Bring cdriso.c up to date to enable CCDDA

This commit is contained in:
Stelios Tsampas 2017-07-10 20:59:31 +03:00
parent d880179b2a
commit 8f19dd4bc9
5 changed files with 383 additions and 313 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ macosx/build

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ PCSX-Reloaded Authors/Contributors: avlex (Help on xcode project)
edgbla (Root counters, SIO1, various core/plugin fixes)
Firnis (GTE code from PCSX-Revolution Project)
Hopkat (Sound plugin improvements, core fixes)
iSage (compressed CD-DA, migration to CMake)
Gabriele Gorla (MDEC decoder)
MaddTheSane (Various bugfixes)
maggix (Snow Leopard compile fix)

View File

@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ if test "$BUILD_CCDDA" = "yes"; then
AC_CHECK_LIB([avcodec], [main], [LIBS="$LIBS -lavcodec"], AC_MSG_ERROR("No avcodec library"))
AC_CHECK_LIB([avutil], [main], [LIBS="$LIBS -lavutil"], AC_MSG_ERROR("No avutil library"))
AC_CHECK_LIB([avformat], [main], [LIBS="$LIBS -lavformat"], AC_MSG_ERROR("No avformat library"))
AC_CHECK_LIB([swresample], [main], [LIBS="$LIBS -lswresample"], AC_MSG_ERROR("No swresample library"))
#AC_CHECK_LIB(avcodec ,[main],AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBAVCODEC], [1], [ ]),AC_MSG_ERROR([$errormsgl]))
#AC_CHECK_LIB(swscale ,[main],AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSWSCALE], [1], [ ]),AC_MSG_ERROR([$errormsgl]), [-lavutil])
#AC_CHECK_LIB(avdevice ,[main],AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBAVDEVICE], [1], [ ]),AC_MSG_ERROR([$errormsgl]), [-lavcodec -lavutil -lavformat])

View File

@ -4,25 +4,25 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -DLOCALE_DIR=\"${datadir}/locale/\" \
noinst_LIBRARIES = libpcsxcore.a
libpcsxcore_a_SOURCES = \
psxbios.c \
cdrom.c \
psxcounters.c \
psxdma.c \
disr3000a.c \
gpu.c \
gpu.h \
spu.c \
sio.c \
psxhw.c \
mdec.c \
psxmem.c \
misc.c \
plugins.c \
decode_xa.c \
r3000a.c \
psxinterpreter.c \
gte.c \
psxhle.c \
psxbios.c \
cdrom.c \
psxcounters.c \
psxdma.c \
disr3000a.c \
gpu.c \
gpu.h \
spu.c \
sio.c \
psxhw.c \
mdec.c \
psxmem.c \
misc.c \
plugins.c \
decode_xa.c \
r3000a.c \
psxinterpreter.c \
gte.c \
psxhle.c \
cdrom.h \
coff.h \
debug.c \
@ -68,35 +68,35 @@ libpcsxcore_a_SOURCES = \
if ARCH_X86_64
libpcsxcore_a_SOURCES += \
ix86_64/iGte.h \
ix86_64/iR3000A-64.c \
ix86_64/ix86-64.c \
ix86_64/ix86-64.h \
ix86_64/ix86_cpudetect.c \
ix86_64/ix86_fpu.c \
ix86_64/ix86_3dnow.c \
ix86_64/ix86_mmx.c \
ix86_64/ix86_sse.c \
ix86_64/iGte.h \
ix86_64/iR3000A-64.c \
ix86_64/ix86-64.c \
ix86_64/ix86-64.h \
ix86_64/ix86_cpudetect.c \
ix86_64/ix86_fpu.c \
ix86_64/ix86_3dnow.c \
ix86_64/ix86_mmx.c \
ix86_64/ix86_sse.c \
if ARCH_X86
libpcsxcore_a_SOURCES += \
ix86/iGte.h \
ix86/iR3000A.c \
ix86/ix86.c \
ix86/ix86.h \
ix86/iGte.h \
ix86/iR3000A.c \
ix86/ix86.c \
ix86/ix86.h \
libpcsxcore_a_SOURCES += \
ppc/pGte.h \
ppc/pR3000A.c \
ppc/ppc.c \
ppc/ppc.h \
ppc/ppc_mnemonics.h \
ppc/reguse.c \
ppc/pGte.h \
ppc/pR3000A.c \
ppc/ppc.c \
ppc/ppc.h \
ppc/ppc_mnemonics.h \
ppc/reguse.c \
