 0x20014
#define END_STACK_PATTERN (uint32_t) 0x18022015
#define BEGIN_STACK_ADDRESS (uint32_t*) 0x801FFF00
#define STACK_SIZE 0x1000
#define I_MASK (*(unsigned int*)0x1F801074)
/* *************************************
* Local Prototypes
* *************************************/
static void SystemCheckTimer(bool* timer, uint64_t* last_timer, uint8_t step);
static void SystemSetStackPattern(void);
static void SystemEnableVBlankInterrupt(void);
static void SystemDisableVBlankInterrupt(void);
/* *************************************
* Local Variables
* *************************************/
//Buffer to store any kind of files. It supports files up to 128 kB
static uint8_t file_buffer[FILE_BUFFER_SIZE];
//Global timer (called by interrupt)
static volatile uint64_t global_timer;
//Tells whether rand seed has been set
static bool rand_seed;
//Screen refresh flag (called by interrupt)
static volatile bool refresh_needed;
static bool one_second_timer;
static bool hundred_ms_timer;
static bool five_hundred_ms_timer;
//Emergency mode flag. Toggled on pad connected/disconnected
static bool emergency_mode;
//Critical section is entered (i.e.: when accessing fopen() or other BIOS functions
static volatile bool system_busy;
//Timer array.
static TYPE_TIMER timer_array[SYSTEM_MAX_TIMERS];
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: void SystemInit(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Calls main intialization routines.
* @remarks: To be called before main loop.
* *******************************************************************/
void SystemInit(void)
//Reset global timer
global_timer = 0;
//Reset 1 second timer
one_second_timer = 0;
//PSXSDK init
//Graphics init
//Clear VRAM
//Set Video Resolution
#ifdef _PAL_MODE_
#endif //_PAL_MODE_
//SPU init
//Reset all user-handled timers
//Pads init
//Set Drawing Environment
//Set Display Environment
//Set VBlank Handler for screen refresh
//Set Primitive List
// Init memory card
//Initial value for system_busy
system_busy = false;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: void SystemInit(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief:
* Calls srand() while avoiding multiple calls by setting internal
* variable rand_seed to true. Internal variable "global_timer" is
* used to generate the new seed.
* @remarks:
* It is recommended to call it once user has pressed any key.
* *******************************************************************/
void SystemSetRandSeed(void)
if(rand_seed == false)
rand_seed = true;
//Set random seed using global timer as reference
srand((unsigned int)global_timer);
dprintf("Seed used: %d\n",(unsigned int)global_timer);
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: bool SystemIsRandSeedSet(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief:
* Reportedly, returns whether rand seed has already been set.
* @remarks:
* @return:
* Reportedly, returns whether rand seed has already been set.
* *******************************************************************/
bool SystemIsRandSeedSet(void)
return rand_seed;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: bool SystemRefreshNeeded(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief:
* @remarks:
* @return:
* Returns whether VSync flag has been enabled.
* *******************************************************************/
bool SystemRefreshNeeded(void)
return refresh_needed;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: void ISR_SystemDefaultVBlank(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief:
* @remarks:
* Called from VSync interrupt. Called 50 times a second in PAL mode,
* 60 times a second in NTSC mode.
* *******************************************************************/
void ISR_SystemDefaultVBlank(void)
refresh_needed = true;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: void SystemIncreaseGlobalTimer(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief:
* Increases internal variable responsible for time handling.
* @remarks:
* Usually called from ISR_SystemDefaultVBlank().
* *******************************************************************/
void SystemIncreaseGlobalTimer(void)
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: uint64_t SystemGetGlobalTimer(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Returns internal global timer value.
* *******************************************************************/
uint64_t SystemGetGlobalTimer(void)
return global_timer;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: void SystemDisableScreenRefresh(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Resets VBlank IRQ flag.
* *******************************************************************/
void SystemDisableScreenRefresh(void)
refresh_needed = false;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: bool System1SecondTick(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: bool variable with a 1-cycle-length pulse that gets
* set each second.
* *******************************************************************/
bool System1SecondTick(void)
return one_second_timer;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name: bool System100msTick(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: bool variable with a 1-cycle-length pulse that gets
* set every 100 milliseconds.
* *******************************************************************/
bool System100msTick(void)
return hundred_ms_timer;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name bool System500msTick(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: bool variable with a 1-cycle-length pulse that gets
* set every 500 milliseconds.
* *******************************************************************/
bool System500msTick(void)
return five_hundred_ms_timer;
/* *******************************************************************
* @name void SystemRunTimers(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: general timer handler
* @remarks: 1 second, 500 ms and 100 ms ticks get updated here.