libpcsxcore_a_CCASFLAGS = -x assembler-with-cpp -mregnames -D__POWERPC__

View File

@ -40,14 +40,11 @@
#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "libavutil/mathematics.h"
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libavutil/timestamp.h>
#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
#include <libswresample/swresample.h>
#define INBUF_SIZE 4096
unsigned int cdrIsoMultidiskCount;
@ -88,8 +85,6 @@ static struct {
} *compr_img;
int (*cdimg_read_func)(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector);
static int cdread_normal(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector);
static int cdread_ecm_decode(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector);
char* CALLBACK CDR__getDriveLetter(void);
long CALLBACK CDR__configure(void);
@ -106,9 +101,6 @@ struct trackinfo {
u8 length[3]; // MSF-format
FILE *handle; // for multi-track images CDDA
enum {NONE=0, BIN=1, CCDDA=2
} cddatype; // BIN, WAV, MP3, APE
void* decoded_buffer;
u32 len_decoded_buffer;
@ -169,17 +161,6 @@ static int get_cdda_type(const char *str)
if (strncmp((str+lenstr-3), "bin", 3) == 0) {
return BIN;
else if (strncmp((str+lenstr-3), "mp3", 3) == 0) {
return MP3;
else if (strncmp((str+lenstr-3), "ape", 3) == 0) {
return APE;
else if (strncmp((str+lenstr-4), "flac", 4) == 0) {
return FLAC;
else {
return CCDDA;
@ -196,16 +177,17 @@ static int get_cdda_type(const char *str)
return BIN; // no valid extension or no support; assume bin
static int get_compressed_cdda_track_length(const char* filepath) {
int get_compressed_cdda_track_length(const char* filepath) {
int seconds = -1;
AVFormatContext * inAudioFormat = NULL;
inAudioFormat = avformat_alloc_context();
int errorCode = avformat_open_input(&inAudioFormat, filepath, NULL, NULL);
avformat_find_stream_info(inAudioFormat, NULL);
seconds = (int)(inAudioFormat->duration/AV_TIME_BASE);
seconds = (int)ceil((double)inAudioFormat->duration/(double)AV_TIME_BASE);
return seconds;
@ -213,132 +195,208 @@ static int get_compressed_cdda_track_length(const char* filepath) {
static int decode_compressed_cdda_track(FILE* outfile, const char* infilepath, s32 id) {
AVCodec *codec;
AVCodecContext *c=NULL;
AVFormatContext *inAudioFormat = NULL;
s32 len;
AVPacket avpkt;
AVFrame *decoded_frame = NULL;
s32 got_frame = 0, moreFrames = 1;
s32 audio_stream_index;
s32 ret;
inAudioFormat = avformat_alloc_context();
int errorCode = avformat_open_input(&inAudioFormat, infilepath, NULL, NULL);
if (errorCode) {
SysMessage(_("Audio file opening failed!\n"));
return errorCode;
int decode_packet(int *got_frame, AVPacket pkt, int audio_stream_idx, AVFrame* frame, AVCodecContext* audio_dec_ctx, void* buf, int* size, SwrContext* swr) {
int ret = 0;
int decoded = pkt.size;
*got_frame = 0;
if (pkt.stream_index == audio_stream_idx) {
ret = avcodec_decode_audio4(audio_dec_ctx, frame, got_frame, &pkt);
if (ret < 0) {
SysPrintf(_("Error decoding audio frame\n"));
return ret;
/* Some audio decoders decode only part of the packet, and have to be
* called again with the remainder of the packet data.
* Sample: fate-suite/lossless-audio/luckynight-partial.shn
* Also, some decoders might over-read the packet. */
decoded = FFMIN(ret, pkt.size);
if (*got_frame) {
size_t unpadded_linesize = frame->nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample(frame->format);
swr_convert(swr, (uint8_t**)&buf, frame->nb_samples, (const uint8_t **)frame->data, frame->nb_samples);
avformat_find_stream_info(inAudioFormat, NULL);
return decoded;
int open_codec_context(int *stream_idx, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, enum AVMediaType type) {
int ret, stream_index;
AVStream *st;
AVCodecContext *dec_ctx = NULL;
AVCodec *dec = NULL;
AVDictionary *opts = NULL;
ret = av_find_best_stream(fmt_ctx, type, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
/* select the audio stream */
ret = av_find_best_stream(inAudioFormat, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &codec, 0);
if (ret < 0) {
SysMessage(_("Couldn't find any audio stream in file\n"));
SysPrintf(_("Could not find %s stream in input file\n"),
return ret;
} else {
stream_index = ret;
st = fmt_ctx->streams[stream_index];
dec_ctx = st->codec;
dec = avcodec_find_decoder(dec_ctx->codec_id);
if (!dec) {
SysPrintf(_("Failed to find %s codec\n"),
/* Init the decoders, with or without reference counting */
if ((ret = avcodec_open2(dec_ctx, dec, NULL)) < 0) {
SysPrintf(_("Failed to open %s codec\n"),
return ret;
*stream_idx = stream_index;
audio_stream_index = ret;
c = inAudioFormat->streams[audio_stream_index]->codec;
av_opt_set_int(c, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
c->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
c->channels = 2;
c->sample_rate = 44100;
/* open it */
if (avcodec_open2(c, codec, NULL) < 0) {
SysMessage(_("Audio decoder opening failed. Compressed audio support not available.\n"));
return 3; // codec open failed
do {
if ((moreFrames=av_read_frame(inAudioFormat, &avpkt)) < 0) {// returns non-zero on error
if (avpkt.stream_index != audio_stream_index) {
if (!decoded_frame) {
if (!(decoded_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame())) {
SysMessage(_(" -> Error allocating audio frame buffer. This track will not be available."));
return 1; // error decoding frame
} else {
len = avcodec_decode_audio4(c, decoded_frame, &got_frame, &avpkt);
if (len > 0 && got_frame) {
/* if a frame has been decoded, output it */
int data_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, c->channels,
c->sample_fmt, 1);
//printf ("Channels %i/%i: %i -> %i/%i\n", len, data_size, decoded_frame->sample_rate, c->channels, c->sample_rate);
fwrite(decoded_frame->data[0], 1, data_size, outfile);
} while (moreFrames >= 0); // TODO: check for possible leaks
// file will be closed later on, now just flush it
// TODO not sure if all resources are freed...