* *******************************************************************/
void SystemRunTimers(void)
static uint64_t last_one_second_tick;
static uint64_t last_100_ms_tick;
static uint64_t last_500_ms_tick;
SystemCheckTimer(&one_second_timer, &last_one_second_tick, REFRESH_FREQUENCY);
#ifdef _PAL_MODE_
SystemCheckTimer(&hundred_ms_timer, &last_100_ms_tick, 2 /* 2 * 50 ms = 100 ms */);
SystemCheckTimer(&five_hundred_ms_timer, &last_500_ms_tick, 10 /* 10 * 50 ms = 500 ms */);
#else // _PAL_MODE_
SystemCheckTimer(&hundred_ms_timer, &last_100_ms_tick, 3);
#endif // _PAL_MODE_
/* ********************************************************************************
* @name void SystemCheckTimer(bool* timer, uint64_t* last_timer, uint8_t step)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Checks if needed time step has been elapsed. If true, flag gets set.
* *******************************************************************************/
void SystemCheckTimer(bool* timer, uint64_t* last_timer, uint8_t step)
if(*timer == true)
*timer = false;
if(global_timer >= (*last_timer + step) )
*timer = true;
*last_timer = global_timer;
/* ****************************************************************************************
* @name bool SystemLoadFileToBuffer(char* fname, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t szBuffer)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Given an input path, it fills a buffer pointed to by "buffer" with
* maximum size "szBuffer" with data from CD-ROM.
* @return: true if file has been loaded successfully, false otherwise.
* ****************************************************************************************/
bool SystemLoadFileToBuffer(char* fname, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t szBuffer)
FILE *f;
int32_t size;
// Wait for possible previous operation from the GPU before entering this section.
while( (SystemIsBusy() == true) || (GfxIsGPUBusy() == true) );
if(fname == NULL)
dprintf("SystemLoadFile: NULL fname!\n");
return false;
system_busy = true;
f = fopen(fname, "r");
if(f == NULL)
dprintf("SystemLoadFile: file could not be found!\n");
//File couldn't be found
return false;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(f);
if(size > szBuffer)
dprintf("SystemLoadFile: Exceeds file buffer size (%d bytes)\n",size);
//Bigger than 128 kB (buffer's max size)
return false;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); //f->pos = 0;
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), size, f);
system_busy = false;
dprintf("File \"%s\" loaded successfully!\n",fname);
return true;
/* ****************************************************************************************
* @name bool SystemLoadFile(char*fname)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Given an input file name, it loads its conents into internal buffer.
* @return: true if file has been loaded successfully, false otherwise.
* ****************************************************************************************/
bool SystemLoadFile(char*fname)
return SystemLoadFileToBuffer(fname,file_buffer,sizeof(file_buffer));
/* ******************************************************************
* @name uint8_t* SystemGetBufferAddress(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: Reportedly, returns internal buffer initial address.
* *****************************************************************/
uint8_t* SystemGetBufferAddress(void)
return file_buffer;
/* ******************************************************************
* @name void SystemClearBuffer(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: Fills internal buffer with zeros
* *****************************************************************/
void SystemClearBuffer(void)
memset(file_buffer, 0, sizeof(file_buffer));
/* ******************************************************************
* @name void SystemWaitCycles(uint32_t cycles)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: halts program execution for n-"cycles"
* *****************************************************************/
void SystemWaitCycles(uint32_t cycles)
uint64_t currentTime = global_timer;
while(global_timer < (currentTime + cycles) );
/* ******************************************************************
* @name uint32_t SystemRand(uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: random number between "min" and "max".
* @remarks: rand seed must be set before using this function, or
* you will predictable values otherwise!
* *****************************************************************/
uint32_t SystemRand(uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
return rand() % (max - min + 1) + min;
/* ***********************************************************************
* @name void SystemSetEmergencyMode(bool value)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: Sets emergency mode flag.
* @remarks: emergency mode is set once that a controller is unplugged.
* ***********************************************************************/
void SystemSetEmergencyMode(bool value)
emergency_mode = value;
/* ***********************************************************************
* @name bool SystemGetEmergencyMode(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: returns emergency mode flag.
* ***********************************************************************/
bool SystemGetEmergencyMode(void)
return emergency_mode;
/* ***********************************************************************
* @name volatile bool SystemIsBusy(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @return: returns system busy flag.
* ***********************************************************************/
volatile bool SystemIsBusy(void)
return system_busy;
/* ****************************************************************************
* @name bool SystemContains_u8(uint8_t value, uint8_t* buffer, size_t sz)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: checks if a certain value is contained in a buffer with size "sz".
* @return: true if value is contained inside buffer, false otherwise.
* ****************************************************************************/
bool SystemContains_u8(uint8_t value, uint8_t* buffer, size_t sz)
size_t i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(buffer[i] == value)
return true;
return false;
/* ****************************************************************************
* @name bool SystemContains_u16(uint16_t value, uint16_t* buffer, size_t sz)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: checks if a certain value is contained in a buffer with size "sz".
* Variant for u16 variables.
* @return: true if value is contained inside buffer, false otherwise.