return 0;
int decode_compressed_cdda_track(char* buf, char* src_filename, int* size) {
AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = NULL;
AVCodecContext *audio_dec_ctx;
AVStream *audio_stream = NULL;
int audio_stream_idx = -1;
AVFrame *frame = NULL;
AVPacket pkt;
SwrContext *resample_context;
int ret = 0, got_frame;
if (avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, src_filename, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
SysPrintf(_("Could not open source file %s\n"), src_filename);
return -1;
if (avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL) < 0) {
SysPrintf(_("Could not find stream information\n"));
ret = -1;
goto end;
if (open_codec_context(&audio_stream_idx, fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) >= 0) {
audio_stream = fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_idx];
audio_dec_ctx = audio_stream->codec;
if (!audio_stream) {
SysPrintf(_("Could not find audio stream in the input, aborting\n"));
ret = -1;
goto end;
// init and configure resampler
resample_context = swr_alloc();
if (!resample_context)
SysPrintf(_("Could not allocate resample context"));
ret = -1;
goto end;
av_opt_set_int(resample_context, "in_channel_layout", audio_dec_ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_int(resample_context, "out_channel_layout", AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO, 0);
av_opt_set_int(resample_context, "in_sample_rate", audio_dec_ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_int(resample_context, "out_sample_rate", 44100, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(resample_context, "in_sample_fmt", audio_dec_ctx->sample_fmt, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(resample_context, "out_sample_fmt", AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 0);
if (swr_init(resample_context) < 0)
SysPrintf(_("Could not open resample context"));
ret = -1;
goto end;
frame = av_frame_alloc();
if (!frame) {
SysPrintf(_("Could not allocate frame\n"));
goto end;
/* initialize packet, set data to NULL, let the demuxer fill it */
av_init_packet(&pkt); = NULL;
pkt.size = 0;
/* read frames from the file */
while (av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, &pkt) >= 0) {
AVPacket orig_pkt = pkt;
do {
ret = decode_packet(&got_frame, pkt, audio_stream_idx, frame, audio_dec_ctx, buf+(*size), size, resample_context);
if (ret < 0)
break; += ret;
pkt.size -= ret;
} while (pkt.size > 0);
/* flush cached frames */ = NULL;
pkt.size = 0;
do {
decode_packet(&got_frame, pkt, audio_stream_idx, frame, audio_dec_ctx, buf+(*size), size, resample_context);
} while (got_frame);
return ret < 0;
static int do_decode_cdda(struct trackinfo* tri, u32 tracknumber) {
int do_decode_cdda(struct trackinfo* tri, u32 tracknumber) {
return 4; // support is not compiled in
return 0; // support is not compiled in
tri->decoded_buffer = malloc(tri->len_decoded_buffer);
FILE* decoded_cdda = fmemopen(tri->decoded_buffer, tri->len_decoded_buffer, "wb");
if (decoded_cdda == NULL || tri->decoded_buffer == NULL) {
if (tri->decoded_buffer == NULL) {
SysMessage(_("Could not allocate memory to decode CDDA TRACK: %s\n"), tri->filepath);
fclose(tri->handle); // encoded file handle not needed anymore
tri->handle = fmemopen(NULL, 1, "rb"); // change handle to decoded one
tri->cddatype = BIN;
return 0;
fclose(tri->handle); // encoded file handle not needed anymore
int ret;
SysPrintf(_("Decoding audio tr#%u (%s)..."), tracknumber, tri->filepath);
// decode 2nd input param to 1st output param
if ((ret=decode_compressed_cdda_track(decoded_cdda, tri->filepath /*tri->handle*/, tri->cddatype)) == 0) {
int len1 = ftell(decoded_cdda);
if (len1 > tri->len_decoded_buffer) {
int len=0;
if ((ret=decode_compressed_cdda_track(tri->decoded_buffer, tri->filepath, &len)) == 0) {
if (len > tri->len_decoded_buffer) {
SysPrintf(_("Buffer overflow..."));
SysPrintf(_("Actual %i vs. %i estimated\n"), len, tri->len_decoded_buffer);
len = tri->len_decoded_buffer; // we probably segfaulted already, oh well...
//printf("actual %i vs. %i estimated", len1, tri->len_decoded_buffer);
fclose(decoded_cdda); // close wb file now and will be opened as rb
tri->handle = fmemopen(tri->decoded_buffer, len1, "rb"); // change handle to decoded one
tri->handle = fmemopen(tri->decoded_buffer, len, "rb"); // change handle to decoded one
SysPrintf(_("OK\n"), tri->filepath);
tri->cddatype = BIN;
return ret;
return len;
// this function tries to get the .toc file of the given .bin
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
char tocname[MAXPATHLEN];
char tocname[MAXPATHLEN], filename[MAXPATHLEN], *ptr;
FILE *fi;
char linebuf[256], tmp[256], name[256];
char *token;
@ -377,6 +435,14 @@ static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
strcpy(filename, tocname);
if ((ptr = strrchr(filename, '/')) == NULL)
ptr = strrchr(filename, '\\');
if (ptr == NULL)
*ptr = 0;
*(ptr + 1) = 0;
memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti));
cddaBigEndian = TRUE; // cdrdao uses big-endian for CD Audio
@ -427,6 +493,8 @@ static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
else {
sscanf(linebuf, "DATAFILE \"%[^\"]\" %8s", name, time);
tok2msf((char *)&time, (char *)&ti[numtracks].length);
strcat(filename, name);
ti[numtracks].handle = fopen(filename, "rb");
else if (!strcmp(token, "FILE")) {
@ -466,6 +534,8 @@ static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
if (numtracks > 0)
cdHandle = fopen(filename, "rb");
@ -473,160 +543,7 @@ static int parsetoc(const char *isofile) {
int(*cdimg_read_func_archive)(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector) = NULL;
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
struct archive *a = NULL;
u32 len_uncompressed_buffer = 0;
void *cdimage_buffer_mem = NULL;
FILE* cdimage_buffer = NULL; //cdHandle to store file
int aropen(FILE* fparchive, const char* _fn) {
s32 r;
u64 length = 0, length_peek;
boolean use_temp_file = FALSE; // TODO make a config param
static struct archive_entry *ae = NULL;
struct archive_entry *ae_peek;
if (a == NULL && cdimage_buffer == NULL) {
// We open file twice. First to peek sizes. This nastyness due used interface.
a = archive_read_new();
r = archive_read_support_compression_all(a);
r = archive_read_support_format_all(a);
//r = archive_read_support_filter_all(a);
//r = archive_read_support_format_raw(a);
//r = archive_read_open_FILE(a, archive);
archive_read_open_filename(a, _fn, 75 * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
SysPrintf("Archive open failed (%i).\n", r);
a = NULL;
return -1;
// Get the biggest file in archive
while ((r = archive_read_next_header(a, &ae_peek)) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
length_peek = archive_entry_size(ae_peek);
//printf("Entry canditate %s %i\n", archive_entry_pathname(ae_peek), length_peek);
length = MAX(length_peek, length);
ae = (ae == NULL ? ae_peek : ae);
if (ae == NULL) {
SysPrintf("Archive entry read failed (%i).\n", r);
a = NULL;
return -1;
//Now really open the file
a = archive_read_new();
r = archive_read_support_compression_all(a);
r = archive_read_support_format_all(a);
archive_read_open_filename(a, _fn, 75 * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
while ((r = archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
length_peek = archive_entry_size(ae);
if (length_peek == length) {
//ae = ae_peek;
SysPrintf(" -- Selected entry %s %i", archive_entry_pathname(ae), length);
len_uncompressed_buffer = length ? length : 700 * 1024 * 1024;
if (use_temp_file && (cdimage_buffer == NULL || cdHandle != cdimage_buffer)) {
cdimage_buffer = fopen("/tmp/pcsxr.tmp.bin", "w+b");
else if (!use_temp_file && (cdimage_buffer == NULL || cdHandle != cdimage_buffer)) {
if (cdimage_buffer_mem == NULL && ((cdimage_buffer_mem = malloc(len_uncompressed_buffer)) == NULL)) {
SysMessage("Could not reserve enough memory for full image buffer.\n");
//printf("Memory ok2 %u %p\n", len_uncompressed_buffer, cdimage_buffer_mem);
cdimage_buffer = fmemopen(cdimage_buffer_mem, len_uncompressed_buffer, "w+b");
else {
if (cdHandle != cdimage_buffer) {
fclose(cdHandle); // opened thru archive so this not needed anymore
cdHandle = cdimage_buffer;
return 0;
static int cdread_archive(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector)
s32 r;
size_t size;
size_t readsize;
static off_t offset = 0; // w/o read always or static/ftell
const void *buff;
// If not pointing to archive file but CDDA file or some other track
if (f != cdHandle) {
return cdimg_read_func_archive(f, base, dest, sector);
// Jump if already completely read
if (a != NULL /*&& (ecm_file_detected || sector*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW <= len_uncompressed_buffer)*/) {
readsize = (sector + 1) * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
for (fseek(cdimage_buffer, offset, SEEK_SET); offset < readsize;) {
r = archive_read_data_block(a, &buff, &size, &offset);
offset += size;
SysPrintf("ReadArchive seek:%u(%u) cur:%u(%u)\r", sector, readsize / 1024, offset / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, offset / 1024);
fwrite(buff, size, 1, cdimage_buffer);
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
//SysPrintf("End of archive.\n");
a = NULL;
readsize = offset;
fseek(cdimage_buffer, 0, SEEK_SET);
else {
//SysPrintf("ReadSectorArchSector: %u(%u)\n", sector, sector*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
// TODO what causes req sector to be greater than CD size?