* ****************************************************************************/
bool SystemContains_u16(uint16_t value, uint16_t* buffer, size_t sz)
size_t i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(buffer[i] == value)
return true;
return false;
/* ********************************************************************************************
* @name TYPE_TIMER* SystemCreateTimer(uint32_t t, bool rf, void (*timer_callback)(void) )
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: fills a TYPE_TIMER structure with input parameters
* @param: uint32_t t:
* Timeout value (1 unit = 10 ms)
* bool rf:
* Repeat flag
* void (*timer_callback)(void)
* Function to be called on timeout
* @return: pointer to TYPE_TIMER structure if filled correctly, NULL pointer otherwise.
* ********************************************************************************************/
TYPE_TIMER* SystemCreateTimer(uint32_t t, bool rf, void (*timer_callback)(void) )
bool success = false;
uint8_t i;
if(t == 0)
dprintf("Cannot create timer with time == 0!\n");
return NULL;
for(i = 0; i < SYSTEM_MAX_TIMERS; i++)
if(timer_array[i].busy == false)
timer_array[i].Timeout_Callback = timer_callback;
timer_array[i].time = t;
timer_array[i].orig_time = t;
timer_array[i].repeat_flag = rf;
timer_array[i].busy = true;
success = true;
if(success == false)
dprintf("Could not find any free timer!\n");
return NULL;
return &timer_array[i];
/* *******************************************
* @name void SystemResetTimers(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: reportedly, removes all timers.
* *******************************************/
void SystemResetTimers(void)
uint8_t i;
for(i = 0; i < SYSTEM_MAX_TIMERS; i++)
/* *****************************************************
* @name void SystemUserTimersHandler(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: reportedly, handles all available timers.
* @remarks: calls callback on timeout.
* *****************************************************/
void SystemUserTimersHandler(void)
uint8_t i;
for(i = 0; i < SYSTEM_MAX_TIMERS; i++)
if(timer_array[i].busy == true)
if(System100msTick() == true)
if(timer_array[i].time == 0)
if(timer_array[i].repeat_flag == true)
timer_array[i].time = timer_array[i].orig_time;
// Clean timer data
timer_array[i].busy = false;
timer_array[i].orig_time = 0;
timer_array[i].Timeout_Callback = NULL;
/* *********************************************************************
* @name void SystemUserTimersHandler(void)
* @author: Xavier Del Campo
* @brief: sets time left for TYPE_TIMER instance to initial value.
* @remarks: specially used when TYPE_TIMER.rf is enabled.
* *********************************************************************/
void SystemTimerRestart(TYPE_TIMER* timer)
timer->time = timer->orig_time;
void SystemTimerRemove(TYPE_TIMER* timer)
timer->time = 0;
timer->orig_time = 0;
timer->Timeout_Callback = NULL;
timer->busy = false;
timer->repeat_flag = false;
bool SystemArrayCompare(unsigned short* arr1, unsigned short* arr2, size_t sz)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(arr1[i] != arr2[i])
return false;
return true;
void SystemPrintStackPointerAddress(void)
#ifdef PSXSDK_DEBUG // Used to avoid unused variable warning
void * ptr = NULL;
fix16_t used_bytes = fix16_from_int((int)((void*)BEGIN_STACK_ADDRESS - (void*)&ptr));
fix16_t stackPercent = fix16_sdiv(used_bytes,fix16_from_int((int)STACK_SIZE));
stackPercent = fix16_smul(stackPercent, fix16_from_int((int)100));
dprintf("stackPercent: %d\n", stackPercent);
dprintf("Stack begin pointer: 0x%08X\n"
"Stack pointer address: 0x%08X\n"
"Used %d%% of stack size.\n"
"\tUsed bytes: %d\n",
fix16_to_int(used_bytes) );
#endif // PSXSDK_DEBUG
void SystemCheckStack(void)
uint32_t * ptrStack = BEGIN_STACK_ADDRESS;
uint32_t data;
ptrStack -= STACK_SIZE;
data = (*ptrStack);
dprintf("Stack overflow?\n");
void SystemSetStackPattern(void)
uint32_t * ptrStack = BEGIN_STACK_ADDRESS;
ptrStack -= STACK_SIZE;
int32_t SystemIndexOfStringArray(char* str, char** array)
int32_t i;
for(i = 0; array[i] != NULL; i++)
dprintf("String to find: %s\nEntry: %s\n", str, array[i]);
if(strcmp(str, array[i]) == 0)
dprintf("Match! Returning index %d...\n", i);
return i;
return -1;
int32_t SystemIndexOf_U16(uint16_t value, uint16_t* array, uint32_t sz)
int32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(value == array[i])
return i;
return -1;
int32_t SystemIndexOf_U8(uint8_t value, uint8_t* array, uint32_t from, uint32_t sz)
int32_t i;
for(i = from; i < sz; i++)
if(value == array[i])
return i;
return -1;
void SystemCyclicHandler(void)
if(UpdatePads() == false)
void SystemDisableVBlankInterrupt(void)
I_MASK &= ~(0x0001);
void SystemEnableVBlankInterrupt(void)
I_MASK |= (0x0001);