r = cdimg_read_func_archive(cdimage_buffer, base, dest, sector);
return r;
int handlearchive(const char *isoname, s32* accurate_length) {
u32 read_size = accurate_length ? MSF2SECT(70, 70, 16) : MSF2SECT(0, 0, 16);
int ret = -1;
if ((ret = aropen(cdHandle, isoname)) == 0) {
cdimg_read_func = cdread_archive;
if (!ecm_file_detected) {
//Detect ECM inside archive
cdimg_read_func_archive = cdread_normal;
cdread_archive(cdHandle, 0, cdbuffer, read_size);
if (handleecm("test.ecm", cdimage_buffer, accurate_length) != -1) {
cdimg_read_func_archive = cdread_ecm_decode;
cdimg_read_func = cdread_archive;
else {
return ret;
int aropen(FILE* fparchive, const char* _fn) { return -1; }
static int cdread_archive(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector) { return -1; }
int handlearchive(const char *isoname, s32* accurate_length) { return -1; }
int handlearchive(const char *isoname, s32* accurate_length);
// this function tries to get the .cue file of the given .bin
// the necessary data is put into the ti (trackinformation)-array
static int parsecue(const char *isofile) {
@ -717,9 +634,8 @@ static int parsecue(const char *isofile) {
// Send to decoder if not lazy decoding
if (!lazy_decode) {
do_decode_cdda(&(ti[numtracks]), numtracks);
fseek(ti[numtracks].handle, 0, SEEK_END);
file_len = ftell(ti[numtracks].handle) / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; // accurate length
file_len = do_decode_cdda(&(ti[numtracks]), numtracks) / CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
@ -1646,6 +1562,157 @@ int handleecm(const char *isoname, FILE* cdh, s32* accurate_length) {
return -1;
int (*cdimg_read_func_archive)(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector) = NULL;
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
struct archive *a = NULL;
u32 len_uncompressed_buffer = 0;
void *cdimage_buffer_mem = NULL;
FILE* cdimage_buffer = NULL; //cdHandle to store file
int aropen(FILE* fparchive, const char* _fn) {
s32 r;
u64 length = 0, length_peek;
boolean use_temp_file = FALSE; // TODO make a config param
static struct archive_entry *ae=NULL;
struct archive_entry *ae_peek;
if (a == NULL && cdimage_buffer == NULL) {
// We open file twice. First to peek sizes. This nastyness due used interface.
a = archive_read_new();
// r = archive_read_support_filter_all(a);
r = archive_read_support_format_all(a);
//r = archive_read_support_filter_all(a);
//r = archive_read_support_format_raw(a);
//r = archive_read_open_FILE(a, archive);
archive_read_open_filename(a, _fn, 75*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
SysPrintf("Archive open failed (%i).\n", r);
a = NULL;
return -1;
// Get the biggest file in archive
while ((r=archive_read_next_header(a, &ae_peek)) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
length_peek = archive_entry_size(ae_peek);
//printf("Entry canditate %s %i\n", archive_entry_pathname(ae_peek), length_peek);
length = MAX(length_peek, length);
ae = (ae == NULL ? ae_peek : ae);
if (ae == NULL) {
SysPrintf("Archive entry read failed (%i).\n", r);
a = NULL;
return -1;
//Now really open the file
a = archive_read_new();
// r = archive_read_support_compression_all(a);
r = archive_read_support_format_all(a);
archive_read_open_filename(a, _fn, 75*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
while ((r=archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
length_peek = archive_entry_size(ae);
if (length_peek == length) {
//ae = ae_peek;
SysPrintf(" -- Selected entry %s %i", archive_entry_pathname(ae), length);
len_uncompressed_buffer = length?length:700*1024*1024;
if (use_temp_file && (cdimage_buffer == NULL || cdHandle != cdimage_buffer)) {
cdimage_buffer = fopen("/tmp/pcsxr.tmp.bin", "w+b");
else if (!use_temp_file && (cdimage_buffer == NULL || cdHandle != cdimage_buffer)) {
if (cdimage_buffer_mem == NULL && ((cdimage_buffer_mem = malloc(len_uncompressed_buffer)) == NULL)) {
SysMessage("Could not reserve enough memory for full image buffer.\n");
//printf("Memory ok2 %u %p\n", len_uncompressed_buffer, cdimage_buffer_mem);
cdimage_buffer = fmemopen(cdimage_buffer_mem, len_uncompressed_buffer, "w+b");
} else {
if (cdHandle != cdimage_buffer) {
fclose(cdHandle); // opened thru archive so this not needed anymore
cdHandle = cdimage_buffer;
return 0;
static int cdread_archive(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector)
s32 r;
size_t size;
size_t readsize;
static off_t offset = 0; // w/o read always or static/ftell
const void *buff;
// If not pointing to archive file but CDDA file or some other track
if(f != cdHandle) {
return cdimg_read_func_archive(f, base, dest, sector);
// Jump if already completely read
if (a != NULL /*&& (ecm_file_detected || sector*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW <= len_uncompressed_buffer)*/) {
readsize = (sector+1) * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
for (fseek(cdimage_buffer, offset, SEEK_SET); offset < readsize;) {
r = archive_read_data_block(a, &buff, &size, &offset);
offset += size;
SysPrintf("ReadArchive seek:%u(%u) cur:%u(%u)\r", sector, readsize/1024, offset/CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW, offset/1024);
fwrite(buff, size, 1, cdimage_buffer);
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
//SysPrintf("End of archive.\n");
a = NULL;
readsize = offset;
fseek(cdimage_buffer, 0, SEEK_SET);
} else {
//SysPrintf("ReadSectorArchSector: %u(%u)\n", sector, sector*CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW);
// TODO what causes req sector to be greater than CD size?
r = cdimg_read_func_archive(cdimage_buffer, base, dest, sector);
return r;
int handlearchive(const char *isoname, s32* accurate_length) {
u32 read_size = accurate_length?MSF2SECT(70,70,16) : MSF2SECT(0,0,16);
int ret = -1;
if ((ret=aropen(cdHandle, isoname)) == 0) {
cdimg_read_func = cdread_archive;
if (!ecm_file_detected) {
//Detect ECM inside archive
cdimg_read_func_archive = cdread_normal;
cdread_archive(cdHandle, 0, cdbuffer, read_size);
if (handleecm("test.ecm", cdimage_buffer, accurate_length) != -1) {
cdimg_read_func_archive = cdread_ecm_decode;
cdimg_read_func = cdread_archive;
} else {
return ret;
int aropen(FILE* fparchive, const char* _fn) {return -1;}
static int cdread_archive(FILE *f, unsigned int base, void *dest, int sector) {return -1;}
int handlearchive(const char *isoname, s32* accurate_length) {return -1;}
static unsigned char * CALLBACK ISOgetBuffer_compr(void) {
return compr_img->buff_raw[compr_img->sector_in_blk] + 12